Out of maybe 40 girls I've replied and responded to I finally got to one of the most blatant scammers I have heard of yet. Well, maybe she's genuine, I'll give her the benefit of the doubt but I am not sending the $400 she wants for a taxi ride.
Check this out, only a few meaningless emails in:
Email #2
"Yes, I would be happy to meet with you, noseychas I'm having problems with the finances to order a taxi in
Kiev, my dear. To request money from parents, I can not "
To which I replied, 'Ok I will consider it, how much is a taxi"
Email #3
"To request money from parents, I can not, and they still do not know about my perepmske with you.
And the way I need a taxi 300- 400 USD
These are my business! "
To which I replied, 'Why not get a train instead"
Email #4
I do not understand what business you goaorite???
And the price of a taxi destvitelnogo many olata it there and back, so I am told on the phone = = taxi. For
this very quickly.
Then poluchaetsya, meet unfortunately we do not destiny Sorry, my plea is not here."
This comes all from a girl who says she is an '8" in English. I've had better discussions with the 4's
Anyone know what a perepmske, goaorite, destvitelnogo, olata, or poluchaetsya happen to be?
She loves to throw in these types of words. I am amused.
why are you talking about meeting her in the second email. maybe she thinks your a scammer too. just be natural. take your time. try to develop some chemistry. any invitations to meet should be done by phone. if you don't do it by phone she will not respect you.
poluchaetsya = получается (this time I agree with her!) -- turns out
[NOTE TO MODERATOR: Ольга, как я прошел?]
But setting her typing to one side... $400 for a f***ing cab? Where is she riding from? Chechnya? I would bet that it is possible to make the round trip between any two points in Ukraine by a combination of train, bus, and taxi, for less money than that. With $400, she can buy a clapped-out Lada and make the drive herself.
Seriously, will you tell us where she claims her hometown is? And where were you proposing to meet? It shouldn't be hard for you to get with 10 km of her home. Then the taxi ride should be a few bucks.
Because it is pretty clear from the first or second email if a girl is sending you a form letter, or is genuinely interested. When I get a form letter I like to cut to the chase, and see what they are up to. Typically the form letters lead to the standard lets meet at the agency, I'll get you an apartment and I need a taxi ride conversation.
This one is straight up about needing 400 bucks. Wow. I cannot imagine how much she has taken from unsuspecting men if she just comes out and says it in the first few emails. It must be getting really easy for these girls when they do not even need to pretend like they like you.
I'm not worried about her. I've been in Kiev for nearly a month now. i was just a bit curious as to what the hell she was talking about and to get some feedback on the actual fees for a journey of that distance, for those of you who have possibly taken that route.
I forgot the two cities in question: Nikolaev to Kiev
In my experience taxis are quite cheap in Ukraine, I could say on a rough estimate it is about 3 to 4 UAH per mile. If she wants 400 dollars she must be comming from Mars. Sorry to say it but massivly overcharging on taxis is just one of the scammers tricks.
I wasn't able to get actual fares, but there is very good train service between Nikolaev and Kyiv. I would be very suprised if the round trip cost even $200.
Boys!! perhaps don't realize the distance!! Between Odessa and Nikolaev the taxi asks you 150 Eur only gone, they are three street hours, between Kiev and Nikolaev they are 400 Km.!!!