I didn't want to continue polluting greeny's thread, so I thought I'd inform you here that I've PM'd you. Your choice regarding where and how you reply to me.
Back in the day, I read a book about the "Gimli Glider" ... indeed, I have a small library of books related to aviation safety.
But I hadn't seen that photo before. Anybody recognize the type of those cars? From the chassis and coachwork I would guess FF1600, but the cars in the photo appear to have rear tires wider than the front, and I always see FF1600s with the same size tires all round.
Every now and then, I see a thread that someone starts and we never see the poster again. My suspicion is it is the moderators stimulating discussion.
Muzzy will not elaborate, but I will. Martin, take this any way you want to.
I have made stupid mistakes. All of us have. Greeny's post was a big one. Not only did it render the post useless, but also the thread. When one makes such a dumb mistake, he hopes that no one will notice and it will left alone. If someone does notice, he hopes it will be ignored. If it is not ignored, I believe a whisper or a subtle way of pointing it out is in order. But, Martin's response was:
Martin, there are times when others get angry with you and you don't know why. Doesn't capitalized letters signify shouting? Muzzy called you a jerk for doing it. You find that offensive. Shouting in the face of a stupid mistake is also offensive. Two characters that signify a smile does not fix it.
It seems that it is very important to you to correct people's language usage in the forum, in cases where their meaning was clear to anyone. I wonder why?
Anyone who reads my posts knows I can be as pedantic as anyone. But I decided a LONG time ago, that I am not the Language Police. I DO correct (or at least question) folks when their usage can cause their message to get lost -- it is a question of trying to increase understanding.
Most people who recognize the terms "English" and "Englishman" have a fairly good idea what they mean as categories, and don't worry about whether it is a legal nationality. Most people who read "fiance visa" will understand that it is used to enable international marriage, whether the migrant is male, female, or of ambiguous gender (happens sometimes). And I have heard Ukraine referred to as "the Ukraine" for much of my life (for example, it used to be required by the New York Times style guide, and was enunciated by Laurence Olivier in the 'World at War' documentary series), though this usage is fading out.
In Ukrainian, no one includes or omits the definite article when naming their country ... because Ukrainian has no equivalent to "the." (This can be easily apprehended, by watching native Ukrainian speakers struggle with the usage of articles in English.) Ukrainian patriots hate to see "the Ukraine" because they feel that it diminishes the perception of their national independence (as it happens, one literal translation of Ukraine is "at the edge" or "at the borderland" -- not a very specific, or romantic, name for a country; my country is much more appropriately named after an Italian navigator who never came anywhere near its territory).
Is it WRONG to say "the Ukraine?" Is it WRONG to say "the Netherlands?" Is it possible for a man from the Bronx the visit the Hague? Is it really that important to correct people, when it is completely irrelevant to the topic?
Can an Englishman REALLY get a fiance visa in the Ukraine?
Ivor is the language police. End of story. Duark, if you have nothing else to do with your life for the last 10 years then maybe you'll get to be as anal as Ivor. Ps I care. The Nitpicker!
Put it this way, if I happen to go to my local pub tonight, or any night, and start spouting this "I'm English" crap then, as sure as eggs are eggs, I'm going to end up in hospital, I wouldn't expect you or anyone not educated and familiar with the problems of the UK nations to understand but, just as an example, England played Wales at football the other week, want to know the result? ... One Wales supporter dead!
Fiance, fiancee, do I really care if a guy is terming his girlfriend as a boyfriend, better to point it out to the guy sooner rather than later when he's repeated it to so many more people.
The Hague? ... Sorry Durak, having lived in Netherlands (Nederlands), translates to Lowlands, it is Den Haag.
Does anyone care, well you certainly seem to care writing this long post about it, excuse me if I politely correct someone, they can listen or they cannot listen, I don't really care if they remain ignorant for the rest of their lives, I'm merely trying to assist and if that is so wrong then I'll just have to live with it.
One Wales supporter dead! ...yes but they say killed by a fellow Welshman outside the Welsh supports gate to the ground. No one is saying an Englishman kill him. so whats your point? Who's educated about the UK.
Sorry to Nitpick, jez next thing people will call me Ivor the nitpicker!
"Put it this way, if I happen to go to my local pub tonight, or any night, and start spouting this "I'm English" crap then, as sure as eggs are eggs, I'm going to end up in hospital"
I agree, but not because your english because your a wimp!
Hi guys! I’ve wondered myself about whether or not to use “The” in front of Ukraine! I’ve done both through the years and no one really seems to know what is correct!
To me,,,, to use “the” seems to treat the ,,,,lol The Ukraine as a region ,,, and not as it’s own country,, or governing state! Other examples,,, The Yukon,,, The Northwest Territories .
I’m out of time,,,, must eat lunch!
I just happen to be watching 'Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares USA' and an American chef has referred to Ramsay as a, quote, "English son of a bitch".
Gordon Ramsay was born in Scotland and actually played football (soccer) for Glasgow Rangers Football Club ... This is typical of the knowledge level of the average American ... That any person in/from UK is, quote, "English"!
"you certainly seem to care writing this long post about it, excuse me if I politely correct someone"
I do indeed care. As I tried to explain before, I used to be in the Self-Annointed Language Police. In my 20s, came to understand that such behavior is not polite at all. I won't persuade the leopard to change his spots -- it is simply my understanding.
In a favorite comedy, a tearful housekeeper says, "It's always been my pride to scrupulously, untiringly, efficiently..." to be interrupted by her employer saying, "Now now now, Miss Bragg, you've split that infinitive three times." What makes this so damn funny, is the grotesque inappropriateness of his response.
Since you enjoy correcting language in the forum, why not do so in a separate thread, so it won't add to the wild veering off-topic. And those who wish to profit from the lessons would benefit by having them all in one place.
PS - I don't give a toss what sort of language will provoke a beating in a pub -- I'm not a limey, and I don't hang around in bars in any country.
Following this most recent post of yours, as far as I am concerned, you are a worthless piece of crap ... Please do not communicate with me, I do not wish to converse with you, I have better things to do than incite argument in this cyber world that you choose to live in.
The term is probably a lot older than that! I cling to many outdated precepts.
For those who are particularly fussy about English usage, I was taught that it's gauche to end a sentence with a preposition. So "this cyber world that you choose to live in" would perhaps be better rendered "this cyber world in which you choose to live." However, this slight defect in sentence construction did not obscure the author's meaning.
Now, if you're not SO pedantic about grammar, a more compact construction can be made by leaving the preposition at the end, and eliminating a needless "that" for "this cyber world you choose to live in" -- gives a bit more punch, no?
As far as I am concerned, you are a worthless piece of crap ... Please do not communicate with me, I do not wish to converse with you, I have better things to do than incite argument in this cyber world that you choose to live in.