What is up with your system and how it works and what it records! I recently used the now available online translator and was suprised at what was on the screen.
I had used this translator a few days ago to ofcourse tranlate a portion of a letter.
What was on the translator’s screen was every letter I had written since. A few days worth, and I am saying letters which were written without the use of the translator! And to top it off was also some information I had obtained doing a search on google for work. No relation at all!
Now I am aware of your software which tracks the who, what, when and wheres of my presence on your site fiance.com. But, you are crossing a line to me when your site records my personal business.
First of all.
Online translator has nothing to do with our site or our services. We are advertising the services of other company and you get redirected to the other site. So if you have problems with their site-contact their support.
As for software-no one records your personal business here.
if you don't like your old stuff visible - disable your cookies?
I doubt this site records anything, but your own PC does. If you don't like it disable the cookies (not very handy I'd say) or use Window Washer (a program) regularly.
But what's wrong with you (and only you) seeing your previous stuff?
on the other hand - pls give us the link?
I LUUUUUURVE to have a look at your very private intimate daring personal top-secret conversations to some anonymous girl far away.
Is even worth money to me - enough to buy a roll of cookies for?
Its fetching them from your Cache Wally,
try clearing the cache and they should vainish, but you will need to do it on a regular basis as it will store more as you go.