An old flame of mine from Ukraine is going to Germany on weekend for ten day visit because of her best friends wedding. We were until recently very close and we have a soul connection but we both are in relationship - she has a Ukrainian guy and I have a Croatian girlfriend (Croatia being where I live). I could visit her in germany cause I have some business to do for a day or so this month but wonder whether it is good idea as she and I have become more distant recently and it is my girlfriend's birthday this weekend so we are going for weekend on adriatic coast to splash out in the sea. I couldn't be unfaithful to my present girlfriend but likewise I would really like to see my soul-mate in Germany to see how she is doing and to talk, to talk and talk... Is this a good idea?
What does your soul mate think of the idea, also if its just to talk and catch up, I dont see a problem, The issue becomes a problem if you have something else in mind or are hoping for something to happen; then your making a rod for your own back
How can going to do some business in Germany be considered as being unfaithful to your girlfriend unless you have it in mind to be intimate with your old flame?
Bean...are u just looking for someone to tell you it is okay it see your 'soulmate'...I think you want to get something off your chest or maybe just a little lower!!!!!! If you are so interested in seeing and 'talking' to your soulmate, just bring along your girlfriend to germany with you and all 3 of you can talk, and talk and talk...............
Being intimate again with her may be a possibility but it is not my desire (maybe hers) but yes obviously it is not unfaithful if it is only to talk and not want to long for her after I see her - and besides neither her nor I tell about our meeting to our respective partners - why should we? Thanks guys.
Bean... as you say if its just talk and reminiscing about past time, there is no harm. Do you have to tell your girlfriend ? not really, especially if it is going to cause you grief. I was in a relationship a while ago where the ex hated me seeing my old friends ; both male and female; she said we should leave the past behind and build a new circle of friends ! ha yea like all hers. In the end I realised it was becuase she was possieve and jealous. Dumped her very soon afterwards.
It is important to have close friends and stay in touch; I lost my soulmate along time ago,she went out to Oz and I didnt have the bottle to go with her; wish I had. Anyway if your still good buddies go for it.
"and besides neither her nor I tell about our meeting to our respective partners - why should we?"
If that doesn't reek 'knowing you are doing something dishonest', nothing does. Reason neither of you are telling partners is because you both know it is wrong and your partners would probably not want you to go. Bean....I wonder if it is okay for your partner to do same thing...spend a weekend with a previous partner and NOT tell you about it??? Not much of a relationship is it, huh
Just think if your current girlfriend deserves all this crap you're preparing to do to her.
If she doesn't, either don't do it at all, or do it but first tell her and break up with her in a decent and honest manner, don't mess up her life and yours.
Nobody deserves that.