First, thanks for all the excellent info posted here - this forum helps. I am curious, I read some threads where some had posted that they did not have much luck with woman from Riga. Can someone shed some light on this for me - i.e. explain a little more?
I did write to Ella for a few weeks, even sent her flowers for valentines, but then one night she complained about me sending lots of letters and I decided at that point that Natasha was the one for me :o)) Now I have had this letter from IIona Im glad I did :o))
I only had the one from Ella ages ago Del`, so was unaware that she was involved with this group mail out deal, but as I said Natash` was always streets ahead of her anyway, so when she started to bitch about being required by the agency to answer All my letters I let her go :o)
There are 1001 red flags Ice, but slowly you wil learn to spot them and know almost immediately if a woman is a waste of your time and effort, or if she is worth your time and effort.
many who put age doesnt matter have actually just ommited to tick the relevant box, or not understood the question, age doesnt matter being the default setting.
I have read many profiles where they have put age doesnt matter, but in the "required man" section they have put something like 30 to 45.
So just the "age doesnt matter" bit is not enough to condemn a lady as a future problem, there will be many more signs that you will learn to spot which tell you which ladies are a "goodbye, next please" candidate !!
did you stop to consider that maybe to that particular lady age really really does not matter?
I find it often among the 30+ ladies, specially those with a child or more to raise. A stable family lifestyle is more appealingto them, even with an old geezer.
Not a red flag at all, in my not so humble opinion.
The honest FSU women know that prince charm with the white horse and the fat wallet does not exist, and if he does, some scammer in her country is probably taking him to the cleaners.