anyone know how many ciggies and drink i can bring back to uk (if any at all) from ukraine? it's just that as well as them being so cheap the ciggies here are much better than in the uk!
well... i'm finally going home to uk tomorrow... :-(
But if you're routing via another EU country airport, I normally travel by Amsterdam or Dusseldorf or similar then one can stock up on 3200 (EU) duty paid cigarettes and at significantly cheaper than in UK.
BUT, these cigarettes must be for personal use, I think it was the last time I bought 3200 back customs peeked in to my bag just to establish they they were all of the same brand.
cheers. unfortunately i'd like to bring back a few different ones so my brother can try them! there's loads of different types here that i've never seen before. ciggies with charcoal filters, etc, etc. also i'm flying back direct. when i flew here i came via amsterdam (i think!) and they lost my bag!
Martin, im flying back direct from KBP to LGW, do you think there is any leaniancy, should customs have a look, was hoping to bring back 6/7 packets (of 200), would they confiscate them if found???
Gatwick is such a mega airport that they can't possibly stop everybody and in reality they're looking for drugs.
If they catch you then they will expect you to pay the duty or give them up, the cheaper option will be to give them up. Between you and me I've bought back 6 or 7 cartons of Ukraine cigarettes before now and I got away with it, we all take our own chance though.
But if I fly via Amsterdam or Dusseldorf or similar, for much the same price as flying direct, then not only can I fly from local airport (Birmingham) where I can park the car for practically nothing but I can stock up on 3200 EU cigarettes which, the savings of, basically covers the cost of my airfare.
I'm doing it the other way round this weekend, ultimate destination Milan, Italy (within EU) so I'll buy the 3200 there, and because I'm flying with Swiss I route via Zurich (outside EU) where I'll buy 200 duty free!
Must admit - I usually carry back four .750 liter bottles. Which techincally (of course) comes to 3 liters total.
The six bottle days ended when we were disallowed from carrying spirits in carry-ons. Then I typically would put two bottles in each of my suitcases and two in my carry-on. Now I just go with two bottles in each of my suitcases. You certainly don't want to alert prying eyes to having an over-the-limit amount in any one piece of luggage - thats why I use the spacing them out method.
If I was ever stopped or questioned I would simple claim that I beleived that those were actually half litrs and therfore equal to 2 liters total.
Don't know if that would work but have been fortunate so far.
Got stopped last time and rescanned as came through Heathrow, my friend had nine packs in his case, which i thought he was going to have to give up, but we had come back via Vienna, on Austrian - i was not aware you could bring back 3200 from EU maybe this is why nothing was said...
You've just reminded me of a time when I was arriving in LAX many years ago, although I was staff of the airline I had travelled with I had to go through the customs with normal passengers and this big black guy on customs had decided upon opening my case.
As he stopped me he had asked 'how long are you in the US for?' to which I replied '24 hours', he then asked the reason for my visit to which I replied 'a party'. By now I was going bright red and I was trying to explain to him, without other passengers hearing, that I was airline staff and as he opened my bag literally the entire contents of the aircraft bar fell out of it, all the spirits miniatures, the wines, the beers, the mixers, the plastic cups, the lemon slices, the nuts and cheesy biscuits, I even had the Worcestershire sauce ..... the cabin crew had filled up my case, for our party, before I departed the aicraft.
Well all the normal passengers were looking on thinking 'what the fock' and the customs guy just looked at me whilst trying not to pee himself, saying, ' this must be one hell of a party, enjoy your stay in the US sir' and as I walked away I could see all the cabin crew waiting for me and peeing themselves with laughter.
In EU airport shops now there are 'tax free' and 'tax paid', if you are travelling from one EU country to another then in these shops you must buy 'tax paid' which, in theory' there is no restriction on how many you buy but UK customs like to think only a maximum of 3200 can be for personal use.
UK also have a rule that from the 'eastern block' EU countries one can only bring back 200 'duty paid' cigarettes but as far as I'm concerned the EU is the EU so I just ignore that rule.