Have a question concerning sending a notebook computer to Ukraine. I know that there are tricks (I've used them) like bringing it with you and simply leaving it. But can anyone tell me what the import tax would be on a $600 notebook? And would it be safe to send it by mail (insured of course).
For the nosey and accusatory here (yes I am refering to danny) - I am NOT paying for this notebook. Its a particualr model that is extremely expensive in Ukraine and I shall be fully reimbursed by the receiving party.
But if anyone could elnd any assistance regarding this question - not based on ASSUMPTION - but past experience - I would greatly appreciate.
I've just read your post again, don't even think about trying to send it via courier, it will get impounded in Kiev and the b@stards will make all sorts of 'bribe' demands and even if/when it may the get delivered to the recipient then the recipient will need to pay the bona fida import tax.
The only way is to take it with you but out of it's box.
Yes it can be bought in Kiev - but at twice or three times the price.
And regarding bringing it in myself - what I'm trying to figure out is a way to get it there WITHOUT my escorting it. In other words I actually need to ship it. I HAVE already taken a notebook and left it there. As I mentioned above - I am familiar with that technique. This time I want to get it there without actually going with it.
Is it the only laptop you are bringing. If so you are allowed one laptop and one camera officially. I usually have my carry on full of electronic equipment and have not ever had a problem. Like Martin said get it out of its new packaging and do not admit that it is new if you have a second notebook.
Here is some info on that paragraph 3 on the page http://www.discover-ua.com.ua/Read-About-Ukraine/Ukraine-Today/Something-You-Sho uld-Know.html
Sorry did not see your last post before answering. I have sent a telephone insured and it made it. Usps insurance is only $3 per hundred but insurance may not work if it is rejected by customs.
I am going Tuesday I could take it for you but I will already have my notebook and would not be much time to get it to me. I fly Kansas city, DC, Frankfort, Kiev. I do not think there would be a problem getting it through but if there was it would be a customs charge. And I do not know the destination.
Posting something expensive to Ukraine..just don't..don't be a fool man...it will get stolen or heavily taxed and she will have to pay it to get it released from Ukr customs..don't be a silly sausage..be smart and don't do it!
I'm going Gatwick - Kiev next Tuesday, again not suggesting myself, (although only too happy to help!) but perhaps something could be arranged about getting to Kiev amongst us. I agree - dont post but each to their own?
Thanks BigTed - in general forum members are great guys willing to help each other out (notable exceptions not to be mentioned specifically here) but the problem is that said computer takes some time to acquire. Its very popular (as in "sold out") in many places in the US but can be found. Takes time to get it when you do find a source. I happen to own one myself - and I got it at a great price. Again - it IS also available in Ukraine - but you will pay a ridiculous price.
Okay guys - rather than being as mysterious as I am being - I am talking about the Asus 900 notebook computer. Its tiny (about as big as a standard DVD box - but thicker of course. Has a 9 inch screen and weighs all of ONE kilogram.
It costs about $520 in the US - MUCH MORE in Ukraine. Asus also has a Linux version available ith a 7.9 inch screen at $299. It could be hidden pretty well in a small parcel to ecape detection.
Martin mentioned previously that parcels tend to be xrayed in Kiev - but I not certain that all are. In any even it seems unlikely that anyone would be looking for something this small. If it was properly insured - I should be able to collect even in a worse case scenario.
how goes it ???
She worth a bit here alright -- 12000grv to be exact.
don't send it - not a good idea I think, to risky and you will loose it or at the best the person this end will have to pay what ever the person in the customs collection room wants to ask.
When you coming over again ?????
Peter NZ – but in Kiev at moment
If she wants a computer, send her the new parts separately:
1. Motherboard, CPU and ram all assembled in one cushioned parcel...its not a computer because its not in a case and has no hard drive..use a motherboard with integrated video card and sound card on board and an ethernet lan port and include a 56k dial up modem pci card with the slot marked on the mobo where to put it
2. The hard drive and cables..preload the Windows operating system first using the motherboard before sending it and set it up BUT send the motherboard separately and send the Hard drive with cables separately a week apart.
3. Send an ATX power supply separately for a computer case.
4. Send a empty ATX computer case separately.
5. Send her complete and thorouhg instructions how to assemble the computer yous sent her in bits and bingo she has a computer but it was never a computer for Ukrainian customs because it can in separate bits!..I think you can get away with this!
aussieman; Her RELATIVE (not my lady) doesn't just want a computer. The relative wants this particular model. I will be reimbursed for this particular computer. And buying this particular computer as parts, rather than the whole notebook would be ridiculous.
I did not mean a notebook Jetmba, you can't really build a notebook from parts, they are a bitch to disassemble and reassemble when they are broken, I should know, I am a computer tech, to attempt to pull one apart or build one is ridiculous, often they are uneconomicasl to repair, to replace a mobo is a nightmare in them.
I meant a standard computer tower, a pc box..even a child could assemble one if you gave him proper and easy to understand instructions and diagrams.
Buy a good second hand notebook jetmba, plenty late model ones around on ebay that are quite new..a preloved one would be significantly cheaper..the relative probably lives in a country dacha and there will be definitley be no broadband adsl service, just dial up with the speend of last century so you don't need a high performance one that streams H.D video and media!