Can anyone give me the name and address (e mail would be great) of a reputable introduction agency in Moldova. On a recent trip to Romania i met a Moldovan woman who was a million miles in front of her Romanian counterparts. Unfortunately i have lost her address and phone number but i have acquired a taste for Moldovan women.
I am an Australian working for the UN in Afghanistan and as you might appreciate it is not easy making acquaintances of the opposite sex - the limited number of female expats are not to my likening and to forge a relationship with the local women generally results in being shot or their countrymen wanting to be your private proctologist - or both.
Any advice and or assistance would be greatly appreciated
Go up the main road North from Kabul (if that is where you are) and enter Tadjikistan - plenty of attractive ladies there in the capital Dushnabe - less than 7 hr drive from Kabul. If not in Kabul, maybe try Iran (attractive women there) but don't bother with problematic Pakistan especially Quetta and North West Territories.