Hi guys im new here,but i really got my eye on this girl,anyone have any past experience with her before i try and make contact,thanks for your insight,
Sorry can't help you there mate. I feel that the name and id number rings a bell, but there again i have spoken to so many over the past few months. I have checked my records on this site, but i am at work at the moment. to check info that i have kept on other sites that i have been on i will have to go on my home pc. Will let you know, but definately nothing from this site.
Yup, you can see her english level on her profile. I have found though that may not be accurate. i have seen ladies with a level 2 speak well enough for me to understand them without a translator, and people with a 8 or 9 I am totally lost with. Correspond with her, don' tbe shy, every person is different, and one persons experience may not be that of another. I talk with a very nice lady who i think may be an ex-scammer, she has a nicer computer system than I do, a nice flat, and obviously expensive cloths. But, in 3 months worth of correspondence, a letter recieved every other day, she has not asked about money once. Maybe she scams people she doesn't like, but that is them, not me! So, use your own experience, use your judgement, and good luck!
i think its only fair to say that it's quite likely they promote their best side and possibly exaggerate it a little. I don't see any harm in this. Have we all put 'exactly' every detail correct about ourselves. On the otherhand others might underestimate themselves. Havn't a problem with either
You're definitely new - you ask opinions of others BEFORE you contact a girl?
What if I (anonymous) tell you she's a slut? Off you go then, to the next.
Why don't you just write her and find out, about herself, her english, her whatever, I mean, isn't that the whole object of this site?
Dive in a the deep end, swim or tread water, but get moving. It is the only way to learn, or do you know anyone who learned to swim in a classroom?
I talked to her once and she said her friends got her to post her profile. She said she was going to write me a long letter telling me about herself but I never heard from her yet. That was probably two weeks ago. Hope that info helps you a little ttchooch.
I find several people have delays in their response, especially if they have to go to an agency to retrieve the letter. Most will go to the agency, retrieve the letter, have it translated, then take it home to reply, and have to go back to the agency to get the reply translated and sent bak to you
No, that info has helped her, not a little but a lot!
By the sound of things you let it ly there and did nothing - demonstrating you are VERY interested in her, not so? If you want something you work for that mate, and being (almost) pushy will get you results but certainly shows a bit about yourself.
Two weeks? Too late now if you ask me.
Well, I sent her a letter after I had already talked with her and she never received it yet. Its probably for the better she hasn't answered because I am talking with too many ladies at once I think. Don't know about you guys but I'm amazed at how many girls here write saying they are very interested. Do you guys post your photos on your profile? just curious
naturally, i never used to, but then worked out that there was no point in exchanging letters witrh someone only to find out she doesn't fancy you at all. easier the other way.
I have photos posted, and when I first signed up, i receieved many "first letters" but now I have been a member for awhile, so my ad is way in the back and I do not get any more.