I have been asked for money on a few occasions. One lady wanted me to pay $400. for a semester of sports school for her daughter. Another
wanted me to purchase a laptop for her at $1000. I think this is part of the game, to separate those who are scammers and those who are serious.
I think time separates the serious from the non-serious/scammers. Just keep looking....
I had one girl (mentioned in another thread) ask me to travel to Kharkov in her first email. Did some googling and found out she was a 'free holiday' girl of the highest order (one guy posted on another site to admit he'd given her $30,000+). Lucky escape!
One girl in Kiev brought two mates on a date at the last minute. They all had a nice meal on me, then promptly disappeared (not that I was bothered. They were models, and it was pretty cheap entertainment while I ate)
I've also had a few tell me how interested they are (email address sent in first letter, wether I'd contacted them first or not) but a quick google found them to be on other sites, albeit with a different name, or a different woman pictured entirely.
Another that I met in Kiev was so bad at it, it was almost cute. We went on a few dates, and on date 3 we were in a club and she kept commenting on shoes. Hers weren't appropriate, she could really do with some different ones etc. She kept pointing at other girls', and saying how much she needed a pair of those. It was hard not to giggle. Truth be told, though, this is nothing different than you'd get from girls in the west. They ALL know how to play the game. I think it's because they all work out at an early age they can sit on their fathers knee, give it the 'puppy dog eyes', say "daddyyy...." and get whatever they want.
The female of the species is more deadly than the male :) Caveat emptor!
Well said Muzzy. Greatest men of history have been laid low by the affections of a woman & we are just your better than average guys seeking something special. We are all here looking for qualities in women that seem to be fading in our gender competitive cultures. These same qualities; desire to put mate 1st, vulnerability, family 1st - career 2nd.... are honed in some of these women from childhood. And yest the 'puppy dog eyes'!:) If the RIGHT woman bats those eyes at me & I'm on my way to the shoe store. Face it, we love it. But no one likes being taken for granted, that's the fine line.
I spent some time in Bangkok where the tall, fair stranger attracted a lot of attention. The conditions for many women in this male dominant society are hard. They project their dream of a better life on you & it's heady stuff.
I am still convinced I will find that special one here. Just guard your heart, always think w/ the head that's on top of your shoulders & don't be afraid to ask the hard questions. Best I know to do.
There are different categories, and not everyone agrees which deserve the name scam. The ones I know about, in order from least to most dangerous (in my opinion).
COMPLETE FICTION - Photos have nothing to do with the creator of the profile (sometimes they are celebrity pictures). The "operator" will engage his or her victim in correspondence (usually form letters that can be recognized or even googled), expressing great interest in you (falling in love, eager to meet), leading up the letter saying that you must wire her at least $300 (up to several thousand) for her passport/plane fare/taxi fare/visa appliction/family medical emergency/etc. DEFENSE - With practice, these are easy to recognize. If the profile gets past your radar, the letters are also very characteristic. Not a threat for me personally because the fiction girls are below my minimum age limit.
The rest of the categories are more dangerous, because the woman in the profile is real.
ENTERTAINMENT GIRL - She will spend as much of your money as possible in 2 to 3 hours. She will need costly taxi rides, and will already have picked out one of the most expensive restaurants in a 500 km radius (not exaggerating here). She may be very friendly/affectionate, but she will get a lot more entertainment out the evening than you. DEFENSE - If you meet one and spend the money, just don't communicate with her again.
SHOPPING GIRL - This overlaps with entertainment girl, but is more sophisticated/successful. She is looking for a "long-term relationship" (usually several days), because she will bat those 'puppy dog eyes' and lead you to the highest-fashion shops. The longer she strings you along, the better business for her. I am ashamed to say that I spent more than $1000 on one of these -- ashamed because I was encouraging bad conduct -- my only pleading being that she was gorgeous, spoke perfect English, and was really witty (made me laugh a lot). She was not affectionate at all, but said various things pretending some interest in me. Part of the shopping girl's sophistication is that she may include her mother (after all, mom needs nice gifts too!). I felt a little better when I learned about a man who was soaked for about $15,000 in 3 days by such a pair: he didn't realize how much money he had lost until he looked at his credit card bill. These two were very professional: I suspect that the 'mom' may have been an older accomplice, and because he didn't think he had spent nearly so much money, perhaps one the the salespeople where they took him shopping may have also been an accomplice in soaking his credit card. DEFENSE - Keep your eyes open, and feet on the ground.
HOBBYIST - In almost every case, an FSU woman can create a profile at not cost, and she can usually correspond for free, or at very little cost. So for a half-hour of internet time, she can begin some entertainment. Maybe she is curious how many men will answer -- are any of them handsome? The attention is flattering? She can enjoy talking about the correspondence with her girlfriends. If one of them comes to her city and spends some money on her, how pleasant! Some of these women have no real interest in relocating to another country -- or even marrying at all. And couldn't imagine falling in love with a man much older than themselves. DEFENSE - Maybe the best defense is to attempt some depth of communication about her values, life plans, etc. Use your judgment -- is there any 'there' there?
TRUE LOVE GIRL - This actually happened to an acquaintance of an old friend. The beauty less than half his age pretended to fall in love, he visited her little town in Russia, met all of the family, etc. etc. But she never came to America -- there was always an emergency (grandma needs surgery, cousin in legal trouble, travel problems) -- one or two or three thousand bucks each time. This low-income man kept sending money over a period of several years. DEFENSE - A little self-respect?
THE MARRYING KIND - I saved the most dangerous for last. She wants a better life, and you are a rung on her ladder to success. She will marry the first man who is willing and able to take her to her country of choice. She has educated herself on the immigration process. A Ukrainian friend who lives in America met such a woman from Russia -- it's an ugly story. She was 40ish, so not someone you could detect as too-young-and-glamorous. She made her living in Russia for years as a prostitute (of course, the wretched man who brought her to the US didn't know this). As soon as she had her permanent resident status, she dumped him and went shopping for a "better" husband. DEFENSE - As I said, she's dangerous. What I will try to do -- get to know her friends and family as deeply as possible (somebody might come to like you, and give a warning). Get to know her, how does she think about the world and react to situations. How does she relate to people -- for example, is she mean to her parents? If I marry someone without some understand of her soul...
Just my way of getting a little personal satisfaction for the thousands of people that send money to the scammers.
When it is an obvious scam, I send them to the local WU or MG office with fake control number. They send email back saying.
My darling I can to not get the money the number is not correct. I say oh no my dear let me read it to you again you must have written it incorrectly.
They usually do not send another email. Really FN fun you gotta try it. You aren't getting your money back any way so let them venture into the cold to wait for something that isn't there. Winter time is the best because you know she is most likely wearing heels. FN scammer hope she slips n falls
Here is a test. Try to take a picture with the one who claims she wants to marry you. Just you two. Usually, if she wants to marry you, she will. Otherwise, she usually has a man in mind and friends who will know it. She will not want to have a picture circulating she was with you.
Here is a current post by my interpreter on facebook: If you must use an agency, you should ask for her phone number on the very first letter. Be careful, guys.
Just had another case where man has been writing to a lady for few months through the agency, finally he decided to call her- and when we called her, she didn’t even knew who he was. That is why it is so important to call early in the relationship to verify if you are really writing to a girl or you have been corresponding with a translator with the mustache.
I didn't say anything about Ukraine. Certainly, one should be careful, but Ukraine is not as bad as you say. I will not call it a "glorified meat market" as you do. I even resent you for mentioning it. My gf is from there. I had great experiences in there. I think you are resentful because of your experience. The question in the previous thread was "Why Ukraine?" But, you You took it as an opportunity to trash Ukraine.
It was someone else that called it a glorified meat market, not me!
I'm not resentful but I'm from the old days when guys travelled to all sorts of FSU countries, if, like me, you just run through the threads of this forum you'll see "Ukraine, Ukraine, Ukraine" but there's a whole wiide world out there and, in my personal opinion, guys that travel to Ukraine merely for 'visa' convenience are being extremely short sighted.
But don't take everything said so seriously RB, your words previously were "it isn't so bad" but, above, you post, "another case" of a man being deceived by a crooked agaency. OK, it might not be so bad but it clearly ain't so good either!
The correct spelling is not 'agaency' as the forums literacy expert puts it.
Martin says above, he's not resentful but after the web site of Lena Boby, I think Martin is a hypocrite.
Martin must of had an American mentality placed into him before he became a smelly Pom.
I also notice, this forum site, Fiance.com, has blocked or removed my personal views on Martin on various different topics, in which it seems, after what Martin has created on he's slur-web site against a woman, Martin has been the biggest loser of all time.
I think Fiance.com is pathetic for allowing Martin P Colman to be continual on this forum after reading the web-site that he has created ( without any facts other then he's own) against a woman.
Martin is so pathetic that he doesn't have the balls to place he's stupid face on the photos of he's slur-web site but he goes out of he's way to place a web site against a woman that in my opinion, could not have scammed an educated man for so long, for so much money.
Like, how dumb is a man who takes so long to see that women are not interested in him, in anyway.????
Perhaps Martin P Colman is ' The glorified meat'? ;)
What kind of cock-head places interest on ' Monies Owing' on a slur-web site against a woman that unfortunately for her, came across an old pissed up Pom who was laughed out of Thailand for having a small, to very small penis?
Another wanna-be is bgpa.
He placed he's personal opinion that a woman is not a scammer. This opinion, he say's, he knew for a fact that she was not a scammer.
The only fact that bgpa knows, he doesn't have a fucken clue between a scammer and an honest woman.
Nothing personal against bgpa, this seems the typical mentality from Yanks.
Martin and bgpa should team up and make the coffee's for the women instead of pursing dreams.
I also have noticed that most of the American Men who chase FSU women, are always bagging American Women.
The truth would be that, American Women are better educated then their Male counter-parts and therefore in my opinion, any American man on these FSU sites, is socially disfuctional and feels inferior in he's own country.
Every-single American Male who places he's thoughts on this forum and others, has the same sad, boring story.
I wonder if one of those legal pre-nuptial agreements are a good idea before marriage. I've read of horror stories where a guy has married a FSU woman, brought her to his country, and then she pleads battery against him to get a divorce and a share in his income.
Martin, in "just another case", I was quoting my interpreter. Nothing was said where the lady came from, Ukraine or otherwise. You automatically assumed it was Ukraine. I myself do not know and posted that to remind others to be careful. You did not say Ukraine was a glorified meat market, but you paved the way for someone else to. You compared Ukraine to processed meat while elsewhere, you can get real beef.
Gecko, you are like Ralph. If I followed your story right, you had a failed marriage in Ukraine and was trashing Ukraine. Then, you were looking into Asia. Now, you are back in Ukraine and wants someone to share your apartment with you. Instead of name calling, why don't you tell your sob story?
Here is my list of scammers levels:
Wise men don't make mistake twice!
Scammer Level Hierarchy
Level 10 (Ultimate) girl invites man to come to her country to meet her & never shows up for the physical meeting, Man loses everything!
Level 9 (Advanced) girls writes emotional deep letters, convinces man she is the one, but never asks for money, she knows her limits, scams man to come & meet her, but in the end nothing happens when he shows up
Level 8 (services)Girl invites man to visit her & asks to reserve apartment/interpreter/ any other services offered by agency & she doesn't meet him after promises made, no outcome, it was all for money
Level 7 Girl writes to man, but behind the scene is getting paid by agency to keep man interested in her
Level 6 Girl writes back to the client, after couple of emotional letters(about 6 – 8 letter exchanges) girl asks money to be sent over through western union or anyone excuses given where a transaction occurs.
Level 5 Girl replies back or starts/initiate correspondence but than asks for your credit card for payment to view her webcam!!! Webcam girls scam!
Level 4 Girl profile is fake, actually a agent/man writing letters to men
Level 3 Girl has multiple profiles on various agencies with different aliases to scam men
Level 2 Profile description sounds strange
Level 1 Girl has a profile listed on the internet dating website, client joins the agency hoping to write to that profile but never receives a reply – dead profile(agency makes money, client wastes his money & time)
The top excuse's not to communicate outside the agency:
Don't have computer at home - if they don't have PC than why do we see them online for live chats 24/7 after midnight Russia/UKR time zone? All these girls have personal PC's with their own mail.ru email address(some have webcams).
Cannot type or too time consuming to type letters - in other words they rather correspond through the agency interpreter
Cannot afford internet cafe access - internet cafe access is available cheaper than coffee & in third world even servants have internet these days
Don't have time for internet cafe - but have time to go to the agency!!!
My postal address is broken
Even if they give you their postal & telephone address - we still have many compliants that there phone is switched off 24/7 to prevent communication outside agency - in other words they will talk to you if you go through agency only
The communication outside agency is poor, the translator services of agency are great-in other words other translators are bad - only agency is good
You are criminal & will wipe out my house if I give you my postal address-seriously if someone wants to wipe out a girls house why they need to go all the way to Eastern Europe to do that?
More to come...
here is the link to free translator on the net http://translation2.paralink.com/
And here is my link to my webpage http://www.anastasiascammers(dot)com/
You have the biggest post in this thread yet you are not contributing in any form to the topic. All I see is a big blob of text that is repeating the same thing. Nobody, who has been here long enough, is buying what you're selling. Try putting that anger into something more productive.
At least from previous thread, Smart Martin shown to add to the topic. So please, stop with the childish vendetta.