Now that is an age old question that the men thinking themselves a treasure have ask forever. "Why do the most desirable women go for the most unlikely men." Perhaps those men have qualities that women are looking for and the rest of the men have no idea even exist.
Just ask danny??? He can answer that question!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Actually, I ran into a siuation in a nightclub here in states, the most gorgeous girl in the place had every guy hitting on her but in the end, a goofy looking 4 eyed guy took her home...go figure.
It all depends on what girl is looking for.....looks, age, security, good time, sex, dating...ect.
Not all great looking Russian babes go with ugly old western men...looks and charisma does matter...the agencies perpetrate a myth that these girls prefer old ugly googsies but generally an older man is more financially stable, has more assets and a fatter wallet..I think thats the reason a lot of FSU girls go with them because they can provide and afford the dream lifestyle they want..they want someone with money and not a pauper and someone who lives in a double storey house in Wisteria Lane and not a tiny, dingy old inner city apartment as this is what there life is in the FSU and they want an escape from that...anyone would.
The Yoda that knows nothing speaks again Nascar and Martin Full of Fooken crap!
You would be suprised Colin at what some girls decide to do. At times no ryhme or reason. About story I told, I ran into 4 eyed guy a few weeks later. He is NOT rich, good looking or that personable, for some reason that girl picked him...he didn't understand but wasn't going to question anything. By the way, then went out a few times, then she didn't want to see him again... go figure.
I agree Colin...looks is a big thing but in the big picture, as time does the looks, so you better have something else going for you!!!!
Danny, my ilogical friend, 4 eyed guy is a term we use here, instead of glasses. You can call me that and I would laugh. He is not less a person but I was just describing him as he looked.
Don't worry thou...I was the 3rd ugliest guy there, right behind you and the 4 eyed guy!!! :)))
Gee Aussiemutt, how many of those dingy apartments have you ever been in? How many of those girls did you meet again? They surely don't want someone like you who bitches and whines about his lifestyle and does nothing to change it. The myth is perpetrated by guys like you who think they can get a girl by just sending them gifts. You bitch about the expense of going to the FSU, but what is a lifetime of happiness worth, surely more than the $75 darts you sent some girl thinking that would influence her in some way. You got fleeced big time somewhere and now you want revenge.
You have common sense, who sends a total stranger 75 bucks. Please give it a rest you phony wannabe.
"you cant judje someone by there looks there colour there race o religion welth or! intelegence. every body is good at something and everyone is equal . its whats inside that makes a person . why use aboriginals as an example or why use the ugly guy with glasses "
THIS is said by a guy who puts a picture of feces up as his avatar!
But danny3777 IS equal. He is equal to dog feces, cat feces, camel feces, monkey feces. They all look the same.
Hey jet! Is the above "But danny3777 IS equal. He is equal to dog feces, cat feces, camel feces, monkey feces. They all look the same." Referring to faces or faeces? be honest with you, I was under the impression it was what was left over from a lobotomy someone may have had...that's all they found!!!!!!!!!!!
By the way Danny, I can judge or anyone for that matter, can judge any indidvidual they want. It is done every day by everyone. I do agree...... what is inside that makes a person.
There are several reasons:
1. Handsome guys are too self-confident and stupid because they think being handsome is alredy enough;
2. Ugly guys usually are smarter, modest and attentive;
3. Old guys are surely smarter than guys of 20-25 years (if not by nature then thank to experience)