I don't know if this will pass the moderator - but has anyone here read the Game, heard of Mystery, Sinn etc, and if so has anyone tried this "stuff" in Ukraine & Russian Federation and compared it to say the UK, USA, AUS, D, etc?
yes, I ve read The Game, by Neil Strauss, a very entertaining book. If you've read the book you may note that maybe as many as a half dozen girls that were discussed were from East Euro; however, the book is mainly geared towards girls from the west, spec. the US.
I live in Ukraine and personally, I dont think their tactics are designed for these girls, just my feelings. I think communication is much more important than pick up tecniques, and I don't mean speaking Russian, albeit, this helps. Drop me a PM if you want to discuss this further.
I'm familiar with "The Game" and books like it. They are written for frustrated males who see others who are much more successful at scoring than they are. Guys like this are known to size up their "competition" and looking for some magical difference in technique that would account for the difference. Surely, they figure, there must be something. And so they buy books like this as alternatives to blow-up dolls, and spend their Saturday nights reading in the hope that NEXT Saturday night they will say or do the right thing and have women melt in their arms.
Well in the FSU its an enitirely different world. You already HAVE an advantage most of the time by simply being from a more prosperous country. (Its the truth.) You will also have more money you can spend, most likely. These are two very similar but actually different advantages.
The pop-psychology games won't work (actually they never really work anywhere) as the women are so different than their western counterparts. They can smell a phoney from a mile away - and they have different needs, wants and ideas of romance.
Thanks Jetmba thats what I thought. I live now in Croatia and Montenegro and met one of the so-called gurus from the town I work in(a guy called Badboy) who uses a different style from the US pick up artists but one which is apparently becoming more popular in the US and West.
I don't frequent Western women because I haven't lived in the West for many years now and rarely return there so I can't vouch on the success of any system in the West or on the needs and wants of Western women at all.
But yes, I agree with you that where I live and have lived (Romania, Croatia, Montenegro) for the past few years, women are more interested in communication, romance, attention to details, genuinenness, trust etc rather than on phoney pick-up lines. I guess then women from FSU are in this respect similar to the women from Southern Eastern Europe and Balkans.