As some of you people already know I have been speaking with about 20 Ukrainian women. In 52 and they range in age from 23 to 46. There is one woman(barely) who is quite a nice woman. She's not beautiful, the girl next door type. She's 23 and just graduated from University last year. Honestly she asks me for nothing. She has asked if she can take a train from her city 250 km from where I will be to come meet me. I have her number and we have spoken several times. I told her from our first letter to me she was too young and she should not contact me any more. As any woman she did not listen to common sense. So she has proven she is real. She asks me for nothing. She is spending her own money to come meet me. Where's the scam? Maybe I buy her a few meals? I don't get it. Is she for real and not a scammer? I know I'm stupid and theres a hook in there somewhere, but i dont see it. Thanks
Why not?? If you have a real personal connection,,,, and not just a plumbing connection,,, why not??
We all have said; there are real sincere women out there,,, but we just haven't found one yet!
If you find one,,,,, keep her!!
I keep watching in Nikoayev streets 50-60 yo dating tourists walking with 20-25 yo pretty, model type girls. Honestly, it looks ridiculous. And much more ridiculous when you notice the girl whispering to her friend-interpreter in Russian something like "how many stupid old arseholes do we need to meet this week?" Be sure they will find the way to scam, and if a 60 yo guy fancies meeting 20-25 yo girl and hopes to see her in his bed, his definitely worth to be scammed.
In rare circumstances, it can work. There is a forum member who has been married to a woman 29 years her junior for years. I think it is worth the look and the experience.
Giss has a question. He deserves to be answered, not slandered. Danny thinks everyone else is mental and he is the only sane one. He will slander and abuse those who does things different than him.
I can't believe I'm about to say this, but RB is right, Danny. Back off a bit. Giss isn't your enemy, and hasn't been making the sick jokes about dead people that others have. Even if Giss is being stupid (and I'm not saying he is), there's a way to treat other people. Don't assume that everyone fits into your preconceived boxes. You may have a good point to make, just say it so people can actually see what you're saying, and not just focus on your anger.
It's a significantly watered down dilemma, but on my first trip to Sumy I met one 18 year old girl. I hadn't asked to, I'd never heard of her before going, but the agency 'decided' that I should just meet her anyway. She was "into me", and even texted me after I'd returned to England. It was pretty clear to me that she was willing to "amend" her criteria for a partner in order to leave Ukraine (which she'd been very clear in her intentions to do), which I'm guessing is why she was chasing after me, a 36 year old. Of course I was tempted, and flattered. I'd love to pretend that I never considered it, but it always stuck in my mind that she was really just a kid.
36 to 18 isn't quite 52 to 23, but it's the same question. Now, though, I have a special friend who helps me keep things in perspective...
Let me tell you about my friend. I'll call her "Y". She's beautiful. I mean traffic-stopping gorgeous. She's actually a model (many people say that in Ukraine, but she actually pointed out a billboard as we walked past). She's one of the smartest people I've ever met, has a great sense of humour and speaks excellent English. She's my angel, and she counts the days till I go there, and usually cries when I leave. Of course, she's 12, so it's not like I'm talking romantically here. She's my little best friend, and I'd love a daughter just like her. She's the daughter of a family that hosted me when I was working with a church there, and she was the 'family translator' as her parents didn't speak English. I see the family every time I go there now as they're my wonderful friends, and "Y" is always my most faithful companion.
I still see the younger women, and sometimes they see me. I guess I could go after 20 year-olds, and maybe I'd have some success (with a lot of luck and a fat credit card). I look younger than my age, so I get glances from the odd 20 year-old. It's flattering for any bloke, but then I think of "Y" and my skin crawls. She's a kid. From my perspective, aren't the PYT's at the agencies? Is there really that much difference?
I'm 36, "Y" is 12, that's a 24 year age gap. 52 to 23 is a 29 year age gap. Giss, I'm not telling you you're evil, but don't forget to keep perspective. When she's 30, you'll be 69. When she's your age, you'll probably be dead. When you were her age, she wasn't born. I won't even get into the scam thing, as not everything's a scam. Things can go wrong even when everyone's honest. Don't ask yourself "is this is sin?" Ask "is this wise?"
Btw Olga, I remember saying in another post about people who's names are made to insult other members. Please see Australia Man's post above as an example.
That's fair enough. I can understand that reading every post can be a lot of work, but can you not hold new accounts and look at them before approving? Good grief, two of them are openly advertising competitors to with their user name!! In this example, "Australia Man" is created to insult Australians (like Danny). There's others created to insult other members. If you manually approve or reject new users, there would probably be less stupid posts that would need deleting.
No normal person would choose death jokes over slandering and abusing either. It is one thing when it is true. It is another when you make it up. I asked you to stop your slandering or I would tell those jokes. You did not. You chose the jokes. Your abuse is more important to you.
What is really interesting is you can going with find younger women being sick in just two people. The rest of them, you think it's alright.
Muzzy, where have you been? He has been at this for years. If he didn't abuse Giss this time, he would have asked if he spent money on her. Then, she becomes a scammer and a whore.
Kiev was great tonight, great show, BTW. Was on Ukraine TV also. Just an FYI and wish you
were here, LOL.
I really try to stay away from the youngins but damn, I seem to draw them too young.
Thing is, I have way more fun with them than doctors and lawyers Ive dated. Truth is, its all
about chemistry and if she thinks you will be good to her. If you are attractive and fit older guy then
it becomes all about you being able to keep up and know its gonna be 10 years before you know she wont run off,lol. Gotta be able to strike a good balance no matter what the age.
Ive found the doctors and lawyers in private practice dont care if they go to America(et al) at all.
They have good lives where they are and ask why YOU cant pack up and move to Ukraine.
All experiences aside, better off staying at least within 20 years, preferably 15.
Im hanging out with the now 21 year old I dated last year. She is a great help in meeting new girls.
We pretend its professional translator relationship then she feels me in on details of what goes on in bathroom, etc when they have "little conferences"
Better then the agency girl today who still hates me for her friend breaking up with me because I did a background check and didnt wish her happy birthday till evening after work, sheesh. If Im laying my head down in a girl's apartment for an extended period, I wanna know a little factual information:)
BTW, how can you write/converse with 20 women? It would take 3 weeks to meet them and be able to spend a decent amount of time with them to know anything. There are 3+ more girls I can meet but how do you ignore spending time with who you already met and like?
Ive watched guys come here and have 3 meetings a day for days like it was an interview process. Just come and live and take your time, actually date, and wait for the right one and not simply the first one.
Danny, there are others here, including Muzzy who feel dating younger women are alright. You don't think it's sick and normal. Either we are all sick and not normal or we are. You can't pick and choose. Which is it?
i just returned from ukraine and the city of nikolaev. everyone on internet
seemed to be a gold digger. like i will meet you only with my interpretor.
or my agency taxi, one which cost me $63 for a little ride from bus stop to agency apartment.
the driver was paid about $10.
i met some nice girls by bus stops and kiosks. it really helps to speak good russian though.
prices every where have gone up since i was there 4 years ago. car fuel $5 a gallon.
a normal hotel $40 or $50. i found $30 hotel in odessa and $10 hotel in zelezene port which is at the sea near kherson.