My home address has been posted on this forum by a person.They know who they are,Even a detail of the property.This is imtidation.All people will be investigated.I have done nothing wrong on this site.
i'm more intrigued why moderator let it through?
can you answer this please?
tintins address means sh*t to me but isnt this a kind of advert of a business?? "LIMITED"
i tried this with Ukraine tour company once i used(just the name, two words) and was denied post.
This is a forum, there's nothing in the rules to say that there cannot be an exchange of banter between ourselves, please try to chill out and not take things so seriously 100% of the time, as far as I'm concerned I'm taking the piss out of our forum wannabee pimp which shall soon blow over.
In the meantime if you're thinking of a trip to Kiev then ben2006 has found an interesting website :)
I'm chilled - do I not seem chilled? And where did I say anything about rules of the forum, or what you're free to do?
Of course, you are free do and say whatever you like. Of course, whether you SHOULD is a judgement only you can make, and that judgement says everything about your character.
And of course you're right that this, like every other little spat, will blow over. But then, you and I both know it won't be long before you're insulting and arguing with someone else, don't we?
Just so you don't think I'm being overly serious, let me clarify that this little girly fight is (as usual) making me laugh - Just not laugh WITH you.
I don't want to argue with you. Let me state that emphatically for you so there's no misunderstanding. I certainly accept that arguing is only one word that's subjective in consideration to the communication you're having with TINTIN.
I'll instead just put forward my point of view (which, as you say, I'm free to do as there are no forum rules that say I can't), that posting someone's address directly after they've complained about you doing so previously is at best provocative. The way you refer to him and very obviously deliberately attack him is, in my point of view childish, immature, needlessly adversarial and achieves nothing. It brings down your character in the eyes of your peers and lowers the tone of this forum.
Of course, this is just my opinion. You don't have to agree, and from the last 2 years of using this site, I expect that my stating this will have no effect on you. This doesn't mean I lose the right to point it out though, does it?
I hope I've been explicit enough that you don't think I'm using trickery. If you want to reply, fine. If not, fine. I take no side in your gripes with anyone, for you or against you. I'm not here for a fight or argument.
TINTIN is, by far, the most disruptive person on this forum posting under so many different identities these are uncountable.
There was an Easter period a couple (ish) of years ago, you might recall it, when he posted under so many different 'Martin' identities he spoiled what should have been Oleg & Olga's Easter holiday whilst keeping them occupied clearing up his crap.
More recently, despite Danny's unwillingness to accept this, TT is posting under several similar identies to those Danny posts under, it's only a matter of weeks ago he chose to infuriate ragingbull causing ragingbull to believe that it was I attacking him, TT did this deliberately, he deliberately caused unrest amongst other forum members!
How did I learn of this postal address? Well TT claims to have done nothing wrong on this forum! This proves him again to be a liar because some will recall he commercially advertised his prostitution business on this forum by posting the link to the website, commercial advertising is most definitely against forum rules and TT was wrong to break forum rules, particularly, in such a manner.
TT never brings anything constructive to the forum, over the years I can't recall one single constructive post from him, he's got nothing constructive to contribute, he merely uses people, he uses this forum, and attacks people whilst posting under numerous different identitities!
Muzzy, you will be familiar with the saying "What goes around comes around", well had TT not busted forum rules by posting his prostitution business then muggings here wouldn't have been able to run the company identity thru a companies search engine to learn of that company's registered address!
This forum is for people interested in FSU relationships and to share experiences and advice etc. It is NOT for TT to repeatedly use it as his plaything whilst commercially advertising a Kiev prostitution service!
Anyway Muzzy, let's not argue about it, TT isn't worth arguing about, the best part of TT ran down his old man's leg, now he's getting his come uppance, he's been exposed for the seedy individual that he really is.
I say 'wannabee' because the whole business plan as described on the website simply wouldn't work, it offers a number of different tours yet only one UK manager to accompany all these different tours, the UK manager (TT) can only be in one place at one time and it would take several punters per tour just to cover his overhead expenses never mind revenue him a salary and/or the company a profit!!!
Basically he's a sordid little phucker who believes he can encourage a guy or few to subsidise his sordid sex trips to Kiev and he probably expects a 'freebie' from a hooker for introducing a punter!
I/we can do it online for a fee however 'Companies House' of England & Wales is, literally, just down the road from me whereas I can establish TT's true identity. :)
I didn't follow this after the first few posts. But really Ivor, you are coming across as rather 'bullish. Don't you think? Who cares what happened in the past? Whether or not tintin is what you say makes no difference. I recall myself having a heated exchange with this person. But it all wasn't in good fun. It takes two to argue. And some things may be better left to your own private rivalry. Obviously there is a history.
There is a saying, "Just ignore him and he'll go away." Yet you have this incessant need to bring someone into your need for a rivalry. To post someones 'supposed' address is just wrong. I thought you were better than that.
Batman dont question my business and plans.My family Atkins International.Transportation Burnaston Derbyshire sold part of the business for 14 million pound 20 years ago.My Family operation is based in the UK and France.I was bought up learning business and understanding money.Kiev tours is a good small business and already have bookings for this year starting in March.The website was build in Ukraine so a few small spelling problems,We have managers that are in Kiev that look after the punters.Im a director of this company I have 100%trust in all my managers in Ukraine,
No not a crappy bedsit that large building you looked at and gave a description on this site is 2 apartments the others are in the building next to it.I have a meeting with a lawyer on Friday.I want to know how you could have described the building without seeing it for yourself?Also the tracking of my computer address you did this also?This could be seen as storking .As for Kiev Tours we have bookings starting in march this year and we are also involved in 2012 Euro s in Kiev we are working with a lads MAG called nuts in the UK.Over two hundred thousand readers per WEEK .So you can joke about me and my company Ivor Martin you are a worm.As for being involved with prostitution I never said this.You have said this on this forum.You again slander my name.My lawyer will also see this.You need to think about all the problems and shit you have said on this site too other people also because I'm out to put things right and sort you out legally.Good luck
Bring it on TT, you titled this thread that you are talking with the police, now you suggest that you shall, at a time in the future, be talking with a lawyer (we call them solicitors in UK), bring it on, why are you so nervous if your business is so legitimate, you posted your business website link on this forum, I just happened to run a search of it, so who is wrong, me for working with the information provided to me or you for being the twat to provide such information in the first place?
Oh, by the way, once they may have stopped laughing at you, you might explain to Derbyshire Police Authority that Northamptonshire Police Authority offered no defence to my County Court suing of them thus if Derbyshire Police Authority feel that you, a wannabee pimp, have a genuine legal grievance against me then they may look forward to themselves being subsequently sued also!
And P.S. The posting of an address of a UK limited company, nor describing the frontage of a building, nor tracking an IP address, isn't a criminal offence!
P.P.S. Just been on the AA routeplanner site, Companies House of England & Wales is circa a mere 10 miles from where I am sitting now. :)
I hear what you say however TT continues to disrupt this forum under multiple identities ..... "What goes around comes around", again Ralph, I'm just having a laugh, I'm not out to win anything, just to expose the truth. :)
Believe what you like, I can assure you that I speak the truth, whether you choose to believe it or not is up to you, I'm not going to attempt to force it upon you. You said for yourself that you didn't believe dunny41, or similar, to be me, you were correct, it wasn't/isn't me, so who is it?
Danny again,
Read above, you declared it was impossible (or similar) to track an IP address from this forum, TINTIN is acknowledging that I correctly tracked the IP address of 'dunny41', I didn't track TINTIN's address, I tracked dunny41's address! Whilst your brain cells might be a little slow, and I say that as a lighthearted joke Danny, without realising it TINTIN has acknowledged to being dunny41!!!
P.P.S. I believed all along that I should have been a rocket scientist. :)
You are a fool who twist my word.You want the truth?Get of this site you are a nasty ugly person.You tracked my address and company house shows my name and its registry as a uk company.You not speak the truth.Anyone can look at company house and see my name and address.As you have done.We dont want you on this site
It's you he's been most recently ridiculing, on a scale from 1 to 10 how much do you think I care that he ridicules you?
Me wasting UK police time? Since when? It was your puppet master that went crying to the UK police, she entered UK on the understanding that she wouldn't be a drain on public funds, police are public funds, however she went crying "I feel harassed' to the police, she/he knows the truth, she/he dreamt up that they felt harassed, and drained thousands of pounds from public funds in the process.
I subsequently sued the police to which they offered no defence to the court, they had no defence to offer because they knew themselves to be in the wrong, the only police time I wasted was the time it took them to write and sign the cheque/check!
Go and preach your nonsense to the one's who had their hands stuck up your arse!!!
So you're respectable site promotes Lap Dances TinTin?? You knock the women of Ukraine as being whores, but you promote the same thing you denounce. Where I come from we call that hypocricy.
So how many names have you posted under since you have been on here??
Danny, it's cheek dufas. You probably don't realize that more than Baptists baptize.