How often are these questions given in reply by agency based girls ?
"Looking back at your life, describe one particular event that you wish you had handled differently?
On a Saturday night, if you had two choices, would you rather go to a movie or to a dance club?
Looking back on your life, of what are you most proud?
Besides love, what one trait have you noticed in couples that have maintained a successful relationship for many years?
Describe your own personal style.
Describe an interest you have that you would truly hope your partner could share with you."
I don't know about you but I look for "originality" from those I write to than some pre-prepared rubbish 6 letters in. When I get anything slightly suspicious as I first thought these questions were (too inspired for a teeny bopper), I then ask for addresses and phones numbers. If nothing happens, I'll just report the the girl and agent likely acting on her behalf. I don't want to write or hear back from agents but the girls.
Ive heard that same stuff from a girl I talk to, I told her I felt like I was being interviewed for a job. At the end of my reply I asked her to answer all the same questions for me.
I also asked for the first girl to answer them, which she did do and her replies seemed plausible.
My concerns are how much of a part do agencies take in letter writing/preparation ?
Some of these girls seem to be in and out of agencies if not every day or every other day; is that normal?
I want a translation from the girl's own words, not an interview from an agency or what they consider to be an appropriate line to follow. As soon as I smell that letters are not genuine...goodbye!
many of these girls do use the agencies every day.......the genuine ones that is that don't charge the earth to use the net.And you will also find the better ones offer a great deal of help to the girls too,as quite often the girls are unsure of how to phrase a reply in english.My lady has just joined me from Ukraine and she tells me that there were many girls visiting every day.
However I would say that to receive obviously generic replies after the first few letters would be a good enough reason to walk away.
Its kinda wierd that more than one girl is writing the same questions like that to you, I have only one so I didn't think much of it until now. Thanks for bringing it up.
I wouldn't have been suspicious in the first instance apart from the fact that the questions looked too advanced for a 19 year old to think up
- no offence intended to 19 year olds but you know I am right :)
Seeing the same questions a second time from a different (and older) source was confirmation that they were unoriginal and my next train of thought without authentication of the author is that agencies may just have too much time on their hands and make replies on behalf of their clients, which of course would be a rediculous notion to entertain. Wouldn't it?
If girls are in and out all day, with limited time to make a reply. I am sure it can't be that difficult to translate and write up what that person thinks. I guess I would better like to understand how an agency profits from giving so much time to translate/send/receive letters.
I don't mind getting "pre-prepared" questions or conversation starters so long as it's clear that's what they are. I wouldn't like to think - and I don't - of giving any girl credit for being "smart" when the opposite is true, if indeed it is her really writing. Thinking of the questions in the first place can help give an insight into their intellect and personality.
Copying and Pasting someone else's
I'll post a brief summary of replies when I get them after I've made known my concerns to the girls/agencies.
dma....according to my lady,after initial pleasantries have been exchanged most girls will prepare their replies away from the agency and will bring them to be translated when they arrive.....sometimes on disk,sometimes on good old fashioned paper!!
Then it's usually down to the agency to make sure all is good with the letter.....thats where the more dubious ones make " alterations".
ty gladiator.
I had one girl (fluent in English) tell me that she prepares her replies away from the agency and simply takes a disk in to be sent. The problem I suspect is how much of a role the middle man (agency) plays in all of this to keep the communication going? What's in it for them?
Is their revenue model through tours, audio translation, release of private information?
It's one of the reasons why I more suspicious about non-English speaking agency based girls than those I prefer being fluent and able to compose their own letters preferably through private email.
dma. I know that was a question to gladiator, but I hope you do not mind me taking part in this doscussion too ;-)
Whats the role of the agency? I am not sure one can answer this question in general. All agencies have different styles of work. Some agencies even have a psychologyst sitting in the office who give advice for ladies in what wat she should write her letter and what it should contain in order to "get this man". Some agencies do not care about it at all and just translate, forward and re-type what girls bring them. There are some girls (beleive me or not but I've seen some) that hire an agency to write letters insted of them. In this case someone composes a letter for her and then reads it to her on the phone to get her approval. If she likes how it sounds-they send it!
Mainly all agencies are interested in keeping the correspondence going, thats why they always watch what girl is writing and try to make this process as smooth as possible( because this is how they get paid-by men or by ladies-doesnt matter).Its hard to talk about privace of information if the letter is received by the manager, translated by the interpreter and then is given to lady( same happens with the respose she writes). Thats why the best way is to establish other contacts with lady, except e-mailing her.Using the agency can be really helpful. But nowadays, when one can use internet cafes for 2$ per hour and when internet is is many offices its easier to talk a girl into direct cprrespondence. There are many good and professional agencies who do honest job, but direct correspondence through private e-mails is always better( there are a certain risks here as well.. if she changes her intentions and will start scamming you it will be harder tp track her down). But I giess thats what long-distance relations are-there is no ultimate way to be sure that everything goes fine between you and her. There is always a possibility of misunderstanding or even scam.
My concerns in reply to the girl appear to have been ignored but I will give her a couple of days tolerance to catch my separate complaint letter than waste my time dealing with more 'interview questions':-
"If you could take a dream getaway, anywhere in the world, where would you most like to spend a week?
What do you think are the three best traits you have to offer a partner?
Does life look good to you right now? Describe your current emotional health.
Describe some personal habits that are important to you.
If you had three wishes, what would they be?
During a typical week, what sort of physical activities do you enjoy?
Do you consider yourself physically affectionate when involved in a relationship?
What are you feelings about alcohol?"
I don't mind taking the time to answer them but it should be a TWO-WAY process and it smells like to much agency involvment to me. I don't want to date an agency. ;-)
Thanks Olga for some clarity on the situation and involvmenet of agencies.
Keeping correspondance 'alive' by agencies for the sake of payments is something I am fast becoming suspicious of although likely a minority of cases. I am looking at alternate routes of contact or sharing of personal information if I have an interest in any girl to ensure that it's her I'm writing to and not some hairy guy behind a desk. ;-)
If the door remains closed then it likely couldn't be opened in the first place.
Olga.....just reading your post to dma reinforces the great difference between the dubious agencies and such a good one as yours,if only all agencies were as well run as this one.
surely you forgot to include the questions about shoe size,bank account etc etc........:)))
The girl I'm talking with answers my questions and carries conversation but before shes done the same exact questions pop into her letter. They aren't even written they way she writes to me. It's almost like someone cuts and pastes them in.
ty crash. a similar story with one of mine.
she's such a cutie though that I'm prepared to cut her a bit of slack but I'll make sure that whoever is sticking their nose in, knows/nose. :)
Apparently the questions came from an article in a magazine within the agency and someone else must have found the article interesting to ask the same questions (without any spelling mistakes in translation which seems unusual).
I'm still dubious as to whether both were written by the same person and have therefore asked for contact details (address+tel) of the girl which was ignored in reply, asked again just now in a subsequent letter. The genuine girls don't seem to have a problem giving their details, the suspicious ones seem more evasive. The next reply should clarify which type I have.