Yes it is possible! On the home page top left corner Simply click on one of the age selections, scroll to the bottom of the profiles displayed, again on the left is a little window that allows you to search by ID
Thanks wally j, I found it. It was right in front of me and I just didn't see.
chipscher- I'm new to and through my google search found this forum. kinda skeptical about the whole thing I was trying to educate myself. I saw some warnings about some of the girls and wanted to look them up for my own info.
Write the site administrator asking to be removed. If they do not do that, have her re-write her profile to seem like 300 lbs, 4 feet tall, and 69 years old, with 7 children. In other words, if the site will not remove her, make herself as unappealing as possible
She( or you) needs to be more persistent. Send them a few messages, call them. I am surprised they do not do it,
usually agencies should remove girl's photos upon her very first request! We do it here for our ladies.
Olga, not every site is as good natured and professional as yours. Wally, I do not know if this is a web based agency, or if it is a walk-in, but if she can post photos via the web, get a pic of an unattractive woman to post in her ad! it sounds silly, but if she truly wants to get removed from the site (not just telling you what you want to hear) then i am sure there are ways.