The problem - aside from the obvious - is that there are no moderators for this forum. It seems to be an automated posting process with no policing of what goes on. Maybe bowhunter can recommend or host a forum. I would be happy to moderate the posts. Of course only after I return from my honeymoon in four weeks. I thought it was nasty a year ago. Now it has become so ridiculous that I am sure seekers who read some of the crap just skip it completely. As a moderator I could only censor the crap. As for advice I would leave it up to those more experienced than me. Aside from the bickering it has also become a whiner's forum for those who have been "scammed", asking advice about scamming, who ? are scammers or how they can seek revenge or restitution after being taken for a few shekels.
The only advice advice I can add to the many who ask such questions - and I am sure Martin will agree - "If you are worried about how much it will cost, then you should get out now." And if you are unable on your own to spot a "too good to be true" kind of thing, then you are in over your head.
I came into this with no knowledge and never having heard the word "scammer", yet I picked them out immediately. It was amusing to say the least. Have real expectations people. And also realize that it is a business ripe for taking advantage of desperadoes. Use your brain. And also know that if you do not have the luxury to spend 10 to 20K $ in the next 24 months or so, then you are out of your league. Because aside from the travel and getting to know someone, you will also have to deal with immigration, setting up a new life for someone and much more. The nickle and dime costs add up.
I agree with you MC. It has gotten so out of hand it is beyond ridiculous.
It will never get better when 90% of the posts are just drivel. Pity someone who wants real help.There are a few here that need to be moved on as they add no value or insight in their posts but contribute 80% of posts.
I agree there is no way to get revenge or restitution, but we experiencing a different culture. I think it needs to be talked about. The story needs to be told. When the scamming happens, it is easy to be told that you should have used your brain. You should have known. Some would have known, some suspect, but decide to go with it for the experience, others fall for it.
Let us look at a simple example. A lady tells you it costs $100 a day for an apartment in Zaporozhye. How do you know how much it really costs? All indications are it is cheaper, but you've never been there. Do you write her off as a scammer and move on? If you don't and tell your story here, is it whining?
We have it in our power to stop these renegades, simply stop replying to their posts! Offer constructive criticism to new comers and let's do a service to this forum…
I still read on here occasionally. A forum is a forum. For the new guys my suggestion would be one that was given me over six years ago. To clear a bunch of the mud up, Don't even think about posting until you've read quite a bit of the forum first. It will answer a ton of questions you may have.
I would start at page 125 and work back to 221. An abundance of information there from guys Like TimH who helped me from the very beginning. Many of the guys who posted back there are still married to their ladies to this day, I don't know one who isn't. Good information is the key, not the litany of bullshit that's spewed here on the forum lately.
One time there was posted the "Tablets of Stone", though not the end all to this journey some good standards to follow. Being prepared for what you are entering into is the best thing you can have going for you. If it seems wrong it probably is and they guys who want to bend the rule of common sense are the ones crying scam and looking for a group hug from his fellows who thought they too were smarter than the guys who went before.
Hell it's not even a requirement to post on here to learn. PM some of the guys who have done this and were successful, most will respond in a helpful way, that way you don't have to deal with the idiocy that takes place here. Ask questions, but don't ask until you've done your research and exhausted every attempt to learn it yourself, it's all laid out here. You just have to do your digging of information.
The majority of these ladies are not looking for the man who is so in touch with his inner self. They are looking for men, who act like men, make decisions on their own and direct his own destiny. Believe it or not you are in control, it's your life so make the decision like a man. Agencies are their for one reason, to eradicate your money from you. They could give a damn less whether you are successful or not as long as you purchase their services.
Select your itinerary, be prepared in learning their culture and what is significant in their culture. Spend time learning their history, it impresses them and lets them know you have a sincere interest in what you are doing. There are as many men scamming the ladies as ladies scamming men. Choose the place you are going to stay, make suggestions of places you would like to see that has significance in their culture and history.
Research, research, research. The web is full of information of where to stay, how much it will cost and negotiate this cost. Also listen to the lady, she knows more about her country than you do.
Do your research here or on other forums, this isn't the only place for information. PM some of the guys with questions. Almost 85% of the questions asked here of late have been answered before but too many are to lazy to look it up. When you are armed with the education and information you pretty much close the door on getting scammed.
Hey Danny something funny hit me about a lie you posted here lately. The cop I supposedly sent after you didn't even know my handle here on the forum. He knew my name and email address. So when you posted here that some guy named Nasfan and Martin filed a complaint, you lied your ass off.
I posted my response to the Officer, who you claimed was female and wasn't, on this forum. Keep it up, it just shows you are the worlds most gifted idiot along with someone who could never be trusted for information here.
It's been so obvious that nasfan6's true name is 'Mike Later', just read back through the forum where he signed many posts "Later Mike", strewth, even I figured out he's one of these that signs his name with family name first :)
Mini Cooper, wuth all due respect try looking in the mirror, how many hours is it since you name called another member, namely a caveman?
Ever heard of the saying "People that live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones"? I'm merely having a banter, a bit of fun, with another forum member and you, repeatedly, call names!
Mini Cooper has been a problem himself in this forum, now he parades his righteous indignation for things he's done in the past, he's a hypocrite with little credibility in this arena.
With all due respect… "old chap" (some stupid English syntax you should understand) you are a major part of the problem here. Your "banter" as you call it is nothing more than a cheap way to incite argumentative comments from forum members in order to keep yourself amused... your would be better amused by watching you pension fund go into bankruptcy with the idiotic BP fiasco… typical Brit
My 'banter' above was merely a bit of humour directed (only) at nasfan6, if you choose to interpret it differently, to suit your own means, then that is a problem that you need to deal with.
As I said "try looking in the mirror", you are complaining of others causing problems and unrest but you are just as responsible for problems and unrest as those you complain about.
Ralph if you want to handle running a forum I have one but the spammers hit it so much I don't have time to wade threw all the spammers to delete there accounts. I work as many hours as I can get at my day job and spend the rest working on developing my web sites I think there is 9 now. We started a blog and had a good writer for a few months. if you want to handle the forum ill pm my email to you and let you give it a go.
Uh Dungsing all that was available 6 years ago also. I've been able to communicate via camera since 1999 when I was in Mariupol in 2004 they had camera's at the internet cafe's.
Mini Cooper they should have deleted you also with the way you attacked Jetmba a while back. You're a hypocrite and have little value along with Mr. Google Durak the keyboard world traveler.
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