Just a question floating around in the back of everyone's mind, How much does he earn?
I will start. I make around 1400 AUD a week. Very good considering I am only 20 years of age.
Always the young Ukraine women do not believe me, but I send scanned photos of my payslip for proof. They then ask, 'What do you do with it all?'. Thats when I say, 'It's to treat you baby!'
They love it! It is a bit sad, in reality the vast majority are all GOLD DIGGERS. But then again, What's a pussy worth...
I'm pretty confident in pulling it off. I'll just tell them that we were looking for something different and some fun, as why we are staying in a hostel. I won't let it be known that i am out of money.
Told girls in kiev, sevastopol and odessa that i'll be buying apartments in all. Haha.
I'm older than you and so - according to your logic - I make a bit more.
For obvious reasons I can't be specific but it is in the region of several millions per week, dollars of course, and this amount goes up progressively as we speak.
Hard to believe? You can too, simply invest in the country with the highest interest rate in the world: http://www.euronews.net/index.php?page=info&article=477792&lng=1 (page down below blank)
Those GD's will love you for it!
Nooga me old mucker I earn in one day almost what you earn in a week :-) its one of the benefits of being an old (40-something) googsy . However I usually tell women that I earn much less. I think I usually tell them that I earn about 50,000 UKP/year so that they will think me "secure/stable" but not rich.
Perhaps if I were your age I would've been on good money for quite a few years and would have saved a bit. as this new googs, BASSUK (Hello champ) said, 'its one of the benefits of being an old (40-something) googsy'
I am only young. I have had not time to save money.
Now, with this inflation thing. 100,000%. Does that mean I put in $1000 now and in 12 months time it will be worth 100k? This sounds so good. Teach me how to do it Thunderdome.
do some homework first pertaining to a so called 'running inflation'. When that has sunk in peruse super-inflation.
Then, when Robert Mugabe is again "elected" - and have no doubt about that, he rigs elections very well - we just might see the super going hyper, so read the news tomorrow.
Isn't he, after all, the same guy who b*llsh*ted his "wife in Ukraine", telling her that he intended to buy an apartment in Odessa for future use when he can't even afford to rent one.
She was evidently allergic to his particula brand of b*llsh*t and saw right through it - telling him not to bother even coming to see her.
You mean, THAT nooga? He would inflate his PAY STUBS?
Don't forget he lives at home with mum and dad so he expenses will be mimimal :)
But seriously I believe him. Before tax (I assume) $1400 AUS is good for a 20 year old and if he was smart he would save as much as he can now so that in 5-10 years he would have no problem traveling to FSU often and staying for long periods of time which while not necessarily, can only help if hes really wants to marry a girl there. And he can still plan the odd trip there with mates in the meantime.
Reminds of a story a guy told me 5 years ago. Two bulls, one young and one old reach the top of a hill and look down and see 100's of cows in the paddock below. The young bull starts running and says to the older bull, come on run, lets go and f**k one, the older bull replies, lets walk and f**k them all.
What is a pay stub? I wish i did live with mummy and daddy, but i don't. I live with my brother, 18 and a friend, 20. The younger bull should have put one in the older bull for being so slow. mate, i think you should just give up on ukraine and move to zimbabwe. Get yourself a black goddess there...
The 'female' from Uzbekistan that came to live with me on a fiancee/settlement visa, well as part of the visa application she got to see my 'quite healthy' bank statements. Well as soon as she arrived in UK, apart from her arriving with a SERIOUS attitude problem, she set about trying to spend my bank balances on cr@p :)
Certainly for a UK settlement visa application one doesn't need to be mega rich, as explained to me by the British vice consul 'Dave' in Tashkent, so do not admit to anything that you do not need to.
So ..... and to a female that one has never met, 'one' is forwarding pay slips and telling them that he is buying property and so on and it hasn't dawned on him yet that these ladies are busy writing their shopping lists whilst he is here 'mouthing it off', to the effect, that he's got it right and everybody else has got it wrong.
This gets better by the day, rather than making posts calling us all names or 'let us brag about how much money we make' he might be better served, in his young years, to ask for advice but will he listen?
The fact that he won't, and seemingly will never, listen makes this so much more entertaining and will we get the debrief, perhaps the 'fallout', after his trip to Ukraine? Oh I so hope so, perhaps we might get more bullsh1t or perhaps another (sideways) YouTube :)
Googsies, I made $1000 just today alone. I am so happy! I will be CA$HED UP for my trip to UKRAINE. Getting gassed on the finest beer, putting away so many sheelers. OH man... GOD BLESS THE UKRAINE!
I too, in these forums here am starting to get the impression I am not welcome here. This is a very uncomfortable and un-inviting vibe that I dont like.
Anyway, got to get my passport this week. Gettin ready. count down is ON!
I think we're all old enough, well nearly all, to know that those that are getting 'it' are the ones that don't talk about it and those that are not getting it brag that they are getting it and in abundance.
I dont mind reading your posts nooga obviously theres alot of strong characters here but I wouldnt worry about them everyone is entitled to a opinion. I think personally you are to young to be looking for marriage 20 years old! You should be enjoying yourself and having fun plenty of time to get married later on in life the chances of getting married
at your age and it lasting would be very small. Go to the Ukraine and enjoy yourself meet some girls and have fun! And be safe.
I have learned that when I see someone brag about lying to others you better not turn your back on them because they will do the same to you and also a big percent of liars are thieves. When I discover that I quit paying attention to how much they say they make or anything else they say unless I see it with my own eyes. They just become like a squeaking wheel that needs greased.