Is this becoming a more popular and widely discussed topic within Russian/Ukraine society? The dating and marry of US men via agencies, etc. -- is it becoming a 'fad' of sorts? Is it something that is starting to become 'popular'? How is the whole thing viewed -- positively or negatively? Thanks
And its not just a "fad" as you put it, many have done it over many years, its only recently that its been talked about more openly and widely than it was before.
I have friends in the UK who have been married to Russian ladies for up to 10 years.
I just wonder whether it has become more "accepted" and more of a popular topic of conversation, among the common person inside Russia/Ukraine, both among the young (18-25) and adult society.
The Russian view from what I have experienced is, "If it makes you happy, and doesn't hurt anyone else, then do it"
All the people I have met there over the years have certainly never expressed having any problem with the idea, some wouldn't do it, some would, but no-one judges those who do or those who do not
It has become widely accepted that it is a means by which a Russian lady can find a good, loving, caring, supportive and solvent man who wont cheat on them or drink to excess and beat them !!!
Oh by the way, I am not from the USA !!
Im in England, and I have many friends who are married to or living with Russian ladies (I was married to one myself until Oct last year, and I fully intend to marry another when I meet the right lady ) and no-one here judges
them either.
Its really very popular topic, just because internet becomes more and more accessible in Russia/Ukraine.
20-15 years ago chances of woman to meet a foreigner and marry him were almost zero. Those marriages were really something very unbelievable.
10 years ago matchmaking business started to grow here, offering women place their questionnaires in printed photo catalogues, that were later distributed abroad. It resulted in marriages, but since people had to use snail mail and phone for communication, the whole process was very slow.
During last 5 years internet became really widely spread in Russia and Ukraine.As a result, people got a chance to look for their soulmates in different countries. Intercultural marriages become more and more common here. Young people take internet and new ways of communication for granted and search of a spouse abroad doesnt sounds shocking for anybody.
Thank you Olga for the insight, as I am new to this situation and type of partner search. It seems in some eyes, things are more progressive in the CIS countries regarding intercultural marriage, than amongst our own people, here in the USA!
This is true patinsurglace. My girls family in Russia is looking forward to meeting me. My family and friends in contrast think Ive lost my mind for what I am going to do. Quite a difference in acceptance from Russia to the USA that I have encountered.
It has been my experience as well, crash. Here in the US, my friends and family think that I am insane for having an Ukrainian fiance. Automatically, they think the worst. If I were to tell her everything that was being said, I think she would have second thoughts about coming over here. People here in the US have such an arrogant opinion of themselves. What is the difference between marrying an American woman and getting divorced or having the ssame happen with someone from the FSU?
I hope that when they finally meet her they will realize that all women are not out to claw money from a man, and they will see the inner beauty of women from the FSU culture.
The biggest difference your friends and relatives will see is that your new lady will Not be grasping and materialistic like the US (and very much so UK) women !!
The other thing which can fuel their remarks and behaviour can be jealousy !! (certainly from the men around you, and in some cases women too, who view your beautiful new wife as a threat to their grasping ways, when their US men see how lovely your wife is they will begin to question why their US wife is such a lazy slob, selfish, greedy, money drain !!! ) Many women here treated my wife this way and for these exact reasons !!!
Our women in the UK don't care how they look, behave like total sluts, are grasping, lazy, selfish and not at all loyal, yet they still want a Brad Pitt look alike, or similar, with a huge wallet !!! For little or no effort on their part !! They are so damn shallow !!!
Is it any wonder that men are doing it for themselves and looking elsewhere for real ladies !!!
As I have mentioned before, a Russian lady will appreciate anything you give her as a gift, so long as she can see that you gave the matter a lot of thought before buying her a present.
Certainly here in the UK the biggest criteria for the woman receiving any gift is "how much has he spent" !!! Not "Oh how lovely he really thought about it and showed he truly cares". You could spend $5 and impress the hell out of a Russian lady, but equally you could spend $50 dollars without the care and thoughtfullness and your lady is not going to be impressed at all.
Russian women truly do not care about about money, or looks either, they care about how you treat and respect them as a person, that is all which matters to them, and if you have this to offer you will have everything you could ever wish for in a partner. (there are a few exceptions of course, as with anything in life, but the majority are as I describe)
I agree with you Voyageur. If our girls in FSU knew what people here in the US thought about what we are doing they probably would have second thoughts. But I know once she gets here she will be accepted, thats not even a question in my mind. Also, I know once my family and friends see how happy we are together their attitudes will change. I'm also gonna bet that once some friends of mine meet my girl and see that this isn't a myth or a sham they are going to be doing it themselves. Women in the US for the most part suck. I agree with everything Tim says. Its really pathetic. Ive dated online where I live and its like meeting every reject in creation. Having my own business and raising my daughter myself takes all my time. I havent been able to go out and meet women the conventional way for a long time. To many other priorities, plus its not worth it when you see whats out there.. A bunch of vultures chanting "what have you done for me lately?" Im done with that crap. At 36 years old its time for me to share everything with a real woman that loves me for just being me, not for what I have and what I can give her.
This will make you laugh mate !!
A few weeks ago a woman I know who is 41 was complaining about men here seeking Russian brides because she said "there are not enough eligible men in England for the women here now !!"
By eligible she meant able to be put under the thumb, have no or little baggage and have enough money to keep her in the style to which she would like to become accustomed !!!!
Its sad fact that UK women are not worth their weight in horse sh*t !!
Thank God most Russian women are worth 10 to 20 times their weight in gold !!
I have been done with UK women for 3 years now, and I wish I had done this 15 years ago !!!