I have found a lot of web sites and I am not sure about any of them as I have found all of them in a scam list. What about this one http://jump4love.com/welcome30.html? Could you tell something about that one web? Did somebody registered here or meet any ladies?
Thanks for answer.
I cannot trust any dating website where I cannot use video chat to make sure that a lady I'm talking to at least really exists. Jump4Love has video chat as they say, however I've never been a member of this site.
Video chat.
Did you personally see this Martin when you were at your friends agency while adding your comments on the forum?
By the why Martin, you have stated on here that you have been married for some time while knowing that this was a lie.
Did the agency people know your personal details??????????
I has used Mamba project also alexander.
This site, you talk to real women ;)
How do i know this.
Just ask them for their thoughts about the other sites.
People who have used the other sites and then used Mamba will notice a very different style of writing and mentality in the women.
The women usually say if their looking for a sponsor or not, straight up.
There's a VERY remote possibility that someone for jetmba could be on this site ;)
Yes, a very strange coincidence!! I would say it is a possible red flag. However, my big question is why in the world did she ask you to buy her a gift? Has she asked you to buy her anything before? Has she asked often? She should not be asking you for anything. Period. If you haven't even met her in person, and she is already asking you to buy her gifts, what will your relationship be like? It will be a relationship where you have to open your wallet every five minutes to keep her happy and to keep her by your side. And I may get criticized here for saying this, but your relationship does not start until you meet her in person. After all, at this point you really do not know if she is being paid to sit there and talk to you.
Army of brides is a very crooked site. Pay per letter.Lots of photos of beauties all fake.Stay away from MAMBA ,
MAMBA is a black snake one bite is deadly.I knew a man that got bitten by a MAMBA.Now he is dead ,not good
Just think of the name "Jump 4 Love" ... it's a ridiculous name for any bona fida business, nobody jumps for love! :)
It's been known of as a scam site for some years now, I recall it being discussed on this forum previously.
Just think about the name, the web address, before parting with money and ALWAYS run a Google search of the identity followed by such word(s) as "scam", in this scenario Google for "jump4love scam" and you'll find enough questions/warnings to realise that you've picked a wrongun. :)