As of January 1, 2009, the number of Ukrainian population made up 45 million 963 359 people (as of January 1, 2008 – 46 million 192.3 thousand people, as of May 1, 2009 – 45 million 881 048 people).
According to the official information of the State Statistics Committee of Ukraine, the number of urban population made up 31 million 331,587 thousand people as of January 1, 2009 (as of Janaury 1, 2008 - 31 million 413,1 thousand people, as of May 1, 2009 – 31 million 294,756 thousands), out of them men – 14 million 349,742 thousands, women – 16 million 981,845 thousands; rural population – 14 million 631,772 thousand people (as of January 1, 2008 - 14 million 779,2 thousands, as of May 1, 2009, – 14 million 586,292 thousands), men – 6 million 835,190 thousands, women – 7 million 796,582 thousands....
I keep hearing about this deficit of men all the time from all sources. But I did some investigation and if you look for "population pyramid ukraine" you will find that there are an equal number of men and women in the country as a whole. If you study them closely its only AFTER age 35 that you will start to see more women than men. It's more noticeable after age 50+!
I think Ukrainian women just don't like their men. The men are not able support them financially. A lot of men are alcoholics and women hate this. Also men there might tend to be cheaters. With all those beauties over there maybe they can't control themselves. Maybe its the alcohol! Some may just like being bachelors for life. I have read the average age of marriage is like 22 and all the good men are taken for sure by age 30...
I can see some university cities having more females than males. But I also see a lot of fine women in the eastern cities of Ukraine looking for foreign men. These cities have a lot heavy industry that men work in and surely there must be enough men for the ladies...Even Nikolaev with a lot of hotties manufactures ships. Surely there has to be guys there...
Latina's too are willing to leave their country for better men too. The men there are chauvinistic and because of economics can't support a family well financially too. The men are bad and I have even read a lot about domestic violence and cheating so its worst for these ladies...
But whether you are talking about Columbia or Ukraine there are enough men for the women. It's not a reason for them to be looking out for a foreign man. They are just keeping all options open. The economics are not that bad either... My point is that the women have options and they are not desperate to leave their homeland.
Check this link for Ukraine
For Russia
Russia almost the same. Equal male female until age 40+ or so...
<<<< I think Ukrainian women just don't like their men. The men are not able support them financially. A lot of men are alcoholics and women hate this. Also men there might tend to be cheaters. With all those beauties over there maybe they can't control themselves. >>>>
Foreigners who think so are number one for scammers because you think the same way as our scammers want you to think. An Ignorant and Stupid way of thinking about men in Ukraine. Would you like to have some statistics? Ok, only 11% of women from 16 to 30 would like to marry a foreigner, and only 0,5 of them would marry a man from the USA. 84% of Ukrainian women said that they think Ukrainian men are better educated, more polite and more intelligent than foreigners, 9% believe that Europeans are better, 1% Americans are.
there were much more questions in the survey, but I think these are enough
i can't believe it's even as high as 11%. one friend here had a bf from the uk and another is married to a guy from afghanistan. but he spend about 20 years in russia - so is hardly a foreigner!
i would say that on the whole guys here are more polite and better dressed than back in the uk, *generally* anyway.
you see plenty of people drinking every day here, the odd beer or too, but not sure about saying there are more drunks here than in the uk/etc?
you do seem to see a guy pi55ed out of his head every now and again though in the middle of the day and no one seems to bat an eye lid!
guys' attitudes here to girls though is very different, but so are girls' attitudes to guys.
this cannot be generalized -- but I asked a lady I know why a good looking and accomplished lady would consider a man from America/somewhere else. Without getting into too many details...
"most Russain men have two or three lovers. Sure I can be happy Russian wife and live happy Russian family. But why should I..."
... "...they started work the first day and got paid, than got drunk never to came back and finish job. I had got friends help complete work... And did most completion at myself and (son)."
"There are no single men in Ukraine."
"Too much drink."
"Too much money, but selfish."
A Russian man always open the doors for the woman, always help her with her coat, helps her out of the bus or automobile and always sits her first. These and other things I probably don't know about western men do not do for the FSU women which account for some of their antagonistic attitude.
Armin is correct. Most ukranian women want to find a good ukranian man and live in ukraine with their family and friends.
of course a woman who is looking to leave ukraine is going to say something bad about ukranian men. do you think she is going to say something bad about herself?
when i hear an american man complain about american women, i consider him a loser.
can a ukranian women fall in love with a foreign man? sure. but it is because you are a good and interesting man who is fun to be with. not because you do not drink. not because you have more money.
so what am i tring to say?
if you are successful with women in your own country. you can be successful in ukraine.
if you are not, then you should probably try the phillipines.
thats not a knock on the phillipines. i just think they respect 'nice' guys more.
to be successful in ukraine with an attractive women, you need 'charisma' and 'charm'.
All these posts, make me think there are enough men over there in the Ukraine. Yes there are a lot of cheaters over there from what everyone says. Latin America has the same problem and the women just learn how to deal...
Could be that there are just a lot of scammer women over there too. If they have enough men why can't they just go to their own version of I just wonder...
I read that only 5% of girls that join an agency eventually marry a foreigner. That figure is probably too high... They are just keeping their options open. Their country is nice. They have close knit families and friends and as Armin says above their gentlemen are not that bad...American men aren't all that great either and the United Kingdom has more drunks!
I think the best way is too meet the gal of your dreams over their is too just move over there and start teaching English as a job! Anyone can get these expensive international "dates" but to marry someone and bring them to an American suburbia is a totally different!!!
I agree about the courtesies, and I am guilty of failing to do these things... got out of the habit here in the US of A.
But some of the women from Over There (and I've met more than 15 through the websites) have talked to me about the men from Over Here:
"they write but don't come"
"don't know what they want"
Those women who complained, didn't complain about manners. What really seems to have hurt them is wasting a lot of time on men who made plenty of words but no show, and even worse getting their hearts set on guys who were gaming them on "shopping trips" and whose intentions were base and/or immature.
If my read on this is accurate, it isn't the little stuff we do, or fail to do, that makes us look terrible. It's the big stuff.
In Elena's book, if I remember correctly, it says if one writes FSU women, only one of ten make it to FSU. I wonder what the real statistics are. Sometimes one changes his mind about a certain woman and writes someone else.
I certainly understand about knowing what you want. Sometimes when the going gets tough, one gives up. Therefore, you don't really want it that bad. I am going through tough times right now because of this economic downturn. I do see the light at the end of the tunnel. I have communcated this to my gf and told her not to give up on me. I think she respects me more for that, and she said she will wait.
Because of women's lib here in the 60's and 70's, it is perfectly acceptable to treat women as men and not give them the common courtesies. FSU did not go through the women's lib era. I read about this before I went, but but because of habit, it had to hit me on the head. That's what happened. My first date Alla, an actress in Kiev, hit me on the back of the head when I didn't help her off the bus. We had a long discussion about manners.
When I eat, I usually eat with one hand and use just a fork. Often, this is the only utensil I use. A fork can, often times, cut your sausage, fruit or anything else. I try not to use a spoon or knife, but it is sometimes necessary. Alla told me that it is proper to eat with both hands and to also use the spoon and knife all the time. Sure enough, I noticed the other people in the restaurant, and that's what they were doing. Funny thing though, Alla used a toothpick without covering her mouth with the other hand, which is what Americans do. I kept quiet about that.
It seems to me that there is problems on both sides of this. A lot of men write but don't ever visit and some just visit to try and get some sex from the ladies but on the other side (in my experience) most girls you write to don't show any interest in meeting you or in giving you their personal contact info if you met them in an agency. A lot will just disappear after awhile without a word. You will find this on the dating sites too. If you are lucky enough that someone does show interest in meeting you, mostly it's so you can give them a free holiday or a shopping trip or they think you should just fly half way around the world and spend thousands of dollars just to go out on only a date because they will not promise to spend any real time with you when you show up. It is very rare to find a very serious and geniune person doing the international dating thing. I am not bashing FSU women here but I am saying they are not perfect and innocent in this either.
"Sure enough, I noticed the other people in the restaurant, and that's what they were doing"
Haha youve got be kidding me right - you've NEVER noticed before that just about the whole civilised world uses both hands to eat ??. Priceless :-).
Not kidding. Noone has called me out on it until then, and noone has called me out on it since.
Most of what I eat and those around me require fingers - pizza, chicken (no way am I eating that with fork and knife), crab, shrimp (with shells), sandwiches, spaghetti (how do use a spoon to eat that?).
When I am with Filipino friends and family, raw fish and rare meat is served in the middle of the table in one plate and we eat that with fingers while we drink. In fact on the train from Simferopol to Kiev, a Ukrainian man talked me into buying dried fish in one of the stops and he cut it up and ate it with our fingers while we drank another guy's wine.
I will not be rude to anyone and will eat with both hands if it is rude. But, I don't burp, I use a napkin..... I don't understand how eating with just a fork would be rude and uncivilized.
My Russian teacher says, "FSU women are not looking for a western man, they are looking for a better life."
RB, How does one eat borscht with a fork? If you don't burp, you must cover your mouth with aforementioned napkin and pass nasty gas with a silly grin on your face!
I believe your Russian teacher. Yes, I burp, but try to do it silently. I put up there, if you look hard enough, you will see it. I said I TRY not to use a spoon.