Hey guys, need some help on this. Ive posted and even sent some PMs on this but no response and I need some help from those who know.
My Anya lives is Ukraine but has a work visa/permit to Canada good through 2010. I would like to get her a tourist visa to see if she likes it here or if that is very unlikely to happen (the tourist visa), a K-1 visa. Will having the Canadian work visa/permit help things? Think it may help expedite things?
Sorry to repeatedly post for help but I need help here and outside of hiring an atty, I dont know my options here.
I have proof of prior visits to her, numberous emails, months of phone bills, pictures together, etc.
I wouldn't bet the farm on a tourist visa unless she has property, business or a reason that would bind her back in Ukraine. The easiest option would be the K1 unfortunately. Also don't waste your time with an attorney. At least the ridiculous high priced clowns that have some paralegal running around. Theres an Attorney in Maryland named Gary Stanely and what I have read on www.visajourney.com he is very reasonable in price. Under $400 for the visa. You probably can google his name and get a number and give him a call. So far I never saw a complaint on visajourney. FYI doing your own K1 is easy. I've done all, from K1 to adjustment of status, to lifting of conditions. It's not that difficult.
Thanks NASFAN^. I PMed you. If you would please respond. I tried finding Gary Stanley and found two numbers for him in MD on google. One was wrong number and one was no answer or vm.
I checked around and found this guy http://www.myk1visa.com/
He seems reasonably priced and has a partner that has a Ukrainian wife he brought over. Real accessible and offers a 100% money back guarantee (as long as you are honest about background, etc).
Yes NDFB is for Notre Dame. Have to support the home team (well where I grew up that is) always in good and bad times.
ND I'm a Former South Bend Resident, Lived at Kensington Farms south of old Scottsdall mall which doesn't exist anymore. Are you still in the area, my daughter still lives up that way.
Now maybe Danny can patrol some South Bend Websites and talk to my children as he said.
No, I moved away from Indiana 12 years ago for the warmth of the south! Ive been living in Baton Rouge, Louisiana now for quite the while. But thank you very much for the offer and help.
I spoke to this lawyer and he says if filed first quarter, turn time is four months including the Kyiv interview. He says it slows down as the year gets warmer. Then I spoke to immigration because I had a question since she has her Canadian Immigration Visa if that would help (which was a negative by the way) and the lady said 10 months. I have no idea who to believe. I can only hope the lawyer.
For us Yanks, you can go to www.visajourney.com and see the timelines for K1/k3 visa's. Pretty accurate. Trying to get an intelligent answer out of a government worker isn't worth the frustration. 10 months is probably a standard answer from them because they really don't know. It all depends on the service center you start with. Our application was 109 days from inception to the minute she came to the states.
I do offer a bit of advice, if it is possible, attend her interview. In Kiev you will be sitting only a few feet away. I didn't realize that I had spoken to my wifes interviewer untill he called her to the window for her interview. It lasted a whole 2 minutes. Then he was decent enough to tell us when and were we could pick up our visa the quickest. Also when you are standing in line outside the embassy with her, you will get in first because she is with an American citizen. Small things that make the process quicker for your lady.
I know this was mentioned above...but I strongly suggest that you use MYK1VISA. Their website is www.myk1visa.com .......They are great. I know many people that have used them. The attorney is *excellent.* I NEVER have a problem getting a hold of them when I need to. They ALWAYS answer their phones and get back to you almost IMMEDIATELY whether it is via phone or e-mail. They're extremely knowledgeable and reliable. They have low and competitive pricing too. I highly suggest you use them. The owner speaks Russian too so that's a plus in your case.
Looks like you've got some help. I am working with a woman from Kiev who can help you. K1 visas are complicated and you can pretty much forget about getting a tourist visa for her. If you would like, I have an email and phone number for her.