Hello!I am new here and want to ask if anyone used the service of "Trust agency" in Ukraine?They are located somewehre in the East Ukraine and propose their assistance for foreingers in Ukraine.I am planning to Ukraine in a week.I am going to DFonetsk to meet my lady.Does anyone can help me with this agency?
Well,I have their phone numbers and they have a representative in Sweden .This is a lady who is Uklrainian , but got married to Sweden man and now lives there.I talked to her and it seems they must be good choice .But i am not sure ,of course and worried a little bit as if this is my first trip to Ukraine .My lady also adviced me them as she met their representatives in Ukriane.
Does your lady speak English? If not then there are plenty of interpreters locally.
What else might you need an agency for? If you need some help booking air tickets or sourcing an apartment then you can get the help for free here.
Did they write to you or did you write to them? If they wrote to you then best ignore them but best ignore them anyway, if your trip is already planned then it sounds like you don't need them.
Martin is right on as always. Forget the agency and don't give them a dime. Spend your money sensibly and have a nice time when you visit. Remember the agency is there to make money and unfortunately for the men who visit the agencies depend on you to keep them living the high life. I do recommend a electronic translator. It makes life interesting and you will not need to pay a interpreter.
Thanks for all your answeres.Well,the problem is that my lady does not know English :-( And the price for their translation service is rather good as far as i can understand.they charge 7 dollars per hour.Is this price ok?
And another problem is that my lady lives in Debaltsevo and i fly to Donetsk as there is an international airport there.So they will pick me up in Donetsk and bring to Debaltsevo.It will cost me nearly 100 dollars.I think this is not too much and with their help i will not get lost as i do ot speak Ukrainian or Russian at all.And as I think as I do not know anything about this country and this is my first trip to Ukraine, maybe it is good to have someone to help me?
I have all my tickets .I just booked them through my travel agnecy here.It is easy.
USD7 per hour for an interpreter is very good and USD100 for that sort of distance sounds reasonable, a bit expensive but not by that much, so where's the catch?
USD10 or more per hour would be what an interpreter expects to get in their pocket so where does the agency get their cut? USD100 for that distance, OK the agency might be making USD20-30 but they're not going to retire on that, so how do they make their money?
OK, go for it but be wary of any 'add ons' and persuasive ladies goading you to spend more and more money in the direction of the agency. I might be 100% wrong but I can't figure where the agency are making any significant money from the prices you've quoted.
Also, and when the interpreter comes out for an evening with you, she should wait to be offered drinks and/or food and just not help herself to the menu, this info comes from the ex interpreter that I happen to be married to :) Of course you should buy her dinner and drinks but watch out for her taking advantage.
Martin, thank you very much for your assistance.Well, the prices also sounded good for me.So i will try to use them and after I am back,I will write everything.I will try to be careful and follow your advices.Wish me good luck!