For balance -- anyone can find an awful pig like the young woman described above. Some of the guys on this forum have married them, to their great pain. Be Warned!
Such women can be found anywhere, including Russia for sure. A friend knows a woman from Russia who has married two American men, neither of whom knew that she worked for years as a prostitute in Russia. Ouch.
Not to say that there aren't real differences between Russia and Ukraine -- Ukraine is much poorer, has a LOT more slobbering foreign men looking for women, and a more highly developed "dating industry."
There are very fine women, and horrible vampires, on the dating sites in both countries. The Ukrainian woman I know best is truthful, thrifty, hard-working, and a caring devoted mom -- and exceedingly intelligent as well.
In my experience, folks in the FSU are rather more bigoted than I am used to at home (in the USA). Quite well-educated people have told me that you can identify Jews by their smell, people from Caucasus are a load of thieves, etc. And some Russians enjoy looking down on Ukrainians as backward, poorly educated, self-aggrandizing, unable to control their passions (screaming fights in public), etc. etc. So when I hear a Russian talking about Ukraine, I keep in mind that there might be prejudice in play.
FSU dating is a minefield. Anyone can get blown up, and woe to the unwary.
i must admit, with all my travel over there's,, over 4 weeks in Ukraine and around 4 months in Russia i got to hear some interesting stuff, mostly in Ukraine.
what surprised me was the thieving in Ukraine at high levels, seemed more so then Russia.
Russia seem good with their backhanders and its a process not to be f#cked with.
the helpless disgust by normal Ukraine's willing to tell me of their pure greediness was rather sad.
the worst i was told was the excavation of WW2 soldiers around Sevastopol by Germany of all who had fallen a few years before i was there.
German's spent many millions doing such and gave the Ukraine's the same amount of the total cost to local government to do something with the supposedly Russian Ukraine bones they put aside from their diggings.
we are talking many many millions $,, now they dont know where the moneys gone?
stealing off the dead is seriously the bottom of the pit.
with such normality of blatant carry on's as this no wonder these girls think its ok to milk foreigners.
could write a book on what i was told of in Ukraine about Ukraine's thievering, if its true or not who knows.
but look at how their top government preforms,,,,, what a mess, they are a fine example for other Ukraine's indeed.
Durak,,, the best way to tell who has the most scammers, is to go to a scammer website and count!! Both countries have too many!!
You are right,, the Russian people are very bigoted! My Ira spoke very often about the
Caucasus, and sometimes she would say; the provinces?! How the people were dirty and only trying to disrupt their lives?? This happened back in the late 1990’s,,, Russia was having many problems at that time.
Ira was a person with many contradictions. One moment she would hate her country,,, even to hate the colour red, and to hate political parties!! I received a letter from our Republican party,, asking for money of course,,, I told her who it was from and she ripped the letter out of my hands and threw it away!!! I guess she had forgotten the Rep. congressman who helped us with the INS???
Then she would be full of pride,,, we were talking about the leaders of our countries, and I asked her; Who were the two other guys, between Brezhnev and Gorbachev??? Her reply;,,,, They are not “guys” they are MEN!!!!!!!
I also remember the conversation between myself and another Irina,, the interpreter from Tver!! Wow!! She could be drowning in a river,,, and still claim not to be wet!! We had started to talk about the price of fuel, and how expensive it is!! She claimed that their gas was over 6USD per gallon????? I’m looking out of the window at all of the gas stations,,,, the price is ranging from 19 to 30 per liter!! I’m thinking to myself,,, no,,, it’s cheaper than at home!! I told her it was cheaper! No No,,, I know this,,, it is 6 dollars!!! Okay,,, I haven’t had any sleep for over 30 hours,,,,,,,, but,,,, there is no way she could be correct. I told her,,, one dollar is 32 rubles,,,, there is 3.78 liters in a gallon,,, so it’s less than $3.78 a gallon!!!! About ten minutes later she gave in!!
Kiwi,,, the reason you don’t hear much news about corruption and crime in Russia,, (while in Russia),, is that they are not allowed to report it!!!! Everything is wonderful and great,,, that’s all the people need to know!!!
DUNT claims, that the Russian people have more freedom than we do??!! He must be thinking of just the criminals,,, Yes, they do have a lot of freedom!! As long as the right palms are being powered,,, everything is wonderful and great!! The ordinary people are screwed,, but so what,,, they have no money and hence,,, no voice!!!
Rb,,, I have always wondered if the “danny42” character could ever be real?? As everyone here knows,,, he is the dumbest person on Earth!! How could he ever live to be 42,, or 43 or 44??? He doesn’t know how old he is!!! Lol Certainly by now,,, nature would have dealt with him!! I could easily see the danny42 character try and screw a toaster,,, stick his tongue on RR tracks when it’s -30F. Pee into a breaker box and so on!!!!
If danny42 is a real person,,, he is getting by on luck alone!!
I enjoyed your stories about the two Irinas. Yes, I have noticed how stubborn! Wow, donkeys and mules could take lessons from some of the russian-speaking women I have met.
As for the mixed feelings about the homeland ... I know an expatriate who runs a business in Russia with his native wife. She does most of the paperwork, which involves mountains of bureaucratic red-tape (Americans who complain about govt. interference HAVE NO F***ING IDEA what bad looks like), and complains bitterly about how hard it is to deal with Russian government. But if HE says something critical about the Russian government, she fiercely defends it!
No disrespect to your girl, who surely knows much more than I do about the love/hate relationship between Ukraine and Russia. But I think that many Russians who say "Ukraine is like this," or "Ukrainians are like that," have not lived in Ukraine ... many of them have never even visited there! As far as I have been able to learn, for every difference between the two populations, there are 10 similarities. To get the most realistic picture, I would talk with people who have lived in both countries.
I doubt if Danny has been to Ukraine. Yet, many of his posts about Ukrainians labels them as scammers. There is no point in discussing this with him. Even when the discussion is not about scammers, he has changed the subject to that. He has slandered many Ukrainians whom he has not met.
Many are held dear to the forum members trying to discuss them.
Skill???? Dunt,, I didn’t know you had such a sense of humour???? Or are you delusional???
Broke?? Who’s broke,,, or what’s broke?? Why would you say such a thing?? If it makes you feel better about yourself,,,, then yes,, I am broke!! Can you lend me a few dollars so I can go to McD’s and order a value meal???? lol
I’m not even getting by?? Oh that’s right,,, I’m broke!! I forgot about that!!!!
No wife,, true! You don’t have one either!!!! Dumb a$$!!
No girlfriend?? Hmmmm? If not,,, then why am I planning to buy someone a computer on my next visit??
But how could I do that,,,,, you said; I’m broke???? D’OH!!
Spell check?? Yep, you bet!!! You see DUNT,,, I’m smart enough to know I need one!!!!! It’s the difference between you and me,,, I try NOT to be ignorant!!!!
lonely,, i think you are kind of right, more of a putins law thing, anything in his world of doings is queaky clean.
the best one i heard in russia was a company executive or what ever on their TV who was needed for a court hearing or something like such for dodgy dealings in the company.
she was of the highest paid in the biggest forestry timber company in russia, payed millions(or just overly high) a year in salary.
but no one could find her and she just didnt make any appearances at this court herring.
her name came up on a search as a young hairdresser in her beginnings who did a diploma for business while cutting hair.
from finishing her diploma instantly she became one of Russia's highest paid executives of actually running this company.
anyway media were asking why or how can she be invisible when she is a politician now, and why would she go from a million dollar salary to a 50,000 one?
well that was the translation i got...
kiwi,,, I think her skills were not cutting hair,, or business!! She got paid under the table,,, and did most of her work under a desk!!! Like Monica and Bill Clinton!!
Part of that big salary was most likely given back as in a kick-back! This is a guess though!!
She isn't a racist? Why do you need to state that? Aren't Russians and Ukrainians the same race? I think your fiance is just like you. You look for the bad in people, exploit that and tell them everyone else how bad they are. You do that to make yourself look good, which it doesn't. It makes you enemies like you have done in the forum.
"But she also warns him that Ukraine girls want one thing .... Money and a better life and will do anything to get it . She says most Ukraine girls are never happy they want more more more."
Who is ever happy? Once you attain something that you say will make you happy, are you happy? Look at you. You look at "perfect women" and say you wish you were single like LR. Who does not want money and a better life?
That is not a Ukrainian trait. It is also a Russian, American, Australian..... it is a people trait. "Will do anything to get it" is crap. Take the greediest among them and there will be something he will not do to get it.