Can you go over to Krivoy Rog and check out a girl for me, Bassuk, its about a 2 hour ride in a van from Dnep, an iron ore/industrial and mining centre built around "the biggest hole in the ground" in Europe but the girls there are apparently nice and unspoilt, you don't here about many scammers from K.R, seems to be off the beaten track for them.
aussieman41, that's nice that you like women in KR, but do you think other girls are spoilt? I think no girl from Ukraine can be spoilt more than any from the USA or Aus. So as you must be used to it, don't require too much in Ukraine since anyway you will not find anything better at your place
Shut up about the darts...she loved them and probably gave them to her boyfriend so I sent some DVDs, a nice pair of diamond studded sleeper earings and an air ticket to France!
The air ticket to France was in her dreams and I was shit stirring...she got top of the range Harrows Magnum 97% tungsten light weight competition darts with top quality dimplex flights...nothing but the best for my Ukrainian comrade/comradeness..who knows? ...and shut up about those darts, they only cost me all up about $75 including postage to Ukraine of $17 registered air mail from Australia,just peanuts and done out of the kindness of my heart valued at $130 usd rrp per set I picked them up brand new at auction for far less than that..never pay full price for anything..thank God for Ebay where I have lived for over 5 years with 99% positive feedback rating...I lost one percent because of a perfectly good fridge I sold to a second hand dealer on ebay who got a price cut over the auction price on pick up because it whinged and haggled over a trivial thing, small 1/8 inch crack in door got deregistered from ebay because too many people filed complaints about these dick heads!
I also sent her some DVDs this year, made at home on the P.C of english movies so it could learn english better, big deal and also out of kindness of my heart...she knows I am not visiting but in looks she is the cream of the crop!
I was maladjusted when I complained about those darts last year, my home computer business was loosing big money and hemorrhaging due to the bad economy and cheap Chinese imports and I was having troubles with the ex...since then I closed the business, went bankrupt to wipe my bad debts so I could get on with my life and went to work for somebody else and get a regular pay packet with no contributions required on the have to earn more than $56,000 a year before tax before they ask for contributions and it will be wrapped up and forgotten and case closed in 2.5 years so it was just bad luck for the is uncontrollable and shit happens and its poor Government policy here, should be protectionist tarriffs on imports to protect local business, none of this level playing field can you compete when in China, highest paid workers get $1 an hour and the minimum wage here is $13 an hour..rancid Government policy is killing Australian businesses and we are becoming a banana republic!
No WONDER noog keeps talking about how well he is doing at age 20.
In the USA the minimum wage is $5.15 in Wyoming (I THINK that's the lowest of all the states). In my state its $6.50. And that's what a typical 20 year old would make.
How the F do you live on that, jetmba. Even unemployment benefits or the dole ( which does not cut out after 6 months, you keep getting until you get a job..some people here been on the dole 20 years and its a lifestyle ) on $429 cash every 2 weeks or if your on a pension its $547 every 2 weeks cash, not taxable here in Australia.
Minimum mandated adult wage for 18 years or over is $530 a week before tax of $80, so you get $450 a week to live on BUT gasoline or as we say petrol is the equilvelant of $7 aud for a US gallon or $1.68 a litre, its never been this high and its crippling people and the country.
Typical prices in Australia:
$2.45 for 2 litre cheap generic brand bottle of milk which is about 2 quarts US.
$1.09 for cheapest 650 gram or 1.5 pond loaf of bread ( 24 slices )
$4.50 for a International Roast can of instant coffee 190 grams ( 450 grams = 1 pound )
$3.75 for a Big Mac burger ( McDonalds )
$3.99 for 4 kilogram bag of potatoes at cheapest ( thats almost 9 pounds of fresh brushed potatoes )
$1.29 for a 1 kilogram bag of fresh carrots ( 2 pounds )
$7.99 kg for cheap lamb chops ( 2 pounds ) and they are not good
$15 per kilogram for pork loin chops
$20 per kilogram for good rump steak
$10 per kilogram for lean beef mince
Factory labourer $30 to $35k per year before tax
Electrician Tradesman $50 to 75k per year
Lawyer or attorney small firm $125k per year
Engineer $100k plus per year
Teacher top pay scale $65k per year in high school
AVERAGE MALE TOTAL AVERAGE WEEKLY EARNINGS (MTAWE) pensions are set to 25% of this: $57000 per
Rent in big city for 3 bedroom home $400 per week, unaffordable on lower incomes
Average Australian mortage on home: $220,000 over 25 years
Cost of a 3 bedroom home in Sydney $400k to well over $1000k, only Los Angeles, New York and Moscow are more expensive than us for houses/apartments.
Yes Jet we live in paradise but everything is so expensive here!
No wonder we can't afford to import Russian/FSU women..its too expensive!
How the F do you live on that, jetmba. Even unemployment benefits or the dole ( which does not cut out after 6 months, you keep getting until you get a job..some people here been on the dole 20 years and its a lifestyle ) on $429 cash every 2 weeks or if your on a pension its $547 every 2 weeks cash, not taxable here in Australia.
Minimum mandated adult wage for 18 years or over is $530 a week before tax of $80, so you get $450 a week to live on BUT gasoline or as we say petrol is the equilvelant of $7 aud for a US gallon or $1.68 a litre, its never been this high and its crippling people and the country.
Typical prices in Australia:
$2.45 for 2 litre cheap generic brand bottle of milk which is about 2 quarts US.
$1.09 for cheapest 650 gram or 1.5 pond loaf of bread ( 24 slices )
$4.50 for a International Roast can of instant coffee 190 grams ( 450 grams = 1 pound )
$3.75 for a Big Mac burger ( McDonalds )
$3.99 for 4 kilogram bag of potatoes at cheapest ( thats almost 9 pounds of fresh brushed potatoes )
$1.29 for a 1 kilogram bag of fresh carrots ( 2 pounds )
$7.99 kg for cheap lamb chops ( 2 pounds ) and they are not good
$15 per kilogram for pork loin chops
$20 per kilogram for good rump steak
$10 per kilogram for lean beef mince
Factory labourer $30 to $35k per year before tax
Electrician Tradesman $50 to 75k per year
Lawyer or attorney small firm $125k per year
Engineer $100k plus per year
Teacher top pay scale $65k per year in high school
AVERAGE MALE TOTAL AVERAGE WEEKLY EARNINGS (MTAWE) pensions are set to 25% of this: $57000 per
Rent in big city for 3 bedroom home $400 per week, unaffordable on lower incomes
Average Australian mortage on home: $220,000 over 25 years
Cost of a 3 bedroom home in Sydney $400k to well over $1000k, only Los Angeles, New York and Moscow are more expensive than us for houses/apartments.
Yes Jet we live in paradise but everything is so expensive here!
No wonder we can't afford to import Russian/FSU women..its too expensive!
Correction the minimum payable wage was adjusted to $547 in New South Wales on Friday, a state of Australia
How the F do you live on that, jetmba. Even unemployment benefits or the dole ( which does not cut out after 6 months, you keep getting until you get a job..some people here been on the dole 20 years and its a lifestyle ) on $429 cash every 2 weeks or if your on a pension its $547 every 2 weeks cash, not taxable here in Australia.
Minimum mandated adult wage for 18 years or over is $530 a week before tax of $80, so you get $450 a week to live on BUT gasoline or as we say petrol is the equilvelant of $7 aud for a US gallon or $1.68 a litre, its never been this high and its crippling people and the country.
Typical prices in Australia:
$2.45 for 2 litre cheap generic brand bottle of milk which is about 2 quarts US.
$1.09 for cheapest 650 gram or 1.5 pond loaf of bread ( 24 slices )
$4.50 for a International Roast can of instant coffee 190 grams ( 450 grams = 1 pound )
$3.75 for a Big Mac burger ( McDonalds )
$3.99 for 4 kilogram bag of potatoes at cheapest ( thats almost 9 pounds of fresh brushed potatoes )
$1.29 for a 1 kilogram bag of fresh carrots ( 2 pounds )
$7.99 kg for cheap lamb chops ( 2 pounds ) and they are not good
$15 per kilogram for pork loin chops
$20 per kilogram for good rump steak
$10 per kilogram for lean beef mince
Factory labourer $30 to $35k per year before tax
Electrician Tradesman $50 to 75k per year
Lawyer or attorney small firm $125k per year
Engineer $100k plus per year
Teacher top pay scale $65k per year in high school
AVERAGE MALE TOTAL AVERAGE WEEKLY EARNINGS (MTAWE) pensions are set to 25% of this: $57000 per
Rent in big city for 3 bedroom home $400 per week, unaffordable on lower incomes
Average Australian mortage on home: $220,000 over 25 years
Cost of a 3 bedroom home in Sydney $400k to well over $1000k, only Los Angeles, New York and Moscow are more expensive than us for houses/apartments.
Yes Jet we live in paradise but everything is so expensive here!
No wonder we can't afford to import Russian/FSU women..its too expensive!
Correction the minimum payable wage was adjusted to $547 in New South Wales on Friday, a state of
JET, A 16 YEAR OLD KID GETS $7.50 an hour working at McDonalds here, no wonder America has a rampant crime problem with such low wages!
The problem with Australia is that left wing government of kevin Rudd. Australia needs a good Government led by Pauline the moment Kevin Rudd is influenced by a load of snake worshiping heathen aboriginals.
Australia's better..we are still cheap, only 3 other countries are cheaper than us for petrol, US,Canada and Saudi Arabia.
Kevin Rudd has only been in power since November 2007, before that we had 11 years of liberal right wing John Howard Government who bought in our laws and conditions, Kevin Rudd has not changed much, redistributed some payments in the social security so the poor get a little more and some payments are taken away from the rich who don't need it e.g someone earning $150,000 a year or almost 3 times the average wage should not get $5000 baby bonus family payment for having a baby, THAT WAS BOUGHT IN BY A RIGHT WING GOVERNMENT HOWARD, so someone who earned a $1,000,000 a year could get it, the same as someone on $20000 a year..he took it away from the 150k PLUS people and rightly so AND he also wiped out unfair work place contracts that were robbing people of wages and working conditions and taking us back to the year 1900, righly so.
He is for the working family battler with kids.
He is trying to fix up 11 years worth of right wing government fook ups and unfairness and repair our cash starved hospital system, starved for years by the right wing idiots that ran this country and were out of touch with the people and who were for the rich and business and he is doing a bloody good job moving on at quite a pace.