I am going to Ukraine & meeting with my girl(so to say). But I found out that Ukrainian translator doesn't exist, only Russian!!! So she speaks Russian obviously. It costs around $351 for a Russian to English translator. My question is, has anybody used this device from Etaco Industries??? I would like her & me to be intimate so I DON"T WANT ANY 3rd person TRANSLATOR TO COME BETWEEN US!!! I can tolerate a little laps time in the machine doing the translation, much better than having a another human being next to us following us around plus the expensive fees. Please advise on this if you have used this device??? And how it works?
ukrainians speak english without problems.
if you will use english-russian translator, write simple sentences.
machine will translate it more correct than long sentences.
If his lady spoke English then why would he consider forking out $351 for a translator.
Shaz, try searching on amazon.com for what dictionaries etc. they might have available, I once dated a Ukrainian lady who had an electronic translator, absolute waste of time, I felt like falling asleep diring exchanges of tapping buttons, not exactly what one would call 'romance'.
Is there any sort of free, or cheap, downloadable programme available ..... then take a laptop with you!
This is to reply for martin-coleman.com, well actually yes I am ready to spend $351 becuase she does not speak a lot of English and I don't want a third person between us when I meet. The process of this translator is I think "you simply speak Ukrainian into it & it translates out loud in English" and vice versa!!! I have a program on my laptop called Universal Translator already but I think carrying a laptop around will be undesirable. But I like the idea of a small device which can do pretty much everything. I just wanted to find out other people's expereinces.
I think he meant that Ukrainians speak RUSSIAN without any problems (though especially in the western part of the state they often won't ANSWER in Russian even if spoken to in Russian).
You would have a hell of a time finding a Ukrainian electronic translator.
Despite the fact that I married an interpretor I have always avoided the utilisation of a third person in a relationship so we do not disagree there, but, as I indicated previously, my one-off experience of attempting to conduct a relation via an electronic gadget was by far worse than using an interpreter.
Have you spoken to her yet, when they say they do not speak a lot of English they are often being modest, their English is often better than they will give themselves credit for, I once picked up an 'Oxford English Russian dictionary' for a few dollars just to, if needed, clarify a difficult word here or there, very rarely did I need it, when two people are sitting together they can express things with their hands etc.
I think $351 would be a waste of money personally.
First time I ever went to Eastern Europe I picked up an electronic dictionary made by Franklin. I had the idea that I would meet a beautiful exclusively Russian speaker and that we would sit and tap our covnversations to each other without the need for a translator, to our heart's content.
It was small enough to fit in my suit jacket pocket and I must admit I drew it out on occassion when the women I met were stumped for a word. But to use it seriously would have just looked silly.
I also knoew a guy who DID bring an speaking dictionary (mine didn't speak) and he showed it off as a novelty to the rest of us at the Romance Social. But he never seriously tried to hold a coversation with a lady that way.
No offense shaz444, but I think at best using such a thing will be awkward - and at worst, downright "geeky". And neither characteristic is likely to appeal to your lady much.
I reread the description written by shaz444. He talks about a machine that you speak Ukrainian into (but he apparently meant Russian) and it does a verbal translation into English, as opposed to TAPPING on a keyboard the letters involved in either language.
I would be HIGHLT sceptical that such a device would work decently. We are talking speach recognition, interpreatation and translation here, none of shich is simple for these languages.
Wow thats a big order.
I'm still thinking basic novelty at best.
Till we get to some Star Trek era where these things really work flawlessly - I wouldn't expect too much.
I see that after my long absence that the same people are still here...
Happily married now to the woman I was told was a scammer. Our first anniversary is around the corner. Used an Ectaco (EC600?) with great success. No problems other than machine translations can easily go off course. Understand this shortcoming early on and allow for it and you should be able to get by. Always remember that if it does not fit into the conversation then it is probably a translation issue. The Ectaco I have translates both ways. There is also Google Language Tools: http://www.google.com/language_tools?hl=en
If you are traveling to Ukraine then take a voltage transformer for the charger and it is a good idea to have an extra battery. Also a good idea to take a paper back-up. I suggest the Oxford English-Russian Dictionary. Sometimes you will need to translate single words and the dictionary is better for this because you can select the (holy crap - brain fart) way a word is used. Can't think of the word, too early in the morning ;o)
My translator also "talks" and yes it sounds like a weird version of Stephen Hawkings. It does not translate spoken English or Russian. It does not translate what you type into the other language. It does speak what you type into it. I think it is for a person to type a word in and see how it is pronounced. Creepy considering the quality of the "voice".
Good Luck!
Be patient and keep the sentences short and to the point. Read it back to yourself before translating and see if it has words that could be mis-translated. Also avoid idioms when possible. "I'll be back in a jiffy" or "I'll be right back" does not translate well. "I will be gone 2 minutes" does.
I had an awkward experience with one of these translators devices back in 2007 with a Russian woman. Not going into too much detail here but she was very angry .The devices are best avoided as they of confuse mistranslate words phrases.