Today will be a day that will be long remembered (at least by us).
Today my RW Alla, armed with her documents, stormed the Russian Adoption court. After a year's preparation and three continuances, today was to be the final battle. Would the Adoption Board not grant her the adoption of the little 2 year old boy that she has been fostering since he was very young? Or, would Alla triumph in victory?
The battle waged on for over three hours. She fielded question after question. Twice the Russian lawyer had to go to the back chambers to think.
In the end, She Got the Adoption !!!!
I am so happy for her, and for us. This is the final hurdle that could have prevented us from ever being together. Just this past weekend we came ever so close to giving up any chance for us and stopping the process and our relationship. In the end her persistence prevailed. In the end our love for each other carried us through.
Now we will have to reschedule the interview so that she can obtain the new birth certificate and then later his international passport. She'll visit to her parents in southern Russia one last time as a single woman; next year we will go back together.
So in about less than two months, they will come here and we will begin our happy life together. Wow, I am speechless!
Congratulation! It's a great thing to adopt a child, so he has a real family! I see sometimes couples in Ukraine who come here for this reason, the process is probably easier in Ukraine.
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Russian brides > Main Forum > September 15, 2009 - Russian Day of Glory (She got the Adoption !!!)