I met a lady from Nikolaev thru an agency and after xchanging few productive maessages, I paid agency for her contact details i.e contact number, email and full adress. and plan to visit her later next month.
The agency also have a videochat service at a rate of about $50 for 30 mins chat(OUCH!!)
So ok, very xpensive but I only use this once for every lady I try to communicate with, If I plan to take things further I just stick with phone calls and email only
...during my videochat session with this lady, our conversation ended abruptly bcoz ran out videochat credit...so I called the lady and continue pleasant phone call with her for another hour and she made it plain she enjoyed our first videochat and will like to chat with me videochat again the next day. At $50 for 30 mins session again? I don't think so I said to myself and made excuses and say I'll be available to videochat with her again day after...
...meanwhile I scout the internet and found a flower agency who will deliver her a 10hrs internet chat credit voucher for $31 at internet cafe very accessible in centre of Nikolaev. and she dont have to use all at once for instance she can use 1hr every day for 10 days from this internet credit voucher. I was over the moon, my problem solved, so ordered her this internet voucher.
...I txt my lady to tell her this good news that I ordered internet chat credit for her, but her response was very cold, this good news for me is not so good news for her. she said she doesnt like to go internet cafe and want me to cancel my order for this internet cafe voucher, she only like to videochat with me at this xpensive agency videochat service
before, she was so keen to videochat, now after sending her internet cafe credit voucher, she is no longer keen to videochat.
This make me come to conclusion that, she must be getting monetry gain or some kind of commission from using videochat at this agency. She likely get commission for every man she is able to lure to this videochat service and the longer she can keep them there the better for her and the agency.
after this episode, I had to eat humble pie and cancel all my preparation to go visit this lady in Nikolaev as this has proved that she is not looking for true relationship only there at the agency to help the agency make more money from it's clients.
Now I understand why everytime I logged in to read my messages, there are lots of model -looking FSU lady PM me to videochat. I never take up this offer ofcourse as I already suspect something doggy going on but now I got the prove.
well they claiming to be dating agency, if I want entertainment and not dating then there are porn site or webcam service for this type of thing then I go there. I dont expect a dating agency to be recruiting ladies pretending to be looking for relationship but only interested in providing videochat enterntainment to clients
Hmmm. I wonder why xantia is so certain he's been had? Did she chat via the agency connexion from her own home or was it at the agency or was it via an internet cafe that the agency had its chat setup? Isn't it possible that she simply may not have wanted to chat in public for what may be private to her? xantia's post sounds to me like he was looking for a reason to doubt her.
I'm at the BFG internet cafe just off Sovietskia st., thought I'd throw my two pennies in...
I'm with SoCOZoomie a little on this one. I spent the last 24 hours with me and my 'appointment' chasing each other. We finally met up yesterday, but it was odd to say the least.
First, she isn't giving me her number, so we can't call to arrange a meeting. Then we arrange a time and I'm bringing an interpreter, but she wants to bring her friend to interpret, 'doesn't want to meet two strangers.' So I agree (sounds like it could save me some money).
Anyway, long story short (too late?) I tell her that, because we can't call, I'll check my emails at 2pm, and for her to just write to me where she wants to meet after that. Next thing, as I'm checking my emails, she turns up next to me! We go for a walk, and she tells me that it's against her agency's rules to be talking to me. Her English is fine, but the 'friend' interpreter she told me about is from her agency. She's not supposed to give me any personal details (hence not sending me a phone number earlier). It sounds very much like the letters either go through the agency staff, or they're over her shoulder when she reads/writes. She can be as honest as the day is long, but the agency is far from it, and controls the contact. She told me that the agency also puts the same profiles on Natasha Club and Dream Marriage, and isn't on Anastasia yet, but is planning to be.
While here, I've seen a lot and learned a lot about this whole thing, and I'm more sure than ever that telling genuine from scammer is a lot more complex than a lot of people make out.
If I can give anyone one piece of advice from all this, it's come here! Even if not to meet anyone specific - I can't put into words how educational this whole thing's been.
I may start a new thread 'how to get her away from the agency' - given that the agency controls all contact, how do I do this?
Anyway, off to meet her again. Fun fun! :) Good luck with the future Xantia
Another good reason to fear video chatting with a girl, it sure beats writing letters for $5-$10.....
never have done this..never will.....write for a few months, maybe talk on phone a few times and go visit them.......what is they say....meeting in person is like a million words..........
drop her. or use her. at least you have good advisers there. this is bs, that she cannot give you her phone numnber. she is not an agecny slave. stop by at the city police department, and ask for department that fights internet crime. explain your situation to them. it sounds like money extortion using internet:)
Agree with Olga, rules are for breaking, there is absolute nothing that prevents her from giving you her number, if she really wanted to, all she'd have to ask is that you not tell the agency ..... that's if her story were true which it is not.
Jon, you're being scammed for the interpreter and for the lady etc. She isn't interested in you, she's a professional dater, and aside what she may take directly from you in gifts, meals, taxi fares etc. she is on a commission from the agency and as soon as you've departed town she'll be dating the next guy and the next guy etc.
I think going to Ukraine and meeting women there is much simpler than trying to navigate through the various dating sites. You can make contacts through the internet without having to pay people like Anastasia etc.
I used Elenas Models and had not problem. First email was by using the website email system. As part of my membership, I had access to their personal emails. Next and all subsequent emails were using our personal emails. Never had to go back to the agency.
The girl and I have no romantic interest in each other, and we both know this. We met, share a sense of humour, thought we'd catch up for a drink. She's also open about the fact that she works for the agency, and gets paid per letter. Apparently it's against her agency rules to tell me any of this (which is understandable) and she spent the whole time looking over her shoulder while she was with me. If I wanted her details I'm pretty sure she'd give them, but I don't really. She was also supposed to set up the meeting through the agency and bring the interpreter; she didn't. She came on her own, without their knowledge, and nobody charged me penny one!
To clarify, we met twice, she didn't even ask for the taxi fare and wanted nothing else from me. We've parted company and I fly back to Kiev tomorrow, so I'll probably never see her again. She did, however, tell me some home truths that she'd absolutely get fired for. I consider myself educated.
The point I was making earlier, was that judging whether anyone's genuine from a keyboard is next to impossible. I've met three girls here, one 'open' scammer, one genuine lady and one good-time-girl from Kiev Connections (highly spoken of, but just as susceptible to abuse). I've found seven days here to be highly beneficial, and I recommend people even considering dating FSU to do the same.
Thanks jonhill. It's always been my opinion that meeting someone for the first time in real life rather than via the internet makes for a much more fulfilled time together. Although when I decide to go somewhere I do try and make some contacts online beforehand so I won't get bored. This usually works out really well; you get a few dates and people show you around their city :)
Whether or not someone is genuine can only be found out through face to face interaction; lots of eye contact and behavioral analysis. You can't replicate body language online!
How comfortable are you when you know what motivates these girls is strictly money first? Sure along the way they get pangs of guilt but initially it's always money that motivates them. I guess some women have the ability to coerce and be guilt free while others don't. Finding a partner along the way is just a happy by-product. That's why I always contact women who have careers and are comfortable enough to live in their own country. They're less motivated to leave but at the same time if they genuinely like you it shows. If it does turn into a romance and marriage, they can easily find similar work here in the west and carry on with their career.
you made a good point about going there and having the experience. on every trip I make 3 in all so far I have seen some sights that can only be seen there and met some really nice people. of course I have met some who just want to find a way into your pocket but I have also made some good friends, and of course I get to see the lady I am interested in also.