US are into a crisis. Oil costs more than 130 dollars. Russia is one of the most important emergent economies.
I think western woman will be looking for russian guys to marry in 2-3 years hahaha. But I think russian guys are smart, and they will have xes with them, but not marry them!!!!!!
If Russian guys are smart, they won't even have SEX with western women. Why would they go elsewhere for overweight feminazis when they have so much better (excluding the rare Monoda type) locally?
But though a few Russian guys are doing remarkably well, with the benefit of Russia's vast natural resources - the AVERAGE Russian guy is still far behind his wstern counterpart as far as economic success is concerned.
Monada is great..some of you guys get ussurped and undermined by her intelligence and knowledge of things Ukrainian, it puts your noses out of joint as she exposes you for the galahs you are in here!
ps: this comment is not a play or ploy to get favoritism from Monada so I can get into her panties!
Danny, I was in Australia five years ago... women are really gorgeous there!!!! (I was in Sidney) Really, I was surprised: people are much more attractive there than in Europe. I am not able to understand why you say australian women are overweight and bad-dressed.
Moreover, I have visited L.A., Miami and Houston... I must confes women are quite beautiful there too.
I think you are talking about western women in their 40´s vs FSU women in their 20´s.... and that´s crazy!!!!
Monada is a cool chick…but I wouldn’t chew gum.
Why all the personal attacks here?
Telling them off shows how much you care.
Don’t you like a woman with fire in her belly?
Getting bent over stuff like this is too weird.
What is unusual about American women and Russian men marriage?
I know three guys who married American women. There are much more Russian guys in America then Russian girls. Most Russian guys whom I know are engineer, programmer or work for oil companies. So there income are OK to support a family.
They expect that woman stay at home for at least 2 years after kids are born. They expect to create much closer family (type WE family). Most of them are 25 - 32 years old - the best time to start a family from woman point of view.
Of course they are very attractive from American women point of view. Of course Russian guys marry beautiful young senior year college students.
I am sure you are right Bagira and that there are some Russian men happily married to Western women.
From what I have seen here in NZ there are many more Russian guys here than women. Especially on the internet. Many of the men are alone and the Russian women find it easy to find a new partner.
Mostly when people immigrate to another country for ecconomic reasons they try hard and are often more successful than the locals. The strange thing is that most of the Russian guys here, are not like that.
My girlfriends' ex is a good example. He has been in NZ for nearly 6 years and can still hardly speak a word of English and is unemployed. He wonders why she left.
The guys seem no better on the dating scene. When my girlfriend was on the net here, she met a Russian guy at the beach. Within 10 minutes of being with him on the beach, he has a bar on and is telling her he has been getting his jollies off with her internet photos.
I dont know if this works for some women but my girl thought he was maniac and ran for her life.
I only relate the story to show it is not hard to beat these Russian guys.
Just being almost normal works.