Hi guys,
My wife has successfully obtained her spouse visa, booked her flight, and comes to England to begin our new life together in just over a weeks time.
We obtained a keyboard while I was last in Russia with both English and Russian letters, which I brought back with me to England. She has asked me to set up my P.C. in advance, so that she can e-mail her friends and family from the very first day that she arrives.
Of course, I need some kind of program for her to be able to type in Russian, and also for her to access Russian websites without her needing to use a translation program on them. This is new to me, and I admit to being no computer wizard. Can anyone give me advice on the most cost effective program to use? Is there a free one that Google provides perhaps.
Thanks in advance.
I'n naive in IT also but I think there is a way to can change the language of Windows, when you bought your PC during the initial set-up you selected 'English', that's what you need to get back to, but ..... then you'd have a Russian language PC that you'd need to constantly change languages each time you or her wanted to use it.
Ideal solution, if you can afford it, is to buy a 2nd PC, perhaps even have her buy one in FSU to remove from original packaging before importing as a personal use laptop in to UK.
She'll want to telephone home, check out call rates via www.telestunt.co.uk and/or www.telesavers.co.uk access numbers.
Tringa: Welcome the beginning of the most difficult year of your life......ever. It’s a fun ride but forget sleep, personal time and a host of other things essential to normal life. You will have the equivalent of a 3 week old baby in the body of a grown woman on your hands for a few months. The rewards are immense but expect it to be tougher than tough.
You don’t need any fancy programs. I’m no PC wiz either but I recall being in the same situation and in fact we still have her newer PC’s set up the same way. Find the language settings and add RU to them. Be careful. My wife has a nasty habit even now of changing RU to the default setting. Don’t allow that. If you have English as default and RU, you will see a little option in the tools bar at the bottom of your screen and she can simply click on RU when she wants to use that. I don’t know how many times I have had to sort something out on her PC’s and when she has RU as default it makes it all the slower for me as my RU is not brilliant. Apart from that, she should be trying to use English wherever she can. We simply buy a set of those stick on letters and add to any new keyboard. You can buy good ones online for about $10 and add them to a decent keyboard. PC set to RU and double keyboard. ‘S’bout all you need other than a webcam, Skype, new wardrobe, redecorating the house, another car, English lessons, weeks of patience, ear plugs, Prozac or other anti depressant, new house shoes, probably new clothes for you, and, and, and........pretty simple really when you think about it.
if you are using a windows system and its newer than windows 2000 you ahould have no problem seeting it up. the controll panel has language options just click russian and it should work.
Thanks everyone.
Yes it was easy. I selected Russian as the second language from control panel, and it is easily available to change with a visible toolbar with both language options.
Only problem is that neither the dual or my original keyboard will produce any Russian letters. When I change over to 'Russian', what should come up as Russian letters, instead are a combination of alternative English letters, numbers, commas, and other keyboard characters. Am I missing something here, and has anyone an explaination?
I have Windows X.P. Professional.
Got it sorted!
For some reason my British Telecom Yahoo e-mail wont print the Russian. However, when I opened a hotmail e-mail and repeated the process it works perfectly.
I have read your previous comments with interest, especially your words of advice to Colin, which I noted for future reference.
I recall that you mentioned that your experiences, trips, romance and eventual marriage amounted to a substantial amount of money. Interestingly, I kept a note of all of my expenditure on my venture over the last two and a half years leading up to my marriage and it amounted to 17,000 Great British pounds! However this included 5 trips to Russia mostly a week each time including a holiday with my girl in St Petersburg, a holiday with her in Kiev, and another in Istanbul. Also, she came over to England twice to stay with me for a week each time. And the other expences were apartment rental, visas and our recent wedding.
But I wouldn't have done this any other way, because we now have lots of history and time between us. We began as friends and slowly developed the relationship and trust. I gradually met her friends and family. She has seen where and how I live. We have discussed almost everything. We have disagreed on things and also argued. My point being that I agree with what you have said previously that to do this properly takes lots of time. A solid foundation needs to be laid before a house can be built.
Why the smart assed comment danny? What the hell does tringa have to do with anything for you to opine like an asswipe. I wish him well, you don't know for a fact how long they have been together.
You just think you're better than these other guys, Your way is the only way, or you wouldn't make the smart assed "this should be entertaining". Just because you're an absolute loser doesn't mean other guys here are.
The true story be known, you did exactly like everyone else. Though you're going to bullshit the crowd like you're some kind of trailblazing stud. Yep go get em Mick Dundee. Hell you had to pay for it, hell you have to pay for male friendship also. You have the social skills of 4 year old.
someone is so confused....laid the girl and built the house on her and is currently the waiting for the foundation to have a baby....all on the river?????????????????????? lol
do bears actually shit in the woods...if its already on them????
"S’bout all you need other than a webcam, Skype, new wardrobe, redecorating the house, another car, English lessons, weeks of patience, ear plugs, Prozac or other anti depressant, new house shoes, probably new clothes for you, and, and, and........pretty simple really when you think about it....."
Funny... but very true!
When my Moldovan lady came to live with me for three months - she took one look at the carpet and the furniture and decided it ALL had to be cleaned before she would respectively walk on or sit on it. Now - I'm not the most tidy person in the world (by a long shot) but I'm guessing my carpet and furniture would have passed muster with 99% of the people in the world.
Further, when you wash sheets or blankets, especially large ones, if they even BRUSH the floor while folding they must be rewashed. Bags of groceries carried in from the car cannot be st on the floor and then on the table as the table will be forever dirtied, no matter how much you try too clean it. And good luck trying to put on your house shoes (slippers) while balancing the bag of groceries which cannot touch the ground or anything else as you certainly cannot wear your shoes in the house.
I once had a girlfriend that expected EVERY door to be opened for her. Well we were going in to a double entry doored restaurant, a door, then a porch affair, then another door. Having opened the first door for her some people were entering immediately behind us, for me to shut the door in their face would have been rude so I held it open for them, meanwhile girlfriend was waiting for me to open the second door and, without looking behind her to see that I was still busy, became bad tempered that I wasn't opening the second door for her, I just turned round to her questioning 'are you phucking paralysed or what?' :)
Jet, I can appreciate the cleanliness aspect. I live that same life daily. Everything has it's place and has a time that it has to be there. Carpeting? Not in our house Larisa thinks it's unsanitary so out it went. Don't touch the bottoms of your shoes with your hands that almost rates up their with a mortal sin. Dishwashing is another unique story in itself.
The amazing thing is how well she has kept her clothes. I mean stuff that is ten years old looks like brand new. I think due to Ukraines past economic conditions it was ingrained in their heads at an early age to take better care of things.
The children are taught different than the way it's done in the states. It's basically like teaching we had as children. Larisa worked in a kindergarten as a teacher and speach therapist and how they are taught is something we should revisit in the states.
All these unique qualities is what I enjoy the most, along with the conversation that goes with it.
My lady from Moldova still has things that she wore when I first met her in 2003 and they look practically new. Everything is carefully wshed by hand (she doesn't own a washing machine) and air dried and then put into the same plastic bag it came in. Its incredible.
I think we value things a lot less than they do when they can be replaced so easily. I mean - I make enough in a day to easily buy 4 shirts and 4 pairs of pants - so I know that I can easily replace anything I wear without a second thought.
But if you come from a culture where $150 a month is a decent income (and it WAS until very recently) and a pair of pants and a shirt can easily cost $70 - you take care of those things pretty well.
Wages are still extremely low in Eastern Europe but clothing prices are not much lower (in fact many times higher) than they are here in America.
First time I met my Moldovan lady and her mother I was staying at a hotel in Odessa. It was a very small room so I laid down on the bed, on top of the bedspread, without taking my shoes off first. By their reaction - you would have thought I had killed somebody. They were absolutely aghast.