What do you think? I was on this site and noticed profile 8849925 and 6320529 look like the same girl? If this is the same girl why would she put 2 seperate profiles?
If it is indeed the same lady it looks to me there is a problem because 8849925's name is Nika which is a short form of Veronica while 6320529's name is Victoria and the short form for Victoria is Vika. FSU ladies do not use a chosen middle name but their middle name is their fathers first name with a suffix added to mean daughter of. I am not a member and do not intend on joining so I cannot see the other photos on Victoria's profile and there are none on Nika's. I see the birthday is not included. But it looks like a red flag to me.
I did some research it is the same girl. On found on scanna.com she goes by the name Nika and uses same photo from Victoria on Elanas Models. I am surprised Elenas Models allows this and what advantage would this girl get by doing this?
I have not done much on Elenas models. It was the first site I used but I was so disappointed they gave me credits for ladies that did not exist and I told them that I did not need any more of those kind of ladies. It took two letters to get them to remove a lady whose address did not even exist in the city she was supposed to be from. But of course their flower delivery service charged me for a delivery because they made the attempt as well as for the other 3 of the 5 deliveries I ordered with photos that were unsuccessful. But hey 1 out of 5 isn't that bad is it. Except it appeared that she had aged a few years and gained several pounds since the photos on her profile.
They take applications through the Internet them and put up a profile. A scammers heaven just like Anastasia. I mean there are good women on the site if you can weed through them.
It is possible it is not a girl at all and the girl does not even know her photos are up there. The only advantage of a second profile would be to be on the recently added list that the agencies tout as the best picks. But to change her name from Victoria to Veronica one or both are a scam.
I agree with Martin - I didn't immediately realise that I was writing to the same girl on Elena's Models with two different profile numbers, but as soon as I notified the administrators they asked her to remove the second one and credited my account.
I am stopping correspondence with this women, first I dont think she is real and second a good possability could be a scammer she goes by Nika on scanna and Vika on El.Models and Anatasia