I would like to make it known that letters people may send through the Fiance.com website may not be private! I have been corresponding with several women, and one lady has written me back saying she is so upset because she was shown a letter I wrote to someone else, and told I am corresponding with several people. I don't know if I will renew my subscription, how about all you? I like correspondence to be private!
Who cares??? Do you really think the girls only correspond with one man? I think they all know the procedures. It happened that I by mistake send the wrong name to girls and not even once I had angry reactions about it. If a girl or agency does a mistake like that we stand up and scream SCAMMER!!! We even have a service for using pre-written letters on this site if I'm not wrong.
I’m pretty much sure the administration of fiance.com would never mix up your correspondence or let the girls sharing your letters between them. What if there are two girls on this site knowing each other private? It makes more sense if some upset feelings appear then. Feel safe renewing your subscription and relax. I have seen many sites but this one I feel perfectly safe with.
Yes, i understand that we all, man and women talk to several people, but when I go to my inbox, I do not have a list of other guys she sends the same letters too. I have a template fo rmy introduction letter only, after that I customize to fit the idnividual. Jus tlike the site keeps the other men from me, I think my letters should be given to 1 woman, and not told around the agency. Just an opinion!
For chipscher: I think you havent quite understood the situation with what your lady told you. Let me explain you how it all works. If a lady is independent,has a private e-mail, the letters go directly to her. If she is using agency's e-mail, the letter goes to e-mail address of the agency, our local representatives in some city. Sometimes one man sends many letters to the women from the same agency. And this is not like a girl comes there to pick her message and the manager of the agency says-Hey, come here, I want to show you that this man writes to 10 other ladies. It doesnt happens like that, nobody id doing it on purpose and in fact local agencies are interetsed to get more letters.
Usually it happens in the other way. Girls come to the office, they chat to each other. They talk about who writes them. Usual girls talk. Its not difficult to find out that a man writing to you is sending messages to other ladies as well.
So when you are talking about privacy in correspondence, just think about the other factors that can be around, that have nothing to do with site mailforwarding system.
As for the situation I described you here-I know that happenes a lot, just because I personally know a few girls, who found out about their men writing to other ladies by this very way-talking to other girls in the offfice. As a result, they blamed the manager of the agency who didnt warn them about it. The manager, however, tried to take care of the privacy of correspondence...
To the Moderator; so with other words we should be careful to write girls from the same town? I think a necessary measure in this matter is for you (moderator fiance.com) to inform your customer not only if the girl is from an agency but also witch one. I really understand Chipscher here. We do pay for sending mails to the girls. I made a choice to contact couple of girls in a smaller place and now I have to be worried that these girls belong to the same agency and discuss me over the table on the agency. Maybe all costumers on this site should create a group where we exchange information and share all letters with each others. It's too many hands involved.
Like you Chipscher I don't know if I will renew my subscription after reading this.
Olga, So I guess the gossip circles are just as bad there as they are here, huh? Back in grade school! I do understand what you are saying, I guess I can chalk it up to bad luck 2 girls I have been writing showed up at the same office, at the same time! I assume women will be women, no matter if they are American, Russian, or Martian! That is one thing I hated about American women, if I forget to do the dishes, I get 10 phone calls from her freinds chewing me out! I guess I have to remember my chores if a Russian woman comes to be with me!
For chipscher
The situation I described you really happens a lot here, but it doesnt means that it happens always and everywhere, we have many customers writing to girls from the same agencies and things are just fine with them , nobody gets mad( both ladies and customers) and correspondence goes on.
For Customer. You say too many hands involved?Thats true, but How you can avoid all those hands if it's clearly stated on girls profile that she is using agency's e-mail address and for example, doesnt speak English? That means that at least two other people will see her messages-manager of the agency and interpreter. Private correspondence is impossible if a girl doesnt have private e-mail address. Girls discussing somebody over the table in the agency? I can't imagine and office that would assign girls keep silence about who is writing them. Girls are proud to receive messages,especially if she thinks that things are going greta between her and you- and they tell each other about it. You can't stop them from doing it, even if you pay for e-mails. Please understand, that this is not a fault of some site system,same things happen everywhere.When we talk about people's actions its hard to predict the outcome. As I told already, we had cases when girls were heartbroken and accused managers of an agency about not telling them that this or that man was writing to other girls.Yes men do pay for e-mails. And they want to know how many messages their girls receive and if they write to other men...but when a girl suddenly finds out that her man is writing to somebody else, you guys call it a lack of privacy? Why dont tell girls honestly that at this point she is not the only one?I know men who did it, and their honesty was understood and appreciated.
I didn't want to start a whole international incident with this, I just wanted some claification. I do nto ask how many men a woman is conversing with, to me, that is her business, and if I ma the best one, she will see that and come to me. Women have asked me if I converse with others, and I say yes, and the honesty is appreciated. I do not want to put all my eggs in one basket, and they seem to understand. It's just the girl in question above was so livid about it! The thing that she was madder at was that the same letter was written, and I tried to explain to her that this is the way this site runs, by not offering normal e-mail, they encourage you to save templates to send to lots of people. I still have not heard back.
Anyone can write anything on this forum, as long as it is discussing topics this forum is ment for. If people dont understand the purpose of this forum and try to turn it into a private chat room-sorry they picked the wrong place.
you mention chat, is the site going to have a chat feature in the near future? I think that would be good. I like your site, and think it is among the best I have seen, but many of the others (most notably Blossoms. com) have easier e-mail and chat features. Just want to know if the e-mail can be streamlined, and a chat feature added! Would make things more interesting!
It no difrent then if you ask several ladys out at the same timet in the same office even thought they work in difrent departments, As there still the ladys room and water fountain