Gentlemen... back in London now, 2 weeks in odessa did me... the 4 four of us robbed by ukraine POLICE of all people for 700 UAH... man, oh man. As for the ladies, they did not appreciate anything at all what I had to offer... I dont know how many times I told the story "I have 2 Cangeroo;s at home for a pet"... still no interest.
If your looking for a wife, deadset dont bother with Odessa... That place has more money than you've ever seen there. You are not a 'rich westerner there' let me assure you.
Well googsies, this might be it. I've had a good run here, 6 months or so... stirring you's up, being silly, but at the same time actually have had GONE TO UKRAINE.
I dont think I'll be hanging around here too much longer, my time is up. Been good to know you all, some helpful, some nice, some DUMB, and some rude.
you know where to find some videos of the trip soon,
you seriously dont realise that these girls are going to be on HEAT as soon as we are in the vicinity... UKRAINE IS A GOLDMINE... all these poor eleigible girls looking for nice western men
Funny how you're not the rich westerner there comes up. I didn't know that money was a prerequisite to meet a woman in Ukraine. Oh I forgot I'm talking to one of the Rocket Scientist Aussies. Everything based on the buck. Those girls are smarter than that. They see right through it.
So what is the summary? Got robbed, never got laid, couldn't buy a lay, ran out of money, got out, can't afford to do it again, toss the teddy out of the cot and spend the rest of your natural life paying the Amex down? They come and they go and the world keeps turning whether they do or they don't. Ah bugger...!!! Put it on youtube, someone might be interested. Don't worry Nooga, you might still get that call, Spielberg is busy this week, I am sure he has your number stored in his cell.
The biggest scamm in this whole industry is that creeps like this are allowed passports.
To be honest the women there were never going to be interested in you - they are looking for either a serious husband prospect or a well off man to scam, and you dont fit either profile. In fairness we did warn you of this. Still, your aussie accents will have the london chicks melting so I'm sure youl have much more success there :-). How long are you in london for as matter of interest ?.
Before you go - at least tell us how you got robbed by the police.
Must say though - you fell intot he classic trap of western men (young and old) who think that FSU women will just fall at their feet once they know they are from the west.
Just like the 65 year old who writes to a few 18 year old beauties and then expects one to see him as her "rescuer". It doesn't happen anymore - if it ever did.
I was robbed at the airport in Odessa by a customs officer. She asked me about how much money I had and I got my wallet out to count... All of a sudden she grabbed the money in it and motioned me to go on!!!
I go back to aus on the 9th, going to scotland tomorrow to finally put this scottish thing to rest...
Police at arkadia, "passports, Passports!"
"ooh hello, Australians. WE LOVE YOUR COUNTRY!" drag us off to the side of the road... "we have 100g and we will look after you tonight... if you get in trouble just say you met (the policemans name)"
then off you go, do that a few times a week, and they've taken much from you, just becasue they wanted some money, and because they are the police with batons and guns in a country you dont know, you GIVE them what they want...
Well now old googsies can relax knowing that competition from Nooga is no longer a reality. We can all go back to scoring all the pretty young things that Nooga couldnt crack!
Do ANY Australians ever communicate in comprehendable and complete sentences?
What the hell did that mean?
The police dragged you off the road a couple times a week - swearing that they would look after you and that they had 100(g?) - grand? (as in thousand dollars) - grams? (some kind of drug thing) - I still don't understand.
And it took a couple of times and a WEEK to get 700 grienva (around $140 USD) from 4 Australians?
Not much of a take for them really.
But didn't I warn somewhere that the POLICE were a bigger concern than the bad guys? I was specifically talking about Moldova but the same thing apples here.
righteo... You guys really do not understand that these girls will have their RATS HANGIN OUT for us and will be PUPMPE 100 NIL!
I think I have pretty good english. Maybe I'm wrong. Canberra, Australia.
I cannot wait till ukraine. Tickets should be bought for the flight in the next 2 weeks. Then the apartment of sex will be booked in another month...
MY UNCLE, I'm going to have so much fun on my trip to THE UKRAINE!
I love how you think that our attitude is no good. We're going over there with such POSITIVE ATTITUDE, quite confident to pull it all of, just quietly...
Then you boys need to have a GOOD HARD LOOK AT YOURSELVES... Step up to the next level is my only advice! "
you beat me too it Jetmba I was just seconds away from posting the same quote! We did try and tell him his attitude was wrong! Still good to hear the story and good luck with the bird in Scotland.
I love that nooga says you give the police what they want.
Some of you guys may recall me posting that twice they have tried to 'fine' me $20 and on both of those occasions I just gave them one of those looks and walked away, not 'know it all, man of the world' nooga though, he gets his wallet out 'how much would you like sir?' :)
I know what you mean i mean she's all like i'll take your pepper shaker and i'm all you do that to the pepper shaaker i'll have to washing machine your tape dispenser mate! next thing she's all up in my toothpaste and i'm all mailbox
see what i mean?
thanks for the lesson because it's all clear googsie
Like I said from beginning, noogie and his fruits were a walking bank to everyone in Odessa!!!
They were like deer in the road and the cars were hookers, taxi's, police, young girls....anyone who had contact with them made off like bandits.
To show how much class and maturness these young fruits had.......they ran away from a couple girls at a club without paying tab.....yea, something I did as a teenager...I am sure they had a good laugh at did the police as they were counting their hyrvnia's...hookers as they counted 500 hyrvnia''s.... :)))) Thanks noogie for letting every know how NOT to do it!!
I'll look for a couple of classic noogie quotes. Maybe sometime we'll tell you...that was a nooga!!! Anyone got any more of " Best of Nooga".