I am as stated, a Canadian, and have been abroad and met the most wonderful lady, outside of this site.
Are there any other Canadians here that can provide me with information on how they brought their brides over, and what mistakes to avoid, and which loop holes to use.
Any information at all would be greatly appreciated.
I think silverfox got firghtened away. Can't say I blame him.
Do they speak French in canada? I remember a trip when I went to Montreal - of all things to see the Phillies play - and it was interesting. Yep it was years ago. But I also was there not so long ago. Point is this. Most canadiens in that region are bi-lingual. Meaning they speak french and english. But as soon as they discover you are from america "No hable engles!" I found for the most part the Frecnch Canadiens to be rude and arrogant. Yet in Vancouver it is a different story altogether. And same for New Brunswick and the maritime areas. Canadien people are very cool. It is just the Frenchies that irk me to no end.
Julian.The French dislike most people.Especially English speakers.They are still angry that it was English speaking nations that liberated France in 1945.
The feeling is often reciprocated. A common English point of view is that, geographically, France has only one problem (that being that it is above sea level)
If nothing else, I certainly did get a response. Agreeably the French speaking folks of Quebec figure that they are the cream of the crop and we should all bow down and speak their language. Let me tell you, being from the Western Side of Canada, we too, dislike the French very much, and yes, we do all speak English, unless of course you happen into Vancouver or Calgary, then God knows what you should speak.
Thanks for the answers, guys.
HAHAHA omg thats funny
I'm in Canada also I live in Edmonton right but i have lived in both Vancouver and Montreal in the past and visited Calgary way too much and well people in Alberta pretty much speak farmer language and in Vancouver well most ppl just don't speak english lol