funny thing, when someone who's introduction to American speak gets most of their exposure from movies they tend to think the 'F' word is generally accepted in regular day to day conversation. It's a shame a newcomer to America will rarely hear, "Golly" "Gee whiz" "Swell" "Shucks"
I would agree with you on this Ralph but most of the people I ask about this over there seemed to know the word and used it as just a funny thing to say. It was a bit sad to me but most of them saw nothing wrong with the nasty black rap even after the meaning of it was explained to them. To them there simply was nothing wrong with it.
Ralph, you know very well that this forum is read internationally. Yet, you used that word on me without provocation. If it is a shame for an American newcommer, is it also a shame for American old timers?
But, being intoduced to USA (America), if they speak English, they're going to be confused anyway, since when, in English, has a 'tap' been called a 'fawcett' and since when has 'pissed' meant that one is angry rather than drunk?
They will learn the words in your list, if they watch the "Henry Aldrich" movies, or the "Our Gang" series. I get nostalgic just thinking about those... and the younger American guys on this forum (if there are any!) probably won't know what the f**k these films were...
Martin, there is only one Fawcett that I know of, and we lost her about a year ago. Her first name was Farrah. Whether you are from the UK or USA, we get our water from the faucet, and at the bar, we get our beer from the tap.
Mr. Durak, I am not familiar with Henry Aldrich, but isn't "Our Gang" the "Little Rascals", just a little grown up? I dont recall them saying f*****
Another unfortunate thing is calling a woman a bitch.
what is worse is calling a man a bitch, as in "Raging bull, you are a bitch." Speaking for myself, I didn't lose anyone when Farrah Fawcett passed away. I bet you still jerk off to her 1970's poster. Get a life already.
A buddy was telling me the time two Danish guys came over to work in US with his company. They had a hell of a time with American English. It is the same everywhere. All languages have their own quirks, idiosyncrasies and colloquialisms. Just like yous guys argued about da word nigger and nigga. Just as the word, 'fanny' has a different meaning across the pond. And the word, 'fag'. As in, 'Raging bull is a fag but he doesn't smoke fags.' In the literal sense of course. I'm sure he has 'smoked' more than a few in his days.
Sorry RB - couldn't resist. Yeah, I remember back in the war the language we used. And to come back into civilization again and having to police oneself over the use of language. There is a difference when using certain expletives when with the guys playing cards or at deer camp than the general usage of such words in real life. I can say f00k you on this forum and not have a care about it. And also because you don't have a clue if I am some tramp from Odessa or some clown from Illinois. Hint - we had almost two feet of snow yesterday. I am glad however that you enjoy changing your avatar frequently and have no issues with PM. Is it because nobody knows' avatar was bigger than yours that you feel continuing to change it will make up for the fact that you still have a little one? Just wondering...
I try not to use derrogatory words. The language "we" used? Don't count me there. On one rare occassion, you might find one from me, but it certainly isn't in my everyday use, even in anger. Back to the title of this thread, you evaded the question. If you, as I do, think it is a shame for foreigners to use the F word, why don't you set an example? Was that a joke in Mr Oz's thread that a woman is either a bitch or p---? That was not funny. I doubt if anyone found it as such.
It never bothered me that nobody knows had a bigger avatar. I only questioned how she dit it. Yet you continue to hark that it bothered me. It did not. I change avatars because I would like to share my pictures as well as words, just like you do. You once asked how to post pictures here. I only asked how do you get bigger avatars.
Farrah Fawcett was big in my college days. I remember seeing her pictures in posters, magazines, paintings, etc. I did not buy any of them. It is not my style to admire famous women whom I will never meet. I did admire the way she handled her battle with cancer. Lately, not in this forum, I have shown my admiration for her for that.
As far as gays, J-- off and vasoline, I don't bring any of that up in any conversation, forum or otherwise. You have. Therefore, we all see what is in your mind and what you practice.
No, I don't know what kind of woman you have, but I know you have a foul mouth and a short fuse. Therefore, I don't believe you should be around children.
Raging Bull - you are right. I have nothing useful for the forum. It is just way too easy to get your dander up. Why did you feel the need to post every couple days on the other thread about 'changes'? It seemed you were having a conversation with yourself.
And what do you think you know about me? I am not fit to be around children? You must get a life. There is a big difference between fantasy and reality. Do you feel that every writer, television producer or movie script writer is not fit to be around children? Based on your comments I must assume it is so. There is no need for you to attempt to project a persona for others. Nobody really cares. This is supposed to be a forum for discussion about dating women - or finding a woman. Sure I have polluted it. But you try to come across as an expert on women/FSU women. And it is apparent you do not have a clue. You attempt to throw in your two cents on almost every post -- thinking some may look at you as some kind of knowledgeable person. When in fact you are lost. And from your experiences you have shared I would consider anything you say as advice to be exactly not what to do.
"And it is apparent you do not have a clue. You attempt to throw in your two cents on almost every post -- thinking some may look at you as some kind of knowledgeable person. When in fact you are lost. And from your experiences you have shared I would consider anything you say as advice to be exactly NOT what to do." this like congress where a second to a motion carries it?
I still think that anyone that posts more than 2 posts in a row is really just talking to themselves!!!!!!!!!!!!
No. I don't think you are fit to be around children. Do you think anyone is amused by your foul mouth, and your sudden busts of anger? Do you think anyone will be amused when you teach your fiance's child that and he or she follows you example? Children learn by imitating. You think you are a writer? Give me a break.
Is that why I anger you? Is that why you use foul language on me? It's because I come accross as someone who is an expert on FSU? I do not lay such a claim. I share my experiences and my insights. People can agree or don't agree. The fact is you don't know how to debate me on anything. I don't care if I am right or you are right. I'll give you the credit if you are right and I am wrong. But, you have no answer. You don't know how to answer. You just get angry and use the F word. Didn't your mother teach you how to answer? You are like a child when he has no answer. He has to be on top so he uses foul language. It makes him feel important. Then, I ask why is it that I anger you and I get no answer. Women do that. They get angry and do not tell you why. I have never ran into a MAN that does. The boy scouts really did it to you.
Again, I ask. You still don't have a clue of how to answer. Look. Put your glasses on, old man. Look at the title of this thread. You brought it up. You think it's a shame for anyone new to the US to use the F word, but it's alright for you? Who the heck do you think you are? If it's shameful to anyone else, it should be shameful to you.
I surely am not lost. I will post whatever, whenever I want. I know what I am doing or I wouldn't do it. So what if I post on every other thread. People read it. You and Beemer did. I don't care if noone answers. Who has the rules on that? You? Beemer? No. I will not follow your rules.
I just looked at the "changes" thread that I posted three times in a row for. Those posts were not even for you. They were for the individual(s) who were PM'ing me on how to get word to me because I could not open their posts. These, and asking why nobody knows have a bigger avatar is what you get angry at and use the F word?
Look at other threads. They argue about Brits, Aussies, Japanese (don't call them Japs, they don't like it), Gays, Muslims, Buddhists...... Look for me there. I am not there. Yet you get angry at me about posting to someone else about avatars? You don't have anger issues?
That thing about women (p... and bitches). That makes you a producer/writer? I happen to have read that before. You didn't write it. You are only repeating it. It is demeaning to women. It is something that shouldn't get repeated.
I happen to think that when women get silent after getting angry, they need more attention. They need things like flowers. Is that what you are waiting for? Don't look at me. Beemer? Here's your chance for your buddy.
raging bull my friend, do you realize that this is all funning with you? Surely you have many experiences and are quite the lady's man in Ukraine. I sometimes am in awe of your experience and knowledge. I only wish that I myself have spent many thousands trying to find a woman and gained experience through the many challenges as you have endured. Then I would be able to post advice to others on the forum. Unfortunately for me, I corresponded with a lady for only four months before we met. Shame on me. And I am humbled to say that I do not have quite the experience as you do on dating a woman from that area.
Why do you try to come across as such a righteous person? I am sorry, but sometimes men will use the F word or the P word. As in, "Obama is making the USA look like a bunch of pussies to the rest of the world." Or do you mean that tasty treat that many of us like to munch on? Learn how to make a woman scream with pleasure and you will no longer be wasting your time. Unfortunately there are many other aspects to it. Just being a sexual dynamo is not enough. You also must prove your worth as a man who can function and be successful in society. And one who has the ability to provide a comfortable and pleasing life for a woman. You must be able to adapt, fit into and conquer many diverse circumstances. When a woman looks at you with pride seeing that you exude confidence and have command of yourself in any situation, then you will be successful. It is why so many are not successful in the arena of FSU women. These women are not stupid nor are they desperate to the point that they will just settle for any guy who comes along. So continue to be your goofy self. I can only assume that you are as goofy in real situations as you are on this forum. It is sad that women must think you are what the average man is like. And I am sure there are a number of others who go over there to use it as a playground. It is unfortunate that they (women)are exposed to such behavior. Because it ruins it for men who are genuinely searching for a life partner. So, the women see either a goofy loser guy hoping to get lucky and dupe some seemingly desperate woman to give up her life to move to your country to marry you, or they are continually bombarded with men who are only thinking it would be fun to visit a girl and have a good time.
I do not wish to get into why I have criticized your many obvious ridiculous posts. I think I have mentioned it before, denial is a powerful excuse. Someone in denial does not actually comprehend their own circumstances. It is not that they are lying or trying to evade the truth. It is just that they have no idea how they actually are.
I am willing to bet a million dollars that you reply. Just as I have thought you would not have replied to my rantings of the past if you were not a goofball, nut job, desperate loser or someone who's life was solely based on the idea of acceptance from a bunch of people you do not know. I am calling Vegas now to get it on the board.
"Raging Bull vs Ralph29" post 2/7/2010 -- RB replies - 1000/1
Well done Ralphy I like it, give that Raging B.S. what he deserves, like I said before he thinks he is the fountain of knowledge on this site, when in fact he donīt know jack s***t
And what is a BUSTS OF ANGER Raging B.S. that really was funny.
"I am willing to bet a million dollars that you reply. Just as I have thought you would not have replied to my rantings of the past if you were not a goofball, nut job, desperate loser or someone who's life was solely based on the idea of acceptance from a bunch of people you do not know. I am calling Vegas now to get it on the board.
"Raging Bull vs Ralph29" post 2/7/2010 -- RB replies - 1000/1 "
Sorry Julian, Vegas set the odds at 1-1,000,000 that you will get a reply, if not several!!!
Petbull errr...... Mr Bull not replying is like telling someone not to breath!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jeez, I'm scared, being told to beat it. Just stick around here Mr Bull, just to prove to others how
incompetent you are.....stick to those ESL (english as a second language)classes, maybe one day we can have a discussion where you can comprehend what is being said. Stay with what you know best, being fodder for FSU girls.
Of course heīll reply Beemer, heīs taking so long because he is looking up words in the dictionary, and thesaurus, this should be really interesting!!!!!!!!!