I have heard that some of these Ukraine ladies have a bad temper and can be prone to bouts of violence. Do some of them have the Amanda Knox psycho gene. Interesting too that Amanda Knox birthday is same July date as OJ SIMPSON !!!!!!!! Amanda Knox released from jail on same October date as OJ Simpson
Interesting, but no dice. I had to look it up. Nice try. OJ Simpson's birthday is July 9, Amanda Knox, July 8. OJ Simpson was released October 3, Amanda Knox October 4.
I had not witnessed any bad temper or bouts of violence in any Ukrainian ladies. Other ladies, very rare. I had to think about it and its been a very long time since I seen anything close to that in ladies. Remember, Amanda Knox is an American.
rb, you have to look everything up. why say it? so the guy was off by a day. proud of yourself that you caught him??? that's the point. why do you even care that this guy was off by a day regarding something that has no value other than to create a stir? you must prove you are better then he?
who the hell is amanda fox anyway? I guess I'll just look it up. whether or not she is 'merican or ukrainian or botswanian, the fact is that there are all kinds in all societies. you just like to argue with anyone.
It only causes a stir if you choose to make it a stir, just like the Greeny thread or everything else I post. That's the real point. I did nothing to cause a stir. It is you causing the stir. It would be Robin if he takes it the wrong way. Why would correcting him make me better than him? It was a mistake. I make mistakes.
It would have been really weird if it was true. It is still weird, but not as much. I still saw it interesting enough to post on my facebook status. It was worth repeating, but I do need to check it before I repeat it.
Ralph if someone is wrong and you know it, your rule is to keep quiet and let him be wrong because it will cause a stir. Is that a rule for everyone or just me?
I have no rules. But... I suppose my only rule is to remind myself what an ass I am at times. And I have a tough time realizing it. I guess I will spend more time in the woods and not being such an ass. One thing is for sure - although I said I would stop being an ass - is that whether or not you believe yourself or that you think you have an answer to life, you do not. Your life is nothing more than a fantasy. And unfortunately you have been immersed in a constant battle with a few persons to whom you believe are adversarial with you.
I can not do anything more to make you realize what a fool you are. I tried. And I actually tried to reason with you. I give up. I am done. You will continue to get involved with absolute nonsense. I suggest you find a fat white girl in south LA. Try to make sure that her five children are from less than three unknown fathers. Good luck. Seriously, good luck. And to think of it, you could make a good living off my tax dollars. Think of it. A family of multicultural chidrenz would provide a good income. And for sure you can wink and smile to yourself that I am one that is supporting you. My tax dollars at work. It really is a good life. Food stamps, free everything --- If I was you, I would go for it. You will live better than most middle class Americans -- at their expense! --- who bust their asses just to live a proud life. One that does not include hand outs because of their pride. GO FOR IT. IF I WAS YOU I WOULD NOT HAVE TO WORK. I WOULD EAT FOR FREE AND HAVE A BIG SCREEN TV THAT I DIDN'T HAVE TO PAY FOR. AND HBO AND ALL THAT SHIT. RAGINGBULLSHIT. THAT'S WHAT YOU ARE.
Are you drunk Ralph? WTF are you talking about? What is it that you did to try to reason with me? By ruining a thread where I made a good post? By telling me I am not supposed to correct anyone who starts a thread with incorrect data? Who is? Only white people? Now, I should take food stamps and tax dollars and forget what I am doing? Why? Because you say so? Because that is what I am supposed to do because of my color?
You know what I've noticed, Ralph? When you see that I am doing well or have done well, it drives you nuts. You go into these unreasonable rampages. Lately, it has been more mellow than it used to.
Here's one that will drive you nuts. It wasn't the plan, but I have developed quite a following of under aged girls on vkontakte. That's all I'm saying.
It is only pedophile if I do what you guys are thinking. I am not going to FSU to date these girls. However, I probably will meet some of them. None of them are fat. They are young, they are nice, they will answer my questions and ask about me and the US. They are not spoiled by the scammer mentality. They write things to impress me, but not just me. They do have other friends.
One thing they do need from me is guidance.
I must be psychic, Rasputin. How did I know you and not Ralph would respond to me?
"BTW, I friend the daughter on FB. She IS ashamed of you."
She is working at least- better than loser father. The new job is at pirate place. She tell me personally. Look on FB and drive your self crazy... it is not there.
Look through her 1200+ friends. I am there. What else do you wish to know? I will ask her.
Rasputin, aka Ralph aka doppelganger, I had not lied to you, as you have said. It is true I have issues with my daughter. Some, I have not discussed with her. For that reason, I will no longer discuss her with you.
your black , bad taste in music , stink of body oder , make fun of dead peoople , chat to under age children, cultivate and sell cannabis to minors , live of unemployment benifits , hang from the roof like a bat , send money to fat blonde ukraine women .... is there anything i have forgotten ... or is there more
dad is a big black failure
your black , bad taste in music , stink of body oder , make fun of dead peoople , chat to under age children, cultivate and sell cannabis to minors , live of unemployment benifits , hang from the roof like a bat , send money to fat blonde ukraine women .... is there anything i have forgotten ... or is there more
OK,Ragingdope...I'LL add useless PARENT to that .