My Ukrainian lady, from Mariupol, asked me if our US news was convering anything going on in Alupka. Well I found nothing here mentioning Alupka - but I did find that Russia is now issuing Passports to Crimean Tartars - an ethnic group that makes a significant percentage of the population in Crimea. And the Crimean Parliment is calling for Ukranian recognition of the breakaway republic of Georgia.
The Ukrainian government is claiming that Russia is agitating at least two prominant Crimean Tartar groups - and the issuance of Russian Passports to the members of these groups is seen as a prelude to possible Russian military action to "protect the Crimean Tartar ethnic group" that are (or will be) carrying Russian Passports. Same techinque was used in Georgia.
People here should recall that Crimea is actually an autonomous Republic only associated with then Soviet Ukraine in 1954 (I think). Many located there are ethnic Russians and have objection to being classified as Ukrainian and reject the idea of compulsory Ukrainian language education in the schools. Further, the Russian Black Sea Fleet is located in Crimea (Sevastopol) and only has a lease on the facilities extending to 2017. Current Ukranian government has vowed not to renew that lease - which upsets the Russian very much.
Many see the above information as a clear warning that Ukrain in general and the Crimean in specific with BE the next Georgia - as Russian may very well move in with military force supposedly to protect the ethnic minority - but really to secure the naval base.
Does well to remember that when Hitler invaded Czechoslovakia, he also used the prelude of granting Passports to citizens of that country and then supposedly moving in to protect those German citizens.
It wasn't so long ago that Russia was 'bouncing' UK airspace with TU-95 bombers, one time 8 of them came across in close formation, those things are incredibly noisy and, as was commented, one guy asked if these 64 incredibly noisy propellors in close formation could do a flyby of his house :)
But it was all politics, if Russia wanted to plant a bomb(s) on UK then they could lauch missile(s) from Russia, I don't believe they antagonised Georgia before the conflict thus if they are antagonising Ukraine then that might indicate that they are just playing politics as they did with UK.
"Half a league, half a league,
Half a league onward,
All in the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred.
"Forward, the Light Brigade!
"Charge for the guns!" he said:
Into the valley of Death
Rode the six hundred."
The Charge of the Light Brigade was a disastrous cavalry charge led by Lord Cardigan during the Battle of Balaclava on 25 October 1854 in the Crimean War. But history records it as more of a MASACRE than a fight....