Can women from the FSU come to other countries or is the visa/passport issue to hard? Why are all the men going to see them? I am ignorant and do not know the answers. Also, is this site a "reliable" site, and I know women can decieve, really, serious, jk, but, I could imaging this site being a total scam... Please advise!
Can you travel internationally without a passport?
Visa's, not too many countries they can travel to without a visa.
There are many ladies, well more likely men pretyending to be ladies, suggesting that they travel to you but that involves one sending $$$ via Western Union only never to see the lady/man, or indeed your money, ever again, it's a scam.
Yes, of course they can, although it can be quite hard for them to get a visa to the US or Canada for instance, Europe is much easier in this respect. Why they mostly don't go? Well, for one thing, it's quite expensive, secondly, it's their safety they are worried about and thirdly, many feel it's the men who has to take that first step and venture abroad to meet them.
About the site- yes, it's a reliable website, try and see for yourself, whenever you have a question - feel free to write to - they will report back asap.
Hello Paul Badpenny started a thread that listed quite a few countries ladies in the Fsu could go to at