getting married on the 10th of may in Ukraine very excited as you can guess! Im 32 shes 25 ,,anyone married in Ukraine any suggestions or tips! not a great dancer well when im out with the guys I am she told me after we are going dancing should i get lessons haha
What city are you getting married in. I know of at least two of us other than you that will be in Ukraine at that time. I am going to start out in Dnepr and may stay there the whole time if things go right if not may wander up to Kharkov to finish the trip.
Danny, from your posts you are way off base. All this bitterness and anger you have towards FSU women is really going to attract a nice lady. Why are you even looking there?
Congrats Colin. Dancing lessons would be a good idea, to her it will be very important. I didn't bother but it would have been a good idea looking back. And its a good sign she wants you to dance well as if what danny3777 beleives she won't care if you could dance. Getting drunk enough to think you can dance doesn't work either.
I'd say danny3777 is into the advanced classes of "good vodka drinking lessons". I've got to beleive he was suddying for a final when he wrote that lat post.
danny3777: "Friends don't let friends post drunk."
lol danny getting drunk isnt kewl couple social drinks is fine!I like a couple of beers the same as anyone and the odd vodka getting drunk does nothing for me and just let me down. She told her mother I dont drink already the mother is very big anti drink and anti smoking when I met her she said bravo bravo for the no drinking smoking me..(i dont smoke at least) so I have to be good ,,,,lots of friends coming and my sister and her bf as well I think, so should be a good time. I had to just get a letter from my Consular saying I was never married and this had to be authenticated with a place and date of marriage given. Later we are going to Kiev and apply for Visa etc which Ive been told takes 10 days I have to bring bank statements etc with me. If all goes to plan then we head to Hungary for a few days where my brother lives with his Hungarian gf and my girl has alot of family there as well as her dad was Hungarian. Then a flight back home.The City Is Uzhgorod, Thanks for all your support guys its very appreciated ,,,, And I agree with EG that type of attitude you wont get a Western lady let alone a FSU lady......
well i dont evern drink ... i just tell you what i see here in kazan . i smoke , my russian family hate it . but thats bad luck that is me that is what i do . i bame to this site beccouse i have nothing to do while my russian girl is at work , im new to this city . i just feel sorry for you guys trying to meet a girl . you listen to all the rubbish said on the computer and just get scammed and tricked .or you just find the woman that wants a ticket to "what they think is a better place . you all use your western money to win the woman . and you all do the "right thing " just be yourselves its the only way .
eg who cares if the mother doesnt like drinking or smoking .
are you getting married to her mother
'Finally met her and really liked her alot and no not in love but could see that happening very easily'
.......but asked her to marry me during the one week there.....
This was from 3/5/08....Colin, in a months time now you are getting married???? To each his own, it is your life but I now understand why so many marriages don't work out. How do you know someone from sending letters off and on for a few months and go meet for 1 week and now getting married, guess it is not sacred anymore. Things are great when on honeymoon( meeting girl for a short time) but best way to know girl is see her in a crisis, how does she react, maybe she needs money and asks?? I wonder how many guys get married to a foreign girl after a short courtship and eventually divorce because they are not for each other or she had other plans??? I don't believe in one trip wonders, I need to know girl as much as possible but that is only me. I hope you do not become a statistic and live happily ever after but odds are it will not work out. Don't want to rain on your parade, wish you the best and good luck!!!
danny you are Australian and you don't drink, did they or your country boot you out for been different:)
everyone dose there thing different and i may not agree with colins way of doing things,, but remember he is Irish, and they do tell good stories, they gotto come from somewhere:)
how did you end up in Kazan, there must of been some kind of internet carry on or you just landed in Moscow jumped on a train and kasam..
how long you reckon you will be there for?
hey danny, this fly into Kazan thing has me interested,, did you go via Moscow or not,, what airlines do you use mainly or dose it not matter to you..
i am looking at Singapore airlines because of the one stop in Singapore to Moscow and they are a less of a stuff around for changing flight plans for me without major costs while I'm in Russia for I'm thinking of stopping in at Zurich on way home maybe,, but this Kazan thing has me interested,,, how do you work it.. in your flights,,i don't mind stopping off in Aussie,,, i gotta book with in the next week.
yeah mate there basic food is missing some good flavours but i think their dirt doesn't have the goodies like ours to grow good rich food,, its possible why we are getting taller here and they are getting smaller in body height there,,, they possibly don't have the minerals in the ground they should have...hey saying that even some of ya aussie meat is loosing it to,, grain fed crap like American meat,, terrible tasteless stuff:)
that sounds good danny, cheers for that, yes I've been through Frankfurt via Ukraine.
yeah Singapore dose Dubai.
i think i will stay with Moscow.. and travel down by train. gotta stand in the square eyeing up that big gun,, even if it is a pretend gun...
yeah mate love the stuff,, dynamite, just a little hard to get since 9,11.
its more very few outlets sell it now really... great stuff for the tool the 4x4.. makes most rocks and banks passable:)) ohh yeah and good fishing:)
my direction was the Kurks area and little Ukraine, but if i get at a loose end, yeah mate cheers for that..
Korean Air - Seoul -- Moscow. Free night in Heritage Hotel in Seoul on way over. Good flight option Auckland – Moscow.
I just got 2 adult return tickets for $4173 – Auckland – Hong Kong- Moscow – Kiev
Cheap as chips – ah ???
This is another site - which was given a couple of years ago on this Forum by Martin.
Very helpful, and saves many frustrating emails or phone calls to unhelpful pudla's in Embassy Dept's
This is a must for any FSU person traveling and transiting through to our isolated part of the world !!!!
I came home from work last week to have a note through the door to say I had to go and collect a registered parcel from the local post office. As I hadnt ordered anything I was quite suprised, it was a parcel from my girls mother in the Ukraine enclosed was 2 large boxes of Ukranian choclate about 8 kit kats a Ukranian Easter table cloth for my mum a Easter card in Ukranian a letter which she had paid a translator to translate for her also a book in English about the history of the region I had visited.
Very sweet touching and unexpected it must have cost alot for her I know she dosnt earn great money.