cheapest flights i found were KLM ex Singapore or Kuala Lumpur. Ex Perth a total cost of $2700 probably slightly more ex East Coast. Turkish ave reasonabe connection and cost ex Singapore.
International operators in/out of Odessa airport, from what I recall, include Austrian Airlines, Ukraine International, LOT Polish, Lufthansa (I think), MALEV Hungarian, CSA Airlines and maybe some others too.
A good search engine is then click on 'Flights' but don't buy from Kelkoo, find the best deal then go directly to that airline's website to get it a few dollars cheaper.
I flew to ODS with MALEV and they were very good, Austrian codeshare with Ukraine International, it is a UIA aircraft and they are good, but I don't think any operator flys directly LON to ODS.
Also check for prices London to Kiev then check & for connecting flight prices to/from ODS.
With 10G...I wonder why these 'kids nearing puberty' are searching for cheapest way around......seems to me nooga announced a month ago that flights were booked...wonder what happened...guess the mouth was moving faster than $$$ out of pocket.
Martin...I don't think Lufthansa flies into odessa, have to use austrian or Malev to get to germany.
Maybe nooga is booking flights one segment at a time...I don't understand why he is flying east instad of west??? Seem most guys from under fly west...
thankyou martin and bigted. not so much you, gemini.
bigted, have looked at that, and can find a wizz air at 50grv even, kiev to Odessa. but not saving a great deal, and i'm very inexperienced at trying to connect my two flights in oooogen slarven land. I think the best thing for me to do, is go straight from london to odessa, the martin way.
Nooga if you are located in London you are ok. Direct to Kiev from Gatwick is fine.
The mistake i made the first time i went was to get a national express coach down to gatwick from Nottingham. It took just under FOUR hours -longer than the flight from London Kiev.i was ready to give up on life.
Now i have learnt it is best to get train or taxi down to gatwick or fly East mid airport to Amsterdam then to Kiev.
Had he thought of it early enough he could have booked himself to Bangkok to connect with Aerosvit to Odessa (via Kiev) but the Aerosvit Bangkok route gets heavily booked.
No point going via Russia as it just involves a visa application, approval, and costs.
Try from Birmingham or Humberside all the way through to Kiev with KLM, UK (via AMS) to Kiev with KLM probably cheaper than AMS to Kiev. From Brum can also try and Lufthansa, also Air France, but they're French and expensive, and Brussels Airlines (the aftermath of SABENA) which stood for Such A Bl00dy Experience Never Again :)
Should you opt for MALEV try to get a seat up front in economy, if it's like it was 3 years ago when I flew with them then the forward economy seats might be in business class config.
Just me and one other mate heading to europe and UKRAINE in order to sniff!
Just one week now until we give the nod to go ahead with odessa and sevastopol apartment booking.
Stay tuned elmasris
Cough, cough, nooga......guess your tickets were NOT BOOKED...2 months later you are trying to find CHEAP way to fly into Odessa from guessing is you didn't have enough money to buy WHOLE flight from aussieland -ukraine!!!!! Since you are rich, it doesn't matter that 2 months ago flights were MUCH cheaper.
Try Turkish, London-Odessa via Istanbul. BTW your best way out of Aus to Odessa or Kiev is a Qantas / Turkish connecting in Singapore which then touches down for 20 minutes in Bangkok and leaves you with about 7 hours through to Istanbul, then 1 hour to Odessa or 2 hours to Kiev. It's simple, direct and usually cheap.
Fuel prices, for starters, were less two months ago however if he's flying with Korean Air then he might not make it as far as London never mind Odessa, Korean have an appalling safety record and for a, supposed, rich guy he's travelling on the cheapest and nastiest airline he could find.
wow i really got it lucky i fly to budapest with Ryanair ,flights early booked can go for 69
euros then pick up a 6 hr train for around return 23 euros yipeeeeee!
Nobody could ever call the displeasure of flying with Ryanair as 'lucky'.
Michael O'leary has been quoted, when passengers dared to challenge Ryanair, as saying 'what is it about phuck off that you don't understand'.
I flew a return trip with them once, only because my ultimate destination was Vasteras and only they fly there, but never again (the next trip I flew with KLM via Arlanda), bright and putrid colours in cabin, seat backs that don't recline, boarded as if we are cattle, warm beer, stale sandwiches, bothb at extortionate prices, want me to go on? :)
Oh, and it was Ryanair charging disabled passengers for wheelchairs, and subsequently losing a court case, that many airlines have incorporated, pro rata, wheelchair charges into the prices we pay regardless if we need a wheelchair or not.
I worked for Europe's first, as you call it, 'budget' airline, back in the 1970's, and in no way does that respectable airline compare to the shite service that Ryanair provide.
However Ryanair are in the shite now with the hike in fuel prices, parking up aeroplanes, cancelling services, one can only get away with offering a shite service to remote airfields for so long!
when you book early you get good prices last min bookings dont work with them!
like i said 69 euros! I can survive 2 hrs for that, and i never eat airline food anyways,
I eat healthy and always bring my own food. Half year profits for the period ended October 2007 of €252 million, i know everyone complains about them I do as well but I admire a good business man!
There is a difference, you claim Tatarstan Airlines to be flying 'trash cans', Korean Air do not fly 'trash cans', they fly western equipment except that they do not fly and/or maintain it very well.
These incidents are just for starters:
19nov1980 HL7445 Boeing 747-2B5B Korean Air Lines crashed on runway 14 of Seoul-Kimpo International Airport, South-Korea broke up and caught fire. 14 fatalities / 212 on board.
01sep1983 HL7442 Boeing 747-230B Korean Air Lines Soviet Sukhoi Su-15 fighters fired two air-to-air missiles and struck the Boeing, west off Sakhalinsk (Okhotsk Sea) Pacific Ocean. 269 fatalities / 269 on board.
22dec1999 HL7451 Boeing 747-2B5F(SCD) Korean Air crashed near Great Hallingbury, UK in initial climb from London-Stansted Airport, UK. 4 fatalities / 4 on board.