I recently joined Elenas Models for a month and I haven't got a single response from no member. I noticed that the women on the site are only interested in White European men. Cause my friend who is White, got a lot of emails from all sorts of women in the site at the same time I joined. Has anyone experience this kind of rejection this site?
You are correct most of the women from fsu are only interested in white European men.
Doesn't mean the site is racist.
If you travel to fsu countries you may hear some words that would normally get you lynched if you spoke them out loud in US or Europe.
It's just the way it is.
And the fact is, if you go to Russia or Ukraine, you dont see any locals that arent white. Hence, they arent used to people who arent white. People tend to stick with what they are used to in most countries with half a brain.
Is it racist to stick with something you know and like?
Well, I'm white, reasonably attractive, and I haven't received many responses on elena's models. These are beautiful women who have a lot of admirers. They can afford to be choosy.
i don't recall seeing any black women on the website. are YOU racist?
Every man has a right to speak up, but if you are going to be overly sarcastic with my statement do me a favor dont say anything ok? I dont have time to mess with people like you! I just want to hear from people that are in my page.
And yes it is racist, and all the women on that site are! Oh and ndfb I hear that same line over and over from what you said and it's getting pretty old! My answer to you is simple YES it is!
Since you know almost all the women in the FSU are white, Why are you looking in the FSU for a women?
Is it because you think white women are better?
It appears the racisim is on your part.
It is an introduction service, individuals introducing themselves to each other, it is each individual's personal choice who they choose to communicate with so, if anything, it's not the site that is racist but an entire nation, well not one nation but several nations!
i don't think that people here (ukraine) are racist, but i haven't seen a single black guy or girl here so far, in my total of almost 4 months here... oh - apart from carl cox! lol! plenty of guys from the far east though. a russian girlie friend of mine, who lives in the uk now, is certainly *very* racist as far as i'm concerned... /pete
Racism the buzz word. When things don't go someones way of color it's immediately racist. How about people of colors prejudice? I've seen it daily. It's lame to use that word racism, since the "Don't judge me by the color of my skin but by the content of my character."
Well you've judged an entire culture by the color of your skin. My question still stands, can a minority white person in Africa cry racism????
Peteb go to the Czars villiage restaurant, the coat check guy is black and he speaks Ukrainian.
Yeah its the same old chestnut these black people come out with when they cant achieve something-Blame white people.
If America had sent a black person to the moon on the appollo missions,- Black people would have moaned and complained you are only sending me cause I is black.
ActionPac23: If I may point you down “Reality Street” the first billboard you will pass by will tell you that most Russians and Easterners are to some extent racist. Like it or not, complain or not, argue racism or not, that is how it is and if that is enough to get under your skin and invoke a reaction as it appears to have done, then you would be wise to forget the East period. Even if you somehow found yourself married to a Russian (Or other FSU country) you will find them a lot more in your face, blunt and at times downright aggressive than you will ever find on any forum. Elena’s Models is owned by a Russian, married to a South African, living in Australia. With all of that mix I hardly think one can suggest the site is racist. BTW, I am aware of a few Black guys married to Russian women and more than a few Asian guys married to Russian Women so anything is possible, just don’t expect a turkey shoot.
In USA and UK and in most Euro countries anyone can play this card and get the windfalls of a system that is so much in fear of being called racist that they give out jobs, promomtion and social handouts to anyone. All that person has to do is bleat about victimisation by skin colour.
Actionman; I'm assuming your are non-white and you can call me racist if you want... I don't care
fsu hasn't caught up with this notion yet.
You go to any fsu country you pick, if the girls don't want speak to you its probably first and foremost due to the colour of your skin. You might get one or two who will see you as a novelty but not many.
The one thing that impresses me about the social system over there is that if you start bleating about it like you do here..they won't listen. They'll just look at you and wonder what hell you are on about.
Perhaps ActionPac could explain to us why virtually all black people voted for Obama.
Before he starts talking about policy, there was a funny documentry before the election where they asked black people who theyre going to voted for.
It was always "Im voting for Obama".
Then the interviewer would attribute McCains policy to Obama and ask them, So you agree with Obama when he says we should stay in Iraq and get the job finish?? Theyd say "Yea I think we should stay in Iraq and finish the job"
It didnt matter what policy of McCains theyd attribute to Obama, the people they asked agreed with anything. Just as long as they can can vote for a black person.
So whos racist??
It was so funny
Stop this crap... of course whites are racists, blacks are racists, asians are racists, etc. It is only human nature to prefer your own kind! What I don't understand is why blondes prefer black men? Is it size? And Russian women don't know about this?