As above folks, just joined the site. Have to say there is a lot of valuable information on here, and without getting shot down, a few bell ends too,lol.
But in all seriousness, have been thinking of late going down the route of trying to find a FSU girl and settling down. It aint as hassle free as it looks by what i have read on here.
So far i have just been browsing the free russian/ukrainian dating sites, and so far have been in contact with several girls, some of whom i have spoken with on Skype Webcam. Reckon i have had one scammer, possibly two, but the majority of the woman i have spoken with and who have contacted me, seemed decent enough, however its hard to judge from behind a keyboard.
I am looking for information on the set up of FSU woman coming to the UK, is it difficult to get them over for a visit, and how difficult is it to get them here permenant, if it goes that far.
I still aint sure of the whole deal, its quite daunting to say the least, but i reckon i may have to visit a couple of places over there. Oh i am 36 years old, dont ask me why i want a girl from FSU, i just like to be different!
Hi My girlfriend came over for new year.We have been seeing each-other 4 over 3 years and i have been to kiev in the last few years must be over 20 times.Yes its very hard.As well as my visits to her we have had many vacations two other countries.When you apply for a visa.Give every bit of information you have.Pictures of vacations.Her job.Reasons she is to travel two you.I'm led to believe that not many visas are granted and this year even people with business in other countries are being declined.So good luck.Most people go down the line of fiance visa.But who wants to get married to a girl you have only met a few times.The good thing with this visa is she can live with you for 6 months before you decide you both want to marry.Many guys do this.I think a few of the guys on this forum have done this,So maybe they can tell you more.
Quote: “is it difficult to get them over for a visit”.
No comments regarding the UK visa process other than from what I understand it is similar to this country, therefore somewhat limiting although visitor visas are quite possible for a range of FSU citizens.
I’m more interested in the proposed chronology of events. If “getting them over for a visit” fits in immediately after the online “Chat up” then I’d suggest crawling back into the foxhole and being content with a “soap up” in the shower each morning.
If “getting them over for a visit” comes after the OP “gets himself over there” a few times, then it is a very sensible course of action and regardless of visa restrictions, I’d suggest he move heaven and earth to make that happen prior to spouse or fiancé visa stage.