She has a child of five years, but she has no decree of custody because she was not married at the time, so there was no divorce. He has not been seen for years and could be dead. How can she obtain a document to show she has sole custody? The child has her mother's family name because the father was not present when the birth was registered, and because Ukrainian law doe not allow, nor does society permit "unknown" as the fathers name on the birth certificate, according to Ukrainian Family Law section 135. the child is named with the mother's family name and her first and middle name listed on the certificate as instructed by the mother. Technically, the name of the father on the birth certificate is that of a person who does not exist. Does anyone have any experience or knowlege about Ukraine and where my wife can go to obtain documents or seek help from someone who does not simply give answers for money right or wrong? When the interview comes I want to be sure the documents we have are what is asked for and all is correct. She will do what I tell her but she does not know what more to do and I am at a loss right now without someone's help.
Thanks for your time everyone
you have to use the court, your wife has to start a process in court to "remove his father rights" even if he does not exist, put an AD on the local newspaper advising "him" of the court dates, a decision will be made in his absence and a court document will be issue showing that she is a single mother, could take up to 3 months, use a solicitor for proper advice on this, if he is not there should be a very straight forward matter
Thanks for the advice. It is the most logical I have heard so far. Do you by chance know of a lawyer in Kiev who can be trusted not to overcharge only becaause I am from the US because they believe we are all millionaires? If i have the name of someone trustworthy, maybe an address or phone, I can have a document that I can rely on to get us through the interview and i will be closer to being with my wife. I cannot tell you how much we bnoth appreciate your help
We don't live in Kiev, we live in Poltava but your matter is actually easy to sort because the other party is absent, really it should not cost more than 250US, your wife can actually submit the papers herself in court, if the "father" has not made any effort to pay alimony or contact the kid for six months than it is reasonable easy to get a result, I'll forward in a PM the phone of the local "Advocate" we also use, he may be able to advice on who to use in Kiev
Thank you so much. My wife will be absolutely thrilled to hear that she can even do this herself if she only knows where to go. She has been sent so many places for so many documents by others who have given her bad advice that she was in tears to me on the phone. If you would like to contact me directly, you can write to or If I can tell her which government office to go to an address or phone for this place or the name and number of a lawyer who will really want to help her instead of seeing her as a rich woman only because she has a name that is not Ukrainian. I m sure there are good people there, I have met many, and I have wanted to see Poltava before I met my wife and to be able to come and thank you personally for your assistance is now a good reason to go there. I wait for your message and again, thank you.
just start court process even if in document the father's name is irrial and that person doesn't exist. put adv in paper about inviting him to court.
also you can use child care authority of the area where the mother lives. she can organise the nesessary paper through them, of the deny to give the sole custody doc - she can take them to court instead "father".