Can anyone offer advise please. Have been in ukraine or 6 months, doing the 90 day in/out thing. Now married to ukraine lady and want to stay. Have spoken to someone in imagration office and they say it will be a problem to get residence visa because i came without a full visa the first time. They say visas are issued at descretion of local office and the man at the top keeps saying no to these visas !!!
Has anyone done the same or offer advise ?
Firstly, well done on finding your lady and getting hitched.
I'm living here in Ukraine; how I'm doing it is with a one year Business Visa. I arrived in August, fully intending to "border hop" every 3 months, but I didn't do my homework before I left the UK, the rules have changed here and the old "Border hopping" doesn't, or shouldn't, work anymore. So early November I traveled back over the border to Krakow, Poland, presented my application with supporting documents and fee to the Ukrainian Embassy, returned in the afternoon and was granted my Visa. This Visa is now renewable (at authority's discretion) within Ukraine.
I have heard that a foreigner needs to be married to a Ukrainian for 2 years before the authorities will consider granting permanent residency if that is what you require, but I can't state this as a fact, just what I've been told by friends.
Sorry I can't offer exact information tailored to you, but if all else fails, you could try the Business Visa route as me, just then register with your local office, then apply for a renewal every year from inside Ukraine (again at your local office) and you're free to stay here.
Having said all of that, Yanukovich is expected to become Ukraine's next President in February, he's extremely Pro Russia – Anti EU integration, and therefore could just change the rules against us when he takes power.
I don't have any advice, but a question -- you wrote, "they say it will be a problem to get residence visa because i came without a full visa the first time."
What do they mean by full visa? What type of visa did you have the first time?
I am curious about visa issues, so I appreciate if you can help educate me.
How are you ??
There is strong speulation floating around the Rada they might change the "free Visa entry" for the likes of the US - Brits etc.
I sure hope they not do this, I us a British Passport instead of my NZ one - and is nice not to have to go through all the application Via Aussie Ukraine Embassy etc, which is a real pain in the rrrrssss !!!!!
How did you obtain a 1 year business Visa ???
I am doing business in Ukraine - exporting to NZ. we spent approx 3 months there ast year and will do two trips this year.
What makes one qualify for a business Visa ??
Righ now, because it is visa free, there is not much the airport personnel can do but let you in. At least, I don't think so. I suppose they can mess with your luggage, but that's customs. Coming into Ukraine, at the passport check in the airport, I was once asked where I was going in Ukraine. I had forgotten the paper where my date's address was written. I told him I don't know the address, and someone was waiting for me outside. He gave me a look and stamped my passport anyway. Yes, it will be a pain in the a... if they change the system now, and bad for Ukraine.
"Righ now, because it is visa free, there is not much the airport personnel can do but let you in"
They stamp your passport so that can see when you entered and left the country, so if you break the rules they can send you back home. Also they can stop you leaving as well.
They do that in any country if you break the rules. My point is, they act strict at the passport check in the airport, asking you questions. Then they asked me where I was staying. I said I don't know the address. They still let me in.
I guess you guys are referring to entering UA via Borispol whereas, compared to circa 10 years ago, it's a walk in the park.
Try entering UA via one of the regional, yet international, airports such as Kharkov, Donetsk, Dnepropetrovsk etc. where police etc. corruption is still rife, then you might have an experience to tell such as your, supposedly, illegal aerosol of deodorant or whatever! :)
If you come from Kiev, do you still have to go through passport check? I plan to go to Simferopol from Kiev. I haven't decided on taking the plane or the train yet.
maxirat all you need is a business invitation. I use Solo east tours $50 Its done online and emailed to you within 24hs. If you want to do it on the way Budapest can issue a visa in 24hrs pay extra or 3 days normal. Most embassyies require 3 days minimum.
I think what "Gemini" writes is correct information. All thats required for a Business Visa is a letter of invitation from a Business within Ukraine that has the official stamp on it of a Ukrainian Business and also details of the companies Tax etc.
A friend here intoduced me to a Business man who owns a contruction company, I'm now a "50% partner" in this Business. The papers cost me an expensive bottle of Vodka.
I hope to renew my Visa in November in the local office here in Rivne.
Of course all of this can change with the appointing of a new President any day now !!!
If you travel via Kiev then you clear customs/immigration in Kiev before entering Ukraine to walk, outside, to the domestic terminal 5 minutes walk to the right ..... or a couple of hours walk if you happen to stop off at the bar close to the bottom of the ramp up to the domestic terminal :)
When I've travelled, many a time, Borispol/Dnepr/Borispol I recall my passport being checked only in Dnepr upon the way back, I guess just to check the name coincides with the name on my ticket, they might have done this departing Borispol also but I can't remember.
Once thru, and back to, Borispol one is a domestic passenger thus no customs/immigration however one is a foreigner so the authorities are obliged to check one's passport is in order with regards to validity, entry stamp and length of stay etc.
I travelled to Poland, krakow , this week, it took 5 days travelling by train from kharkov - great experience !
I got my visa from ukraine Console ok, but didn't quite work as I hoped, I took all papers they asked for over the phone, but I only managed to come away with a 6 month visa.
If I was an American and had married a ukrainian lady here, then the cost would have been $160 for a 12 month visa. As I am English and have married a Ukrainian, I had to pay $240 for a 6 month visa !!
The $480 Business Visa didn't work, I took all papers letters etc, but I was told that I didn't have a work permit, so I could not get a business visa.
But at least I now have a visa, which I hope can be extended here in kharkov, we will see !
Best advice is to get proper visa before you arrive here, it will save alot of time if you deside to return often or stay longer.
Registering Passport
When I was in Ukraine Embassy in Poland, the guy told me to register my passport with the local Police as soon as I returned to kharkov. I have today tried to do this, to be told that I dont need to until end of May , something about 90 day visit again !
Christ, one dept says one thing and another something different !
I have searched web and when you have your passport stamped on entry, that includes your Police registration for 90 days, weither you have visa or on 90 visit. As I have now a 6 month visa , I will need to register within 90 days - late registration and you get a fine.
But I will be going out of the country again beginning of May, so that will restart the 90 day thing again (I think !!)