We only want to share opinions Olga. Do you mind? Could it be that you are used to the censorship from your origin in a way you have to kill some users writing in this forum?
This forum was made for definite topics( read About Forum section),and I dont delete anything just for nothing.If Im wrong-tell me what did I deleted and I'll explain you why.
Also please note that this forum is not my property. I am employed by this company. And there are certain policy of a company about this forum. I do my job. Nothing personal and has nothing to do with excessive censorship.
Business you know. The site is commercial and only wants lonely males discuss all the wonderful ladies in Russia. Don’t let people talk about any thing else. Hey Olga! Isn’t what a forum is about? Dump some sharing in to a file and let people get tipped or tip of what’s wrong or right. Sometimes people commit conversation outside the topic but still it’s a group of people with common interests. I think markw try to say skip the censorship because many things get lost in the whole picture. I fully agree markw and also stand for the good all American democracy.
I don’t know bout that guys. Sure we should be able to talk about anything but some things get out of hands. I think it’s good that forum moderator is a girl so she’ll keep us crazy mothers in order :-)
I agree - although regarding your remark I'd say the Hen was both international, and first!
Such a chick I wouldn't mind dating, but she should not be chicken.
Which, I believe, brings us back to Red Square One.
easy way to solve this, go to your local Denneys. Order a dish of scrambled eggs, and a chicken sandwich. See what comes first, the chicken or the egg.