Well, I'm about to go on trip number 3. So far I've done Kiev, Nikolaev, Sumy & Kharkov. Now, I'm off to Mariupol for six days (although two of those will be travelling). I have my backups both in Mariupol, and in all of the above mentioned cities, so it should be an interesting week.
As with the last trip, I'll be posting my thoughts on the experience, the agency and the girls.
First, a little about my strategy. I've been using a combination of fiance.com and Elenas Models. I also use the free sites (mabma, fdating etc.) and a few Christian sites (those who know me will know why). If I'm honest, I get most of my lasting contacts from fiance.com, although some of them are also on EM.
Before I instigate or reply to correspondence, I check the girl with google and anti-scam sites (excluding Jim's Lists). This doesn't just include the name, but at least a paragraph from the profile (on Google, one full sentence minimum, in speech marks) and (when I get it) her email address. I've also targeted girls of up to an 8 year age difference (occasionally going a little higher in special circumstances), and simply don't entertain the 'children' who contact me. I've also been open to women with kids, and have made no secret of that.
Those with whom the correspondence goes well, I commit to traveling to meet within a short timeframe - relatively up front. Since I've started this process, I've travelled every 10-12 weeks. It hasn't always gone as planned (the Sumy no-show being the prime villain), but on the whole it seems to have worked well enough, as there are now half a dozen or so that fit my requirements, that I've met, and who want to see me again.
That's the 'correspondence' part. Onto the rest of it...
I plan to go for around two weeks in the Summer. After this week's trip, I'll know who I'm going to spend that time with. It may be seeing a few girls for a second time, or spending the whole two weeks with one of those who I've met on the first three trips. My goal is that my trip over the next week, and the correspondence with all in the weeks that follow, will guide my choices as to how the big summer holiday goes. My hope is that, by August, I'll have settled on my choice (with fingers crossed that she'll have done the same, naturally :P).
I have a backup route to go down if all else fails, but I'm hoping I wont need it. I started this process last July, and my intention is to have made progress in the first year. I guess time will tell.
I'm not in any way saying that this is the 'right' way to go about it, or indeed that there is a 'right' way. This is simply the process I've used, which is based on much of the advice I've read on here (after sifting through the pages of insults and childish bickering). I am NO expert in this process, and still learn a lot from those on here who are knowledgeable.
Constructive comments or questions welcome. Insults or negativity will result in me calling you an arse and telling you to go away (I don't have Durak's endless patience for idiots)
We don't talk about it much, but yes, they know that we're not exclusive - just like I know they're talking to other guys. We've even talked about our experiences with others (other guys who've been out to see them) etc. The general understanding seems to be that things get serious when a ring becomes involved. I don't expect them to commit to me yet, and they know I don't expect them to commit to me yet either.
Well, I'm going to wish you the very best with this. You seem to me as though you are not just some disillusioned Western guy who's fallen in love with a photo from a website [although we've all been there haven't we]
Good luck.
Very interested to read your report here upon your safe return.
And, if you feel alone at any time when you're here in Ukraine, try to get to an Internet Café and log into here, PM me with your Ukraine number and I'll call you, even if we can't meet up, we'll at least have a good old natter on the phone, and, you wont feel so alone here, I'll check my PM's everyday to see if you have.
Amsterdam says hello! (well, I do, and I'm there, so I'm filling in the blanks) I'm traveling KLM, and saving about 100 pounds (apologies, no pound sign on this stupid airport euro-keyboard) while flying from my home town instead of trekking to London (hats off to the smart man with the aviation expertise)
@Dan - I've not took any flowers from home, but while in Amsterdam, I'm going to pick up some tulips. Second time lucky (oh hang on, that's not right is it?)
@ SirD, one PM coming your way :) Its funny you should mention the whole 'falling in love with a photo', as this is what happened in the same instance Dan's referring to (the aforementioned Sumy no-show). First photo that caught my eye (and was the reason for joining f.com). I wrote, she wrote back, I took flowers, she'd arranged another guy to visit at the same time (the word you're looking for rhymes with itch). Ah well, fingers burned, lesson learned. Let's just say my 'master plan' has involved a little trial and error (d'oh!)
MC, you're the man! Much appreciated my friend!
I doubt I'll get much net time once I land in Kiev, so I may go quiet for a bit. Don't have too much fun without me!
Got your PM, thanks. Also your number, but it's a UK number, you're "roaming" ? You sure that's the best thing, cost wise ? Ukraine Sim and calls are cheap !
Good luck bowhunter. I hope you have better weather than I did there in November!
SirD, I would use a UA Sim, but I REALLY use my iphone, which isn't jailbroken (so no foreign Sims allowed). I'd actually heavily recommend anyone using one for travelling over there. I have a phrasebook ap on it (written and talking), a Promt-based translation ap, bunches of games for my GF's kids to play (which impresses a single mother no end) and of course lots of music and photo's to show and share, which makes ice breaking much easier.
When I'm out there, I only ever text people (much like at home), and my free text allowance works over there so it doesn't cost too much extra.
I just (last night) got back. Really sorry I missed you - I don't think I've ever been so busy on a trip out there. Seriously, I need another holiday to recover (he says, about to start a 10 hour working day :( )
I'll be writing a more informative post later - lots to tell
Danny - you're always such a breath of fresh air, aren't you my friend?
I'm back in the UK now. I've been planning an update thread, but I've only just got my laptop back (stupid KLM lost my suitcase - grr)
Hope things are good in Poltova. I seriously wish I was back in Mariupol - I could introduce you to the little lady :) I'll be going back plenty, so hopefully we'll have the chance to catch up