I did benefit from this site and therefore it is time to give a little bit back.
Now in my case it worked and against all the odds I found a really nice lady to hopefully spent her life by my side.
In the process I dealt with three different agencies in 2 different FSU countries and here are the results.
First of all about agencies:
- they are a great help to ladies who otherwise may not be computer literate and may not have access to a computer. Also they help out with the language barrier which is inevitable especially with ladies 30+.
- they finance themselves by providing services when you come over and visit and this is where the danger lies - more to this later.
- a lot of communication if not all of the communication goes via a translator - who you will be likely to meet when you get picked up by the agency - so watch what you say to save yourself embarrassment lateron
- it is highly likely that the initial contact from a lady to you is by the agency rather than the girl itself. The girl is then told that you contacted her. (my experience)