So after my last bout with FSU women (4 years and counting), I think I've had it for now with them. Time to try something different.
So here's my story. I've been in this game for 4 years now - written thousands of letters, made hundreds of phone calls, visited the FSU 6 times. I thought I knew the rules by now.
Boy, was I wrong.
Met a genuine beautiful woman (inside and out, I thought) from Pinsk, Belarus via last summer and things went well. We started talking on the phone and then every day on the phone, sometimes for hours. Things progressed well, we hit it off immediately on the phone, letters, text messages - things were good. I went to visit her in October 2007 and she was even better in person - a wonderful woman in every way, very affectionate, never asked for anything - just perfect.
Towards the end of last year, we started talking about possibly marriage and again - all good. Over the months, there were a few minor issues with her keeping in touch but otherwise, all was as perfect as you could ask for.
Then, BAM!, in February 2008, I get a text message that she met someone else, and BTW - have a nice life!!!
Let me wondering how someone so beautiful could be so base.
Just to clarify - she is NOT/was NOT a scammer. Not at all. Just a liar and a cheater, but not a scammer.
My point to this long diatribe is I'm thinking of looking in the Czech Republic, but all of the agencies I have found via Google are outlandishly expensive - as in obscenely expensive.
Does anyone know of a Czech/Bulgarian/Eastern European agency that works like - via subscription and not pay per letter/buy addresses or via ripoff "love tours"???
The problem is thatv so many of those countries are now in the EU the nationals of those countries can move pretty freely to other EU countries, they don't need an international saviour to 'rescue' them.
EG, your story and mine are practically the same. In the past 12 months I have been to Ukraine on 5 occasions and met 11 different women. I have come pretty much to the conclusion that the women (the attractive ones at least) are no longer obtainable.
I met one girl from Kiev who has been my muse. At first everything went great and thought I had cracked it, but then she dropped the "I've met someone else thing on me too".
My conclusions - Ukraine (and I imagine Belarus and Russia are the same) is far from the shit hole that people seem to think it is and as such the women, although happy to let you take them out in their own country, no longer want to leave for what in most cases will only be for a marginally better life in terms of standard of living.
Romania is quite good as and is part of the Eu now as well I have a friend recently engaged to a Romanian girl he met online. I have been to Czech Republic 5 times and I dont think they are overly attracted to Westerners given a choice id say they would stay with their own and like said earlier they are free to travel around Europe as well so arnt looked for anyone to whisk them away.