When I signed up for this service, the VIP package says I can send and recieve unedited e-mails. Here is a smaal portion of a letter I recieved from a lady, indicting to me that the e-mails are in fact editied:
"You could not give me the имеи адресс because the
agency would remove it from your letter. I asked
them about your address, but they did not give
me, потму that they will lose the client."
I requested an address and received it from her agency in Russia. However I am still checking to confirm this is really her address and not the agency's address.
Fiance.com is not editing e-mails!! Ladies are free to get your addresses as well as to give you their own addresses. What you described here looks very much like some rules of a local agency of the girl. Please e-mail to admin@fiance.com about it and we'll talk to the manager of this agency.
Thank you very much Olga for the info, I will do that. From what I gather the agency is afraid of her corresponding to me outside of it because they would lose her as a client. It seems they put no value on a relationship, and try to force, or wiggle the woman to stay with them by omiting information. I will get the city she is from, and let you know. Thank you again Olga!