I have been in Moldova for almost a month, but haven,t seen one black person yet.
Is there any form of racism in Moldova? Please let me know if you know any black ladies in Moldova.
I've visited Moldova several times too, and never seen any black people there. A few arabs and Turks. I think not the problem is racism, but more likely, Moldova is not a country you imigrate to for work or studdy.
The Moldovan people I meet was very friendly! Especially I meet very helpful people in the marraige agency starsvet.
Yes Moldovans usually eat all black people they meet. Why do people keep asking stupid questions? I've been to Moldova many times and I've seen black people there. That's a kind of megalomania "If I didn't see black people in Moldova there aren't any at all there".
And another thing - if someone goes to Moldova to search black women why don't we go to the Sahara desert to play snowballs and make a snowman? that'll be great fun
Another observation: the countries of Eastern Europe have never used African slaves for work and never had colonies in Africa. That might be the reason why there aren't as many black people as in the USA or Western Europe and don't tell me about racism.
The Moldovans are not stupid. They do not have black people.They only have black racists like Jesse Jackson,and Jeremiah Wright,spike lee in America.
Hell if black people existed only in Africa they would not have any white folk to blame for their problems.
Oh! I begin to think "shooter" and "slimshady" are the same imposter... why do you pollute this forum with your crap? Let’s try to help the newbie’s while we are here with our experience and offer them constructive criticism... jackass.
Who the hell cares if there are black ladies in Muldova???
Black ladies in Moldova...mmm...doubt it.
No reason to go there when Europe is an open door.
Racism is everywhere.
Most racists...dcv/sooty for example..like to blame others for their own miserable existence. Point the finger at someone and saying "there's the bad guy" The guys he mentions here have acheived more in a week than the lifetime of the finger pointer.
there once was a man from Nantucket
kissed the girls and made them cry
he stuck in his thumb
to fetch a pail of water
and frightened miss muffet away...
it makes about as much sense as you responding to dunny danny
I know this one girl named Nica and she was born in Moldova. She was white by race although she was so tanned she almost looks like she's black. I've made fun of her names several times and said "Nica please." I don't think she ever got it.
I myself have a bit of Moldovan in me, and I'm pasty so the reason why you can't find any black women in Moldova is because Moldova is a European country, and all the super tanned Moldovans live here in America.
As a black woman considering work in Moldova; It's a legit question I believe.
excerpt from: http://www.peacecorpswiki.org/Diversity_and_cross-cultural_issues_in_Moldova
Possible Issues for Volunteers of Color
African-American Volunteers often express frustration and disappointment at being asked where they are from because when they answer “African American” or “black American,” some Moldovans react with surprise or disbelief. Although they may be the subject of constant stares and questions as well as occasional insults, most African-American Volunteers say they are well accepted in their communities after an initial settling-in period. There is a small population of students and businesspeople from Africa in Chisinau, and some African Americans are assigned to the U.S. Embassy.
Hispanic American Volunteers have found that some Moldovans stereotype them as similar to the characters they watch in the popular Latin American soap operas on TV. Because there is a small population of Romany (Gypsies) in Moldova, some Volunteers have been misidentified and have been the subjects of verbal harassment.
Asian-American Volunteers often find that they stand out more than Caucasians, as there are relatively few East Asians (i.e., Japanese, Chinese, Southeast Asians) in Moldova. People often assume that such Volunteers are from China, and may be skeptical that they are Americans and speak English. While much of this extra attention is not intended to be negative, it can be tiresome. The situation soon goes away in your host village, but may recur when you visit other cities and towns. Several Asian-American Volunteers have been stopped by police to check identification papers much more frequently than their counterpart Caucasian Volunteers.